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Ok i have everything prepared and setup, here how it will work;

Note: due to timezone problems i may take at max 1 day to reply, if i'm wake i will reply you basically on the same hour

Since fanbox won't allow me make the tier with the custom pledge please go to my patreon and do a custom pledge of 160USD, the archive link will be send on your patreon DM, use this only if you did not make any past pledge !.

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/SoDevs


For the ones with past pledges you need follow this small tutorial so i can give you the discount and everything;

- dm me with your fancard (you get one from fanbox, is a little image), use the "add image" button, i will not open any links.

- i will dm you back with the calc of your discount, my patreon page where you can choose a custom amount and a random key.

- after you pledge if the custom amount on my patreon, send me a DM on patreon if your key, after that i will send you a link with the full archive.


why just dont do the custom pledge on fanbox ? (because i can't change the price after the tier is made).

why i need send you the key that you send me ? (for me know that it's you who dm me).

why i need send my fancard ? (for me easily see your fanbox name, so i can calculate how much months and which tier you was before and calculate the amount of discount too).

How i do the requests ? (send me the motion/motion name, character name, outfit you want, map and the strip order. I will not accept OC's requests, Furry's requests).

When you will work on the requests ? (on my free time, i normally have 3 hours in 3 days of the week, i will work on them on that time)

The requests will be permanently ? (maybe but i don't think so)


For the iwara

i'm still trying to upload but iwara really don't like me, i will maybe just upload stuff at sankaku that seems to have a better upload process and servers.



{Rei} Rei is glads to see you back, evens in such a limited way. Has missed you an' been hopings you's okays since what happened. You were always reallies nice to Rei evens when other fans of yours was nots, an' you made a lotta stuff she likes, toos, so.. *Offers gentles kitten cheekrubbies.* {Nezumi} We'll look into this when we're feeling less... dead. Thanks for the heads-up!