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The journey to the nursery was a fairly uneventful one. However, Jessie did marvel at the strength displayed by her gargantuan guardian. It was one thing to carry her around the first floor. The redhead prided herself on her slim figure and assumed that she was just that light weight, but when she was lugged up the stairs on the hip of her captor, Jessie was blown away. 'This woman is as strong as a Machamp!' Both women were flanked by Mr. Devonshire and the delivery guy ascending the stairs in unison with them. The young criminal wished that he would just leave already. His Machokes had already assembled her high chair, playpen and whatever else her captors had bought for her. Nonetheless, the Pokemon stood at the base of the stairs while the humans left their sight. "Here we are, princess chubby cheeks!" Jessie was pulled from her thoughts as the nursery door was flung open by her adoptive mother's flabby arm. The sight before the thief stunned her. The entire room was filled with huge baby furniture all sized up and ready for her. There was a green colored crib against the light blue wall, an enormous changing table was nearby, but the one object which caught her most off guard was a huge wooden Ponyta. A rocking Ponyta to be more precise. "Oh my goodness!" Mrs. Devonshire squealed in delight. "I thought you'd like that, honey." "It's magnificent! She's going to love riding it tomorrow!" Jessie merely cringed and thanked whichever Pokemon Diety allowed her expression to go unnoticed by the "adults" in the room. One thing did trouble her immensely. Her "bed" seemed to come complete with a locking lid. Basically, it was a wooden jail cell. She didn't have much time to contemplate this new development since she was lifted up by Mrs. Devonshire. "What do you say, bubble butt?" Jessie flamed internally as she absolutely despised this fat bitch. Still she knew she had to play along. Mr. Devonshire may know who she is, but this insane woman was still clueless as to her true intentions. "Fank you, mama." The redhead muttered in baby talk as a little bit of drool trickled down from her mouth. "Aww, isn't that sweet?" "Yes, she's going to love her new room. We couldn't have done it without you, erm. What is your name?" "Jack. And you're very welcome, Mr. Devonshire. I suppose it's time my crew and I get going." The delivery man shook Mr. Devonshire's hand and the two men left the adult baby nursery leaving behind Jessie and her new mommy. "It's time for bed, bubble butt." "Stop calling me that!" Jessie whined as her huge caretaker lifted the diapered diva up and deposited her onto the soft mattress. Mrs. Devonshire quickly lowered the wooden bars down onto the top of the four foot tall crib section, effectively jailing Jessie for the night when she locked the lid. "Good night, baby girl. Mommy is going to love taking care of you!" The large woman turned off all the lights with a flip of the switch on the wall and closed the door. Jessie struggled to get to her knees, she could only kneel due to the lack of room inside the sealed off crib. The thief tested the wooden bars above her, shaking them with her hands firmly gripped, but the bars wouldn't budge. She slunk onto her padded posterior in defeat. Her legs were forced apart by the infantile diaper and her thighs couldn't even touch each other when the young woman sat onto her thickly padded bottom. Jessie squeezed her legs together, trying to get her knees to touch each other. The nighttime disposable was much thicker and heavier than the diaper she wore when she gained entry into the manor. Frustrated with the situation, the redhead laid in her new crib, she felt as if her butt was raised off of the mattress by a few inches. Under different circumstances, this would be a rather comfortable sensation, but she was basically in a baby version of jail. This thought kept her from enjoying the luxuriously soft mattress and pillow strapped to her ass. 'I'll just rest my eyes for a little bit and break out of here when they feel better.' A sudden noise jolted the diaper clad criminal from her slumber. The petite lady almost hit her head on the bars above, but just barely missed them. She looked around the bright pink room which was illuminated by the morning light. 'Shit. I fell asleep!' Mrs. Devonshire waltzed over to the crib containing her prize. The baby woman within looked startled and was looking around sporadically for the source of the disruption. The large woman opened the lid of the wooden, infantile cage and dropped a large, one liter baby bottle of Miltank milk onto the mattress. Jessie had to admit that she was thirsty and started drinking from the bottle to not only quench her thirst, but to keep up appearances. What the diapered criminal didn't know was that the contents of the bottle were mixed with a high protein formula complete with diuretics and laxatives. Mrs. Devonshire wanted her new baby to begin using those expensive disposables and she knew that a little chemical persuasion would expedite things. "That's a good baby, drink it all up for mommy." Mrs. Devonshire cooed down at Jessie before turning away from the captive adult baby and returning to the boxes. Midway through the massive baba, Jessie felt a sharp pain from her bladder. She knew that this nut job wouldn't let her use a toilet and, even if she did, it'd probably be something insanely infantile like an oversized potty chair. So, with a great feeling of helplessness, the redhead let her bladder go and felt her diaper began to warm. Jessie felt a slick sensation between her thighs as her mound was saturated in urine. The disposable that encased her loins swelled outward slightly. It was almost like being forced to wear a giant sponge. Well, when it was wet it felt like a huge sponge wrapped around her petite crotch. Feeling a mixture of disgust and arousal, Jessie dropped the half drained bottle and tried to stand up in her crib. The extra heft from the saturated disposable threw off Jessie's center of gravity and, coupled with the extremely soft mattress, made standing up more difficult. However, the thief used the railing of the crib to hold herself up. "Hey!" The redhead called out. "I need a change of pants!" Mrs. Devonshire turned around from the few remaining boxes which were opened and walked back over to the petite diaper girl. Without mentioning a single word, Jessie's leg band was penetrated by the large woman's finger and pulled out from the soggy diaper. "That's a good job , but that diaper should be able to take another wetting or two." Jessie couldn't believe her ears. 'Another wetting or two?!' "No!" The petulant adult whined. "Change me now or I'll get a rash!" "That's cute, but babies don't tell their mommy when it's time to change their diapers." Jessie stomped her foot as a vein appeared on her forehead. "Look, you'll change me right now or I'll start screaming until you do!" "Oh, does my little potty pants want a spanking?" "I, umm." Jessie immediately shrank under her captor's stern gaze. "No." "Are you sure? If I didn't know any better, you were practically begging to go over my knee." The diapered thief held her tongue. "That's better. Now let's get you out of that silly pink shirt. I want to see how cute you are." Before Jessie could object, the large woman had already yanked her shirt off exposing her white silk bra. "Oh my." The large woman frowned as she looked over Jessie's chest. "You're much too young for a bra!" "If I don't wear a bra my boobs will start to sag! Mrs. Devonshire ripped off the white bra, rendering it useless and freeing Jessie's ample breasts. Jessie quickly wrapped her hands around her C cups, but fell down onto her wet diapered butt since she let go of the railing. The large woman chuckled deeply, causing her belly to jiggle. "Maybe once we get a little meat on your bones we can get you a nice training bra, but until then, mommy wants you topless so we can get some sun on your skin." "I'm not going anywhere." Jessie shouted as she held her boobs close to her body with her hands. Mrs Devonshire held up her meaty palm and Jessie's temper once more shrank at the prospect of another fierce spanking. "Now let's get you out of the crib and take you out for your morning walk." Things were escalating out of control. The criminal knew that she would never truly be in control of the situation since she was so much skinnier than the obese woman who treated her like a baby, but she never imagined herself being stuck here for longer than a day at the most. To make matters worse, this behemoth wanted her to run around topless. Jessie found herself being lifted up, from the crib, and once more perched on the large woman's hip. Mrs. Devonshire started walking away from the crib when she remembered that her big baby hadn't finished her baba. She quickly retrieved it and used her right hand to shove it into Jessie's mouth. "Now I expect that entire bottle to be finished or no diaper change today." Jessie knew that this crazy lady wasn't bluffing and, even if she was, the redhead didn't dare call her bluff. She started chugging the baba vigorously with her free hand as her new mother carried her down to the first floor where Mr. Devonshire was waiting for the two women. Jessie could care less about him, but it was the contraption he was standing next to that caused her immense concern. "My word. Is that a stroller?!" "It sure is, honey lumps. I figured you'd want to parade our baby around the town." Jessie couldn't even begin to comprehend how such a huge stroller could even exist. 'It has to be custom made.' The redhead thought as she stared at it from Mrs. Devonshire's hip. Gleaming red metal framed a large seat which sat low and came complete with a five point harness to secure the rider in. Jessie knew that once she was buckled in there would be no escape. "You know me too well!" The large woman practically squealed as she lowered the young adult into the contraption and quickly strapped her in. Jessie felt her guts churn as the tightness from the restraints only exacerbated the pain in her stomach. 'I have to find a way to escape before I really make a mess.' After a short trip through the woods, which enveloped the Manor, the two women found themselves walking up to the edge of the small town. Well, walking was not quite the correct term for Jessie. The redhead had remained snuggly secured in her stroller while Mrs. Devonshire gently pushed the oversized infantile conveyance along the path. "Please, ugh, mommy." Jessie tried desperately to get her captor's attention. "I need to use the toilet!" "Shhh, that's enough of that nonsense, baby. You're wearing your potty." Before Jessie could argue, her captor quickly stuck a large, rubber nipple into her mouth. The criminal tried to spit out the large pacifier, but the mamoswine of a woman held it in place and clicked the shield of the binky which caused the teat to inflate, effectively gagging the imprisoned diapered redhead. "Mmmppphhh!" Jessie shouted into the bulb of the infantile gag, doing her best to spit it from her mouth, but it just wouldn't budge. "That's much better, baby. Don't you agree?" Mrs. Devonshire chuckled and continued to push the stroller into town. Despite being silenced, the young criminal had more pressing issues currently letting themselves be known to the world. Her tiny tummy rumbled and groaned violently, releasing hot spurts of muck into the awaiting pamper. Every now and then, Jessie could successfully clench her butt and hold back some of the mess, but the impending fetid tsunami was brewing. She knew that her body couldn't hold out much longer like this. In the distance, a small group of school children gathered around a Pokemon battle which was playing out in the center of town. A few adults watched the battle with their children and niether the youngsters or their respective guardians took notice of the giant stroller approaching. That was until the passenger within the stroller finally lost her battle with her body. *BLART!* A horrified moan came from behind the pacifier gag as Jessie unleashed everything into her plastic backed underwear. The oversized disposable took all the abuse like a champion, but the stench couldn't be contained from the audience watching the battle. A few children and adults had to pinch their noses while some of them looked around for the source of the putrid smell. Suddenly, the diapered redhead was spotted by a couple of the kids who rapidly tugged on their mother or father's clothes. "Mommy, why is that adult in a diaper?" "Daddy, did that lady just poop her pampers?" These were the most common questions that could be heard coming from the children before they were quickly shushed by their parents. The adults knew not to anger or question what Mrs. Devonshire was doing. The crazy rich woman practically owned the town and her husband's company employed many of the parents. To ridicule the boss's wife, or their mentally challenged relative, was career suicide. Ultimately, Mrs. Devonshire pulled the stroller next to a nearby bench and started to unstrap her adult baby. She knew that she could practically get away with murder and didn't care who saw her change her daughter's diaper publicly. Afterall, in her mind it didn't matter if her daughter was two years old or a mentally challenged eighteen year old brat who backed talk. A dirty diaper was a dirty diaper. She wasn't going to continue her walk when pungent pampers needed changing. Jessie viscously fought against her massive captor. Kicks were thrown and arms flailed. However, the large Snorlax of a woman held her own, she was just much more stronger than the petite redhead in a fully loaded pair of Huggies. A few slaps to Jessie's thighs definitely forced the girl's submission and she laid out onto the bench without any more rebelling. A sickening squelch came from the diaper as the mess within spread from the pressure of being laid upon. With nowhere for it to go, the mess quickly coated her pubic mound and ass. The added bulk from the muck made maneuvering around harder for Jessie. All she could do was lift her legs and stare pleadingly into her jailer's eyes, hoping not to be put on public display in such a humiliating way. "Don't worry, poopy princess. Mommy has plenty of wipes for that big butt of yours." That response spoke volumes to the young adult. She knew that not only would there be no respect for her modesty, but that this most intimate ritual would be done out in public of all places. Here she laid, sprawled out on a bench, topless and wearing only a dirty diaper. "Noo! Not here!" Jessie cried out. "Take me home!" A strong glare from Mrs. Devonshire made the redhead instantly regret her outburst. The burly woman quickly ripped open the destroyed diaper and revealed a very messy situation to both women. Jessie cringed and tightly closed her eyes, telling herself that this was all a bad dream. 'This has to be a nightmare!' Mrs. Devonshire started the change by wiping a baby wipe firmly across Jessie's pussy. Front to back, gathering all the mess into the disposable until she decided to lift the petite woman's legs up by her ankles. Jessie felt her butt rise up off of the padding and kept her eyes tightly shut as her ass was literally lifted up for everyone to see. Every now and then she'd yelp out loud from the woman inadvertently pressing her fingers against her pussy, but these little intrusions were nothing compared to what happened next. Jessie felt her eyes almost bug out of her head when the large woman stuck a large, meaty finger wrapped in a baby wipe up her butthole. "Ahhh!" "Shhhh, I know poopy pants, but mommy has to make sure you're all clean up there." Jessie didn't want to respond. What could she even say that wouldn't get her ass spanked while being held over her new mommy's lap? Luckily only a few people watched and most of the children were shushed by their parents. After the redhead was taped into a fresh diaper, the spectators moved on as a lone woman stepped forward. "Umm, I hate to interrupt, but isn't she a bit old to be in diapers? I mean, she looks like she's my age and I just turned twenty three last week." "Young lady, my daughter is mentally challenged. She can't make it to the potty and I have tried to potty train her." "Oh, I apologize for bothering you. I was just caught off guard is all. I've never seen a person suffering from mental problems be treated in such a way." The young blonde stated. "My daughter never grew out of babyhood so she doesn't know anything else but her mommy's love and care. I personally think that this lifestyle is what's best for her, don't you agree?" "I suppose that makes sense. Sorry again for bugging you and your daughter." 'Is this ever going to end?' Jessie couldn't help but think about how bad things had gotten. First she vowed not to wet the diaper, then she swore she wouldn't mess herself and now a girl very close to her age was looking at her naked, diaper clad body while talking to her looney captor about how she was treated. Every promise she made to herself had been broken. Now her stomach started gurgling from hunger. What fresh hell would this new turn of events invoke? "Oh, looks like my little pamper pooper is hungry. Wave bye bye to the nice woman, princess!" Mrs. Devonshire commanded as she lifted Jessie's hand up to make the diapered woman weakly wave it at her peer. Thankfully, Jessie assumed that this public humiliation was drawing to a close and she was right. Her captor scooped her up off the bench and sat her back down into her luxurious stroller. She then proceeded to push Jessie out of town towards the manor. Once she had the stone she would do everything in her power to block that horrible diaper change from her memory. 'Easily the worst experience of my entire life.' While sitting in her stroller, the leader of her criminal band of outcasts came to a positive conclusion about the interaction between her crazed mother and the random young lady: 'At least the topic of babysitting never reared its ugly head.' She needed as little supervision as possible to grab the gem. Jessie focused on planning her next move from her infantile wheelchair. She may have been strapped in, but surely when she got back to the mansion she'd be freed To Be Continued...


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