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       レベルE  ジャンル:SFエイリアン物 著者:富樫義博


レベルEを読んだのをきっかけに漫画には密度があると言うことを意識するようになりました。なぜならブリーチは1冊10分で読み終わるのに対し、レベルEは一冊1時間近くかかるし圧倒的にレベルEの方が面白かったからです (´,,•ω•,,`)










出会った時期 16歳頃


This is a self-satisfaction series where I talk about my favorite manga with my memories as I please.

My memories of the game were hard to prep, so I'm going to do without those.

So please forgive me if I'm wrong about it 💦.

          Level E Genre: Sci-Fi Alien

This is the only manga that was serialized once a month in Weekly Shonen Jump.

After reading Level E, I became aware of the fact that manga has density. Because Bleach takes 10 minutes to read a book, whereas Level E takes almost an hour to read a book, and Level E was by far the more interesting by far.

I've come to believe that there's a difference in the amount of time you can enjoy a comic for the same amount of money. (´,,•ω•,,`)

By the way, the least dense manga I've ever read is Baki.

(I can finish reading a book in 5 minutes.)

However, the intensity of the content is not proportional to the fun.

Baki is interesting, and there are some, like Samurai 8, that are dense but not at all interesting.

A manga that is less dense but interesting can turn into an anime ☺️.

I liked it so much that even after I moved to Tokyo, I carried it around in my bag all the time, and I even drew a manga about Level E for a school project.

I was happy when the anime adaptation was decided after more than 10 years, but it was a mess because the original anime's original direction ruined all the goodness of the original work... (It's better after the middle of the show.)

Level E is my favorite sci-fi comic (*'-'*).

I met him when I was about 16.

I will only post my favorite works, so I won't give them a rating 🦁✨✨



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