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現場猫オジちゃん☺️Old man cat on the scene: ☺️




























































I may have mentioned this in the past, but there's a famous swimming school in my hometown.

I went there for five years from primary 1 to 5. ☺️

There were over 400 students enrolled and I really enjoyed it, making friends with kids from outside the school.

There were classes from 3 to 12, and children who passed level 4 were entitled to move up to the athlete development course and

The right to attend classes at any time from Monday to Saturday (usually 1-2 times a week).

They are provided with a cool special swimming costume,

Only the third level is treated very differently and is the envy of the students.

However, the only requirement for passing level 3 is an exam once a month.

The only requirement for passing Level 3 is a 100 m individual medley time of less than two minutes from the diving,

More than 90% of the children quit before passing level 4.

It was impossible for anyone below Grade 3 to pass due to muscular problems.

It took me about seven months to go from grade 4 to grade 3🥹.

I went up to Grade 3 around Grade 4 and I was not sure whether to go up to the athletes' course or not.

I decided not to go on the athletes' course, but to stay on the general course at level 3 and attend 5 times a week.

(Many children made this choice, but most of them came twice a week and I was the only one who came five times a week.)

Even if you're not on the athletes' course, you're made to swim 1000m or so as a warm-up.

It's so hard that kids who can't keep up are put back in the 4th level lane.

I had to cycle to the school, which was a few kilometres from my house, because my parents said they couldn't take me there.

Most of the people on the athletes' course were middle and high school students, and all the athletes had six-packs because of their body structure.

I looked like an adult and I was scared to mix with them...

Above all, I didn't feel like I could keep up with the three hours of practice every day, five times a week.

The only reason I was swimming was simply because it was fun.

I didn't want to be an athlete.

But because I was going seriously five times a week, I got better and better and my times improved.

In the Level 3 residency group, I almost always came in first in my exam times.

I was frequently scouted by the teachers, who said, "Come and join the athletes' course!

I was frequently scouted by the teachers and asked to join the athletes' course.

'Why do they care so much about me?' I always wondered.

Now I think about it, the teacher who was feared as a devil coach was very kind to me.

He probably never once got angry with me.

If I had learned and used the quick turn on my own, he would have said.

She said, "There's already a kid who can do the quick turn that I was going to teach everyone later! Show everyone!"

And they all went up to the poolside, except me, and I set the example.

Since then, I was often chosen to be the role model 🦁✨.

I was also in a famous youth football team at the time, but I didn't want to go, so I was a dropout.

On the same team, there was a boy called M who scored a lot of goals by himself and I looked up to him a lot, but I couldn't talk to him because he was too different from me.

One day he came into the fourth level of swimming and looked at me with sparkling eyes... I was so happy and encouraged him to swim more! I was so happy that I practised harder and got to know her a little better.

(She stopped coming after a while.)

In the fifth grade, I was still swimming as hard as ever, but I lost my goal because there was no one faster than me, and there were more and more kids who didn't swim seriously and didn't follow the unspoken rule (to give up their turn to a kid who swims faster than you), so I had to save my swimming speed because I had to catch up with the lapsed kids so quickly, and I had to practice every day from 5pm to 1am. I couldn't play with my friends because we practised from 5pm to 9am every day, and I was the only one who didn't watch Pokémon anime at school, so I couldn't keep up with the conversation. All my friends quit swimming.

I said I was quitting and quit suddenly.

The teacher asked me, "Why are you quitting? You worked so hard, it's a waste!

But I said, "I want to quit!" I said, "I want to quit!

I remembered how hard I swam when I was a child, and when I looked it up...

My time back then was good enough to make it to the finals of the prefectural championships 😂.

I was in the fourth grade and my 50m freestyle time was 36 seconds.

But I wasn't an athlete, so I didn't have a chance to compete.

I didn't even know how good I was.

In fact, on rare occasions, students from the athletes' course who didn't have the time to practice would come to the general course.

On the day of the record test, I happened to compete in the 50 m freestyle with two students from the athletes' course, and I said to them

I said to myself, "I'm not going to lose!" I gave it my all and thought I had a good competition.

But by the time I touched them, they had finished with time to spare and were chatting with each other..!

I went to look at the times on the board and they were 28 and 29 seconds...

I beat my personal best, but the average time for the remaining third class group was 49 seconds, so I was even more scared of the racers' course when I realised how different it was.

Looking back, I now understand why the teachers were so kind to me 😂.

If I had attended the athletes' course, maybe my life would have been different.

I think I was good at DDR because of my physical fitness from swimming.

I made a lot of friends thanks to quitting, though, so I never regretted it.

I still had no way of knowing that over the next five years my weight would triple.

It's been 25 years since then... I haven't swum properly once, I might never swim again 🥹.




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