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Ikuko walked into the preschool classroom pushing her oldest child Usagi, who was strapped into a stroller. The blue haired woman lifted her teen baby from the infantile conveyance and perched her onto her hip while she greeted the caretaker, Mrs. Junko. The teacher and mother exchanged pleasantries and while Usagi grew fussy. The diapered blond spotted her friends at a nearby table, chatting amongst themselves and she wanted to join them so badly. She hated when the adults would talk and started whining loudly. "It's okay, baby. Chibi will be here to pick you up later." Ikuko cooed as she lowered the teen baby to the ground and turned to face the teacher. "The girls all seem to be fussy this morning, Mrs.Tsukino. I'm not sure what's gotten into them." The teacher explained as Usagi started toddling off to be with her friends. "I hope my little meatball head doesn't give you any trouble." Ikuko replied while handing the teacher a diaper bag filled with various toys, supplies and a few snacks. Usagi wandered out of earshot of the two adults and continued to waddle to her friends who were in the middle of their own conversation. The closer she got, the more apparent that Sailor Mars and Makoto weren't in good moods. The scouts at the table were pointing at their various infantile garb and complaining. She noticed that Rei was dressed in her overalls and a pink shirt, sporting a huge bulge around her butt and crotch. The fact that one of her best friends was dressed like an overgrown three year old didn't bother the blond who walked spastically towards the table, on uncoordinated legs. "You have no idea how bizarre my dream was." Rei started. "I was a grown up last night and all of you were there. We were having a sleepover and we all wore big girl clothes and panties. Then, there was some flash of light and I woke up. What's odd is that dream didn't feel like it was a dream. It felt right! This is what feels wrong!" Rei exclaimed and gestured at herself. "I don't normally sleep in some wooden cage wearing only a massive wad of cloth wrapped around my waist!" "Huh, that's odd. I had the same dream. I woke up in this weird green legless shirt thing that you see me wearing now. When I started trying to get out of the crib, I had some stranger I had never seen before walk into my nursery, as she called it, and change my diaper." Makoto slapped her thickly padded ass to drive the point home. "I had my grandfather change me." Rei replied, a blush burnrd brightly on her pale face. "Normally, I'd be sympathetic to your plight, but at least you had a stranger change your disposable. Not only was it incredibly degrading to have my own flesh and blood wipe my loins, but the damned omutsu style cloth made the whole affair last an eternity." "Yeah." Matoko blushed. "My, huh, change was basically her untapping it, cleaning me and putting me back into another pair of pampers. Took like, maybe a minute at the most. The strange part is that I have these weird moments where I genuinely think that woman is my real mother." Rei sighed in frustration as Usagi bumped into the table. All eyes were immediately upon her. "So, Usagi, did you have any dreams last night?" "Wah?" The normally aloof teen sat down in a small chair next to Makoto. "Nope, nod weally." "Huh, well..." Rei was interrupted by a wail coming from the door. All the scouts turned their attention over to the front of the classroom where they saw Minako flailing her limbs wildly while her mother held her against her hip. Sailor Venus was only wearing a thick white pamper, a bib and a big red bow in her blond hair. Her mother apologized profusely to the teacher and let the bundle of fussy energy out of arms and onto the floor. Sailor Venus cowboy walked over to the table as best as she could. The diaper she wore caused her long legs to be bowed out and clumsy. "I gotta rash!" Minako declared to her friends as she took her seat. "I didn't need to know that." Rei retorted. "Same here." Makoto added. "You got a wash?" Usagi asked before adding, "My mommy gave me a tubby too!" "No, I got a pain on my tushy!" Venus whined. Before either of the two mature scouts could regain control of the conversation they noticed a unique sight, considering their surroundings. It was their friend, Ami, who walked into the room on her own two velcro clad feet wearing a modest pair of shorts and a uniform top similar to what Usagi had on. No real bulk was evident around her midsection, but she was leashed to her mother's hand by a toddler's reign that was secured over her chest. It was definitely degrading, but compared to the stroller Rei and Matoko had been pushed into the class in it was far more mature. "Go have fun with your little friends." Mrs. Mizuno declared as she unbuckled the harness that had prevented her daughter from wandering off. Makoto waved to Sailor Mercury. "Hey, Ami! Come over here and join us!" The overgrown preschooler was more than happy to oblige despite her humiliating entrance. However, any shame she felt, quickly dissipated when she noticed what Minako and Usagi were wearing; thick pampers which were on display to anyone who wanted to see their underwear. 'At least I've got clothes on that cover my pull ups.' Ami thought to herself as she sat at the small table. Then she realized that she admitted to herself that she was happy to be wearing disposable underwear and couldn't help but blush. Wanting to take her mind off of her training pants, Ami turned to her friends. "Hey guys, what's going on?" "We were hoping that you could help us figure that out." Rei stated in a serious tone. "Yeah, did you have a weird dream last night?" Makoto asked. "This whole thing feels wrong; like a bad dream. Last night was such a fun party until that flash of light happened. The next thing I know, I am being woken up by my mom and asked if I had to go potty. Of course I did, but I didn't expect her to take me by the hand and make me sit on a potty chair." Ami hid her face after recalling the start of her day. "What?!" All the girls at the table exclaimed in unison. "I guess I'm undergoing potty training. I mean, I was a little wet, but I'm wearing pull ups unlike Usagi and Minako." "Umm, I'm not exactly hiding my pampers over here." Makoto replied as she stood up and gestured at her bulging crotch. "I too am wearing a diaper." Rei added as she joined Makoto in standing at the table. "Oh, I'm sorry to see that. Why is your diaper so big, Rei? Ami asked, staring at the massive bulge that appeared to be bunched up underneath the girl's overalls. "It's a cloth diaper. Curse the ways of tradition." The raven haired teen replied in a low voice. "Attention, my special girls and all my other students!" The teacher's voice cut through the conversation, loud and direct, interrupting the scouts. "Who's ready for some fun?" There were a few other children who must've arrived after the scouts and they made their presence known to the diapered teens as they cheered. The various children couldn't wait for the day's activities to begin while Rei, Ami and Makoto wanted nothing more than to figure out what was going on. Meanwhile, the two diapered blonds looked positively ecstatic to experience whichever event the teacher had planned for the class. "I want two kids from each table to come get some paper and paint from me so we can start finger painting!" The teacher instructed, as she walked over to a vacant table on the far side of the room. The diapered teens noticed that said table was stacked high with paper, an assortment of jars filled full of various colors of paint and brushes. "We're going to paint pictures for your parents! Won't that be lovely?" Usagi and Minako squealed and clapped their hands along with the rest of the class while they bounced on their pampered butts with great excitement. The more mature scouts looked bored and slightly annoyed by this development, but they would hopefully get a chance to talk about their memories of last night's events while they worked on their "assignment." Ami looked at her blond friends who seemed to be genuinely enthusiastic about painting with their fingers while the other scouts either groaned or sat and waited for someone to volunteer from their table. Of course, Minako hopped up and walked her diapered ass over to the table full of art supplies where her "peers" were collecting paint and paper. Usagi, although excited, was too oblivious to even think about volunteering to gather the supplies needed to start finger painting. So, Ami took it upon herself to help her friends, and the teacher, by gathering the art supplies to pass them out. The blue haired, teenaged preschooler had to admit that, no matter the circumstances, she'd always be a teacher's pet. Rei and Matoko couldn't help but snicker amongst themselves as they watched the two teens, who towered over the other kids, pick up the art supplies. The diapered Sailor Venus thought only of the paint and happily picked up a few jars which contained a putty like paint substance. Ami on the other hand, realized that paper was just as important as the paint since without a canvas how could anyone paint a picture? Soon all the children, including the overgrown teen toddlers, were busy swiping and twirling their fingers across their papers. They sat there creating random images with the main primary colors as their teacher made her rounds from table to table until she slowly walked past the scout's table. Her eye was immediately drawn to Ami's picture of a cat. It wasn't a Rembrandt, but considering Ami's newfound status and the fact she had painted it only using her fingers, it was still very impressive. The picture featured a bushy cat with four paws, a tail and a rather rich pair of vivid cat eyes that were staring out from a whiskered face. Mrs. Junko praised her star pupil by patting her on the head and picked up the picture to show the rest of the class. "Children, Ami here has drawn a marvelous picture for her mommy. Do you know what it is?" "Doggy!" Usagi blurted out as she looked up from her painting of a rather childish looking bunny. Her hands were covered in paint which also found a home on her face, thighs and even the front of her thick pamper had pink and yellow splotches dripping down it. The teacher suppressed a chuckle as another student provided the correct answer. She gave Ami back the cat painting and walked past Minako, who was busy working on a picture of a nude guy as evident by the images "third leg." Even though it was a crudely painted image, it was obvious to the teacher that the blond was trying to create her ideal mate via paint. "Minako, you naughty girl." The older woman admonished the teen. "Has your mommy been taking care of your needs like I told her to do last week?" Venus could only look up at the woman with a confused expression on her face. She sat there, dumbfounded by the question and was unsure of what the old lady was talking about. "I, umm, I dunno what you're talking about..." "Young lady, you know full well that I caught you rubbing your diaper last week in the middle of story time." Mrs. Junko fumed. "I specifically told your mother to handle that sort of thing outside of this classroom." Before the stunned and mortified blond could reply, her painting was confiscated by the teacher. "Now, I am not going to tell you again to behave in my classroom, you boy crazy little girl!" Rei, Ami and Matoko all felt bad for Minako. They knew that she had something of an obsession with the opposite sex, who didn't? However, to be made an example of and then to be chastised like that was too much for words. It was just a badly drawn stick figure with an extra appendage! Still, it got the girls, save for the oblivious Usagi, thinking about what happened last week and, by extension, their past. Ami quickly frowned and looked absolutely crestfallen. Moments ago she was showered in praise for her work in front of the class, but now a series of negative memories flooded her thoughts. The most embarrassing was a distant memory of her failing kindergarten at the age of seven after being held back multiple times. It seemed that couldn't master the most basic scholarly ideas and was demoted to this very class where, according to her memories, she had resided with her friends for roughly the past decade. Matoko tol was bombarded by countless images of herself being changed by various babysitters in very public areas: picnic tables in the park, fast food restaurant play places and even in this very classroom! She shook the dark images away and started painting a triangle hoping to make a pair of adult panties on her piece of paper. Rei had just finished her painting of her home and decided to meditate while the rest of her team reveled in their childish activities. She focused her mind and went into a deep calm to help herself analyze some thoughts and distant memories which seemed to conflict with her teenaged babyhood. The raven haired teen could vividly recall being a warrior and fighting evil as if it had just happened last week. "Okay kids!" Mrs. Junko yelled. "It's recess time!" Unfortunately, Rei lost her level of focus due to this announcement, but she did feel like she had learned something important. She stood up and followed the other scouts to the exit and onto the playground. As the teen made their way out of the classroom Matoko noticed that Minako's diaper was drooping on the teen. "Hey, Minako. I think you need to adjust your huggies. They're riding a bit low." Minako hiked up her sagging huggies until they were stretched tightly over her crotch and looked back at her friend. "Your just jealous that I'm the only one that can make this look good." The narcissistic blond slapped her pampered ass and stuck out her tongue like a child. "That's nice, Minako." Usagi replied absentmindedly while she pulled at her top. The material of her uniform felt warm and itchy against her skin. Even though it wasn't quite noon, the teen baby was starting to sweat and needed to cool herself off. She finally abandoned all sense of modesty by pulling her cumbersome uniform top over her head and stood there in just her thick, white disposable diaper. However, that too soon fell to the floor, joining the rest of her uniform, after Usagi tipped it off of her crotch and dropped it to the ground without a care in the world. The stunned scouts all gazed at their nude compatriot in shock. Ami and Rei couldn't believe their eyes and quickly looked away due to their own modesty. Matoko and Minako simply stared and finally the awkward silence of the moment was broken by a single question. "Usagi? Why are you naked?" Sailor Jupiter asked. "I'm too hot in those icky clothes. Feels better to be nakkie!" "You could have just taken a drink of water from the fountain to cool off." Ami stated as she stared at the ground. Usagi honestly didn't know what to say. In her infantile mind, she came to the simple conclusion that the only way to cool off was to take off her clothes and diaper. "Usagi!!" An authoritarian sounding voice called out from the doorway of the preschool class. The scouts all turned around to see a very angry teacher briskly walking up to their group. Mrs. Junko wasn't a very tall woman, but at that moment she looked like a giant to the scouts; They were literally afraid of a woman who was about their height and body type who wore granny glasses. Ami and Rei quickly created a gap for their rapidly approaching teacher so that the woman could reach Usagi. To Be Continued...



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