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The Senpai series is able to reach its sixth episode, thanks to everyone’s love and support. We are also particularly grateful for the message and encouragement from one of the sponsors. We have received your enthusiasm. Thank you, fresh. Although in the end the screenwriter chose to refer to the original work, we also modified part of the process in the hope that it can slightly satisfy your vision. We also didn’t say that there won’t be any sequels to the senpai series in the future. We will continue to update and bring more characters to the TSF adaptation story. 前辈系列能做到第六集,要感谢各位的喜爱与支持。 我们也特别感激其中一位赞助者的留言跟鼓励,你的热情我们收到了。 谢谢你,fresh。 虽然最后编剧还是选择参考原作,但是我们也修改了部分过程,希望能稍微满足你的构想。 我们也没说未来不会出前辈系列的外传。 我们会持续保持更新并带来更多人物的TSF改编故事。 先輩シリーズも皆様の愛と応援のおかげで第6話を迎えることができました。 また、協賛企業様からは大変感謝の意を表し、熱いご声援をいただきました。 ありがとう、fresh。 最終的には脚本家が原作を参考にさせていただきましたが、少しでもご満足いただける内容になればと思い、一部改変させていただきました。 また、将来的先輩シリーズの続編が存在しないとは言っていません。 私たちは今後も更新を続け、TSF 適応ストーリーにさらに多くのキャラクターを登場させていきます。




I really like this series but it always feels like some pages are missing or you're just skipping parts of the story to the point you can't really read it and understand the story.


It's too bad it feels like the storyline is going too fast, we'll pay attention and improve it. Thank you for your suggestions and please continue to support us, thank you


We have modified the 24th picture to make the turning point of the story