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psdはまた後で💦 psd will be available later💦.

Bと遊ぼうアーカイブ1 Eng NSFW★♯2860

爆即でアーカイブ作った( ^ω^) 🐻 よう、今回も生き延びちまったな。 🐻 Yo, you survived this time too. 🐻お前との付き合いも案外長いもんだ。 🐻この♂臭いパーティはいつまで続くんだろうな。 🐻I've known you longer than I thought. 🐻I wonder how long this dick-smelling party will last. 🐻お前が可愛い♀...

🐻ほらほら、顔についちまうぞ( ^ω^)


Oh, look, look, it's getting on my face.

Oh my God, I'm getting a boner.




Damn, this is getting weird.

I'm gonna go pull it out, are we done here?

!!! You want to see it...are you serious...?



🐻(Why am I even listening to you...)

🐻Special seat, take a good look.



🐻Ugh! ...... haha, not like this.

🐻What!!! Even I used to fly more buuuut!




Holy shit 🐻Here you go, avoid it or you'll get my dirty juices all over you!

🐻...Fuu...can you go get me something to wipe up with?


🐻!!! 何してんだ!(//∀//)




🐻!!! What are you doing!!! (Holy shit!)

🐻That's not what I meant by wipes! 💦

What are you taking off?




Holy shit 🐻 ohhhhhh!




🐻...you drank my cum...?

🐻...are you that turned on by me...?

🐻...are you that turned on by my dick?




Bubba! It's not that good! That's my dad's dick💦.

🐻(Even though the guy is a dick, I've never been asked for so much before...)

🐻...you suck it so good....




🐻What...I feel strange...

🐻Do you like my dick that much? (Holy shit!)

🐻Oh yeah, you like it that much💦?




I can suck you even deeper...!

That's amazing...!

Where did you learn such a technique💦?





Oh my god...!

🐻Wicked, it came out...even though I just ejaculated a while ago.

You idiot! Don't show me that! ...shut your mouth!

You... you...! You drank that stuff again, it ain't gonna taste good! (Holy shit!)






🐻Hahahaha, you... why are you here...


Are you kidding me 🐻! I'm a nearly 50 year old man!

🐻...you stupid bastard!

🐻Let me think about it a little....

Bと遊ぼう アーカイブ3 Eng NSFW★♯2934

お待たせしました😁 Sorry to keep you waiting 😁. 🐻なんだぁ?言いたいことがあるなら隠さず言え!ガハハ 🐻?マッサージってなんだ?? 🐻ほう、疲れが取れる…じゃあ早速今晩頼むぜ! What is it? If you have something to say, don't hide it! Gahaha! 🐻? What's a massage? I'll get you a massage tonight! 🐻こ...
