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---Later that afternoon---

Usagi had awoken sometime after arriving home. She wiped the sleep from her eyes as she looked around, seeing cribs bars all around her. The pigtailed scout recalled being pushed through the streets naked, save for a thick diaper, and then it all went blank. 'I must have fallen asleep or something on the way home.'

The blond felt a fleecy material cover her entire body as she stretched out. She was clad in a warm and fuzzy pink footie pajama, but didn't remember ever being dressed in it. That didn't trouble her, the sizable lump of warm mush in the back of her thick huggies did. 'When did I do that?'

"Ewwww!" Usagi cried out in her whiny tone of voice. "Mommmy!"

"Aww, did my little girl have a bad dream?" Ikuko cooed as she opened the door to Sailor Moon's nursery.

"Nooooo, needa new diapeee!"

The purple haired vixen smiled. "My big girl is so talkative today."

Usagi kicked her legs, throwing her blanket off of her sleeper clad body as her mother waltzed over to her crib and lowered the bars. "Takin too looong!'

"Calm down, sweetie. There's no rush to grow up. Honestly, I should be complaining about this more than you. I'm the one who has to change your stinky butt." Ikuko chuckled as she scooped up her daughter from underneath the blond's armpits and carried her over to the changing table.

"We don't want to spread the icky poopie monster around in your diaper now, do we?"

"Noooo." The blond replied in a pouting manner.

"Okay, this is going to feel yucky, but mommy has to lay you down."

Usagi looked ar her mother stupidly until her large, bloated diaper hit the surface of the changing table with a loud squelch sound. In an instant that blank look vanished from Sailor Moon's face and she started crying out loud, flailing her arms and kicking her pajama covered legs in distress.

"I warned you, meatball head. Now, don't fight mommy and I'll get you cleaned up as quickly as I can." Ikuko stuck a large, pink pacifier into her crying daughter's mouth.

The teen started to suckle on the oversized soother with vigor and seemingly calmed down from her temper tantrum. With her oversized baby distracted, Ikuko unzipped the pink jammies and went to work changing the loaded pamper. It took half a dozen baby wipes, a fresh coat of powder and a thick, adult sized pamper, but the big blond baby was finally clean and in a fresh diaper.

Usagi now found herself in her mother's lap in nothing but a thick diaper. Unlike at school, she didn't mind being topless around her mom. It wasn't embarrassing; it was comfortable and the warm bottle of milk only added to the comfort. Sometime after the diaper her mother had carried her over to the rocking chair where she so often drank her big bottle while gently being rocked.

"Sometimes, it makes me so happy that you never grew up. Sure, wiping your butt and changing your messy diapers isn't fun, but I love these little moments we share. Seeing you so content and happy warms my heart."

Usagi smiled behind the large baby bottle at her mother. The young lady rarely received such unbridled praise and affection from her mother.

'Wait, why wouldn't mommy shower me with love?'

Instantly a slew of memories bombarded the simpleton; her mother scolding her for failing grades while praising Chibiusa. Yet, those memories soon turned into fun filled afternoons of chatting with her girlfriends about school and boys while dressed in adult outfits. Arguments between said friends about boys followed and then a powerful vision shined brightly in her mind as she saw herself leading her friends into battle. They stood tall, dressed in big girl skirts and tops, vanquishing the forces of evil while she held her crescent wand high in the sky.

This revelation started her and caused her to accidentally leak her formula all over her chin and breasts.

"Such a messy baby girl!" Ikuko cooed as she wiped her daughter's face and perky boobs with a wet wipe.

Poor Usagi shivered slightly, losing the incredible memory she had just reacted to.

"I sowwy, mommy."

"It's alright, baby. You were just daydreaming again."

The blond looked up at her mother with a blank, almost puzzled expression. 'How could I dream if I wasn't asleep in my crib?"

Ikuko chuckled. "Let's get your tummy filled with some yummy dinner and a nice bath afterwards to soothe that sore skin on your bottom. I swear that teacher of yours has no clue how to change a diaper."

With unknown strength Ikuko balanced her daughter on her hip as she approached the dinner table to find Chibi and Shingo scarfing down the meal she had spent the majority of the afternoon preparing.

"Really?" Ikuko asked, slightly annoyed as she sat Usagi in the oversized high chair by her chair. "You two couldn't wait for me to get your sister up from her nap?"

The youngsters continued to eat, replying with mouths full and half hearted excuses about a long day of school or how hungry they were. Even though Chibi was supposed to be the big sister now, she still took after Usagi when it came to eating.

The overworked mother sighed and sat down at her chair. She looked at her teen baby and smiled.

"At least you can wait until mommy takes her seat." IIkuko tickled Usagi under her chin which caused a symphony of childish giggling to erupt from the teen. Once she had tired of tormenting the blond, a spoon full of baby mush was scooped out of a large jar, sitting on the plastic tray of the high chair, and presented to the out of breath teen baby.

"Open up for mommy!" Ikuko cooed.

Sailor Moon grinned and happily opened her mouth. She felt very hungry, even after a big bottle of formula, and waited eagerly for the spoon. Her mommy wasted no time shoveling the green colored goop into her mouth. The taste was horrible and Usagi almost spat it out upon the muck hitting her tongue.

It took a lot of effort for Ikuko to not bust up and start laughing. The faces Usagi made were absolutely priceless and definitely film worthy. Still, no matter how comical the expressions, Ikuko felt bad for her overgrowth baby. "What's the matter, baby? Don't like your num nums?"

"She probably isn't that hungry. I mean, I wouldn't want to eat that stuff." Shingo observed from his side of the table.

"I fed you pureed broccoli when you were a baby and it didn't bother you one bit."

Shingo blushed and returned to eating off of his own plate. His mother probably would slop some of that gunk on his plate too if he continued to talk about it. Chibi kept her mouth shut and didn't look at what was on her mother's tray or what was covering her face. The girl was happy with the food Ikuko cooked and knew that babies, like Usagi, couldn't eat big girl food like she could.

The meal went on in relative silence, Usagi was the only one making any noise as struggle to eat each jar. It seemed like she was getting most of it on her face and bare breasts while her siblings finished their meals. Finally, her meal was finished and Ikuko couldn't help but chastise her big baby for making such a mess.

"Next time, let's try to get some of that in your mouth and not all over your booties."

Chibi took it upon herself to clear the table while Shingo snuck away. It really did appear that the pink haired Senshi was the most mature child in the household and Ikuko took notice of it while wiping Usagi's face and upper body with a baby wipe.

"I really appreciate your help today. Picking up your baby sister for me and clearing the table. Thanks, Chibiusa."

The pint sized scout could only blush and nod before she called out to Ikuko, who was leaving with Usagi to the bathroom.

"It's no problem, Auntie."

"Do me a favor." Ikuko looked back to Chibi while holding a dozing Sailor Moon on her hip. "Make sure Shingo starts his homework. I gotta wash our spoiled princess and put her down for beddie byes."

"Sure thing."

Usagi could barely keet her eyes open as she rested her head against her mother's shoulder. She'd been stuffed with various mashed up vegetables and yummy fruits which caused her normally flat stomach to bloat outward as the girl fell into a food coma. Each step rocked her into a deeper sleep until the teen slightly came to when her mother lowered her into the warm bath water. Still, the soothing warm water only served to increase her drowsiness.

Through random moments of consciousness brought on by being scrubbed, washed, dried and then lifted from the tub, Usagi remembered being bundled up in a soft, warm towel and then taken back to her nursery. Her mother quickly diapered her in a thick, night time disposable diaper before getting her dressed into a nice fuzzy pair of pink footie pajamas that had bunny ears built into the hood. Usagi gazed up from her plush pillows and comfortable baby bedding to see her mommy smiling down at her. She leaned in to kiss her on the forehead and then raised the crib bars.

"Good night, my little meatball head!"

To Be Continued...



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