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I'm tired of these leakers, go fuck your kemono party, you won't have the content to steal if I don't produce any more right? you can't steal content if you don't have access anymore right?

If someone still wants me to continue then the first kemono party should go down.

I am pausing the payment cycle for all my platforms, do not subscribe to any more tier and if possible cancel your subscription at the end of this month.

the platforms did not give me any support except for the substar that told me to activate some filters.

patreon literally sent a "do it yourself" but if i produce some loli content in any place devil saying that this content is financed by my project on their page

report kemono party directly to their service providers, in addition to your favorite artists if they are listed on to do the same, they are taking out all the means of financial gain from artists who need it to survive

this is their public email: admin@kemono.party

Send reports to the cloud flare directly: https://www.cloudflare.com/abuse/

let liberapay know what they're doing: https://liberapay.com/about/contact

let namescheap.com know as one of their services is being used: https://www.namecheap.com/support/knowledgebase/article.aspx/9196/5/how-and-where-can-i-file-abuse-complaints/

flood the admin email and tell them to stop distributing pirated and stolen content

admin public email adress: admin@kemono.party

admin public email adress: kaizo@tuta.io



You're overreacting. There's piracy websites and then there's file sharing websites. KP is the closer to the latter, and should be ignored since like most file sharing sites, they have to pay out of their own pockets to keep the servers running, and anyone donating to them through cryptocurrency is taking a huge risk the host isn't going to close the site and run off with their donations (this is what happened to the site that preceded KP). All you're doing by removing your files is driving your fans away from supporting you and advertising the existence of a competitor rehosting your stuff. By trying to start a vendetta, you're only going to garner spitefulness from random users unaffiliated with KP that may haunt you so long as the spiteful party remains motivated to be a thorn in your side. Your true battle is with the leaker, not KP. You want to turn the leaker into someone who wants to see you survive and prosper versus a leaker who wants you to crash and burn.