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Natsumi closed the door gently; a series of loud crinkling followed. Yuki sighed in annoyance. 'Putting up with this crap is crazy enough, but what she did to Ryuko was too much. Sayomi could literally wipe away everyone's mind and be the ruler of Honouji.' The senior student was pulled from her thoughts by Sayomi cooing down at a crouching Ryuko as a putrid stench found her nostrils  "I think it's time for a diaper change." Sayomi sung to her baby brained captive. "Thank God. I thought that you would just leave her in it."  "Hmm?" The miniscule president looked across the room at Yuki." You obviously don't remember our time together, little Yuki." "I remember it." Yuki replied dryly. "Then you must remember that I never left you in a dirty diaper." Sayomi smiled and returned her gaze to Ryuko. Yuki bit her tongue. She could challenge that line of reasoning, but what would it get her? She recalled, as clear as day, her first soiled diaper. Her cries eventually convinced Sayomi to change her after five minutes. Ever since that first messy incident, the tiny terror would remark to anyone, within ear shot, how Yuki was such a fussy crybaby who couldn't wait for her new Pamper. She would never admit this to anyone, but her pride, not Sayomi's babysitting, caused her diaper rash. Sayomi smirked while untapping the first layer of disposable protection from Ryuko. The stains were more pronounced as the second diaper was exposed and then torn from the teenaged baby's crotch. The innermost, final diaper, was bloated and discolored beyond belief. Yuki quickly turned around and almost gagged as she bumped into a freshly dressed Natsumi.  "Woah!" The bowl haired girl called out as the two high school girls almost ran into each other.  "Sorry!" Yuki blushed and leaned down to her friend's ear. "We have to leave. Now." Natsumi nodded and joined her friend as they exited the hall. However, no one was prepared for what they saw next. Sayomi's hand was wiping Ryuko's dirty butt with a baby wipe. Yuki may have been changed before, and changed Natsumi's diaper a few times, but never a messy one. There were some things that she would never do and changing a teenager's shitty diaper was number one on that list. "I'm going to walk Natsumi home now." Yuki stated while Natsumi looked away from the diapering. "Oh" Sayomi looked up. "That's fine. I need to get Ryuko down for bedtime. It's almost seven and she has a big day ahead of her tomorrow." "We wouldn't want to keep her up any longer by being here." Yuki replied, slowly stepping towards the front door, as Sayomi wiped Ryuko's ass one final time. "You can leave once you carry my baby upstairs. Also, you have to be here at six, tomorrow morning, to help me with my bundle of joy." Yuki mentally face palmed and stopped in her tracks at the mere mention of tomorrow. Natsumi stood right beside her guardian, mind racing, trying to find an excuse or reason to get Yuki out of this situation. "I don't mean to interrupt, Madam President, but Yuki is watching me, remember?" The timid tech wizard half stated, half asked.. Sayomi lifted Ryuko's legs until her round butt was hovering over a thick diaper. She paused for a moment, in thought, before lowering her charge onto the spread out disposable.  "You've already passed the initiation process." The pint sized babysitter replied to Natsumi while pouring a generous amount of baby powder over Ryuko's sparse pubic region. "I know we didn't get to bond, but you helped me get Ryuko Matoi and that's more than enough to prove to me that you really want to be in the club." Natsumi looked absolutely crestfallen. Her attempt to get Yuki off the hook failed miserably. Yuki had always done her best to shield her from Sayomi's madness and all the diapered nerd wanted was to return the favor. She was about to reply when Yuki spoke up. "Natsumi is just following orders, as you can see, I've taught her well in such a short time." Yuki boasted as Natsumi gave her friend and arched eyebrow which barely passed her thick glasses.  "That's true, isn't it? I never actually noticed her progress, but you have done a good job with her. I've just been so busy trying to get Ryuko, that I've neglected my club and you two." Sayomi replied as she taped the last wing to the large plastic garment.  "It's alright, Sayomi. I know that a babysitter is rarely appreciated." Yuki winked at Natsumi. This calmed the anxious diapered schoolgirl down. It finally clicked in her head that Yuki was trying to suck up to their tiny terror of a leader. She hide her smile well as Yuki manhandled Ryuko onto her hip. The tallest girl in the room proceeded to carry the teenaged baby towards the nursery. Every step up the stairs was followed by a crunch of plastic due to Ryuko's massive diaper. Yuki recalled why she had quit the weight lifting team last year, 'shit like this really messes up my back.' The senior student labored to climb the stairs as her internal monologue raged on. 'Join the Babysitter's club, it'll be fun and easy. You won't have to lift anything, but a small baby or toddler.'  "I can't believe how strong you are." Natsumi gushed as she watched Yuki carry the infantilized warrior. "I used to bench a hundred and thirty pounds, Natsumi. This is probably close to that." Yuki muttered as she crested the stairs and turned towards her old nursery. She knew it was never her nursery, but seven days and nights here had left a scar that Yuki did her best to suppress. She had done so when she retrieved a fresh pair of Pampers for Natsumi. The senior did well in her efforts to block it all out during the last week while babysitting her classmate. Dealing with Ryuko's new found babyhood may have picked at the mental wounds, but seeing her old plastic duck potty once again, in person, ripped open the wounds like a rabid dog's bite. Yuki almost dropped Ryuko when she saw the duck potty chair. That potty training incident in the middle of home economics class was hell for her. The image hit her like a train as the memory flashed through her mind. All of her fellow students were laughing and pointing at her which had only served to bring the poor young woman to tears while she sat perched on the stupid, oversized toddler chair in nothing, but a belly shirt.  She was starting to feel noxious and uneasy. Her eyes fell onto her crib which sat untouched since her last night trapped within it. Next to it was the bittersweet table where she was freed from her dirty diapers. No matter how many changes she recieved, she always ended up in a fresh one before leaving that table.  "Hey moron!" Sayomi called from behind the senior student. "Don't drop my baby!" "Sorry!" Yuki apologized more to Ryuko than anyone else while setting the big baby into the crib. Yuki turned away from the crib, eyes cast downwards, and quickly left the room. "Tomorrow at six in the morning!" Sayomi's voice echoed down the stairs while Natsumi struggled to keep up with her tortured friend as they both descended the staircase and left the Hogosha household. "Yuki! Slow down!" Natsumi huffed as she basically ran like a toddler due to the bulk in between her legs. The elder schoolgirl fell to her knees and fought back the tears while Natsumi finally caught up. There was no need for words, Natsumi was an awkward person, who possessed a very limited ability to read people. Nonetheless, she knew that Yuki was hurt and needed her. The bowl haired girl hugged Yuki tightly as she sobbed into Natsumi's shoulder. In between diminishing sobs, Yuki managed to choke out one question. "What do-" Yuki took a breath. "What exactly do you know?" "About Ryuko or..." "The formula or anything else that can help." Yuki waited a moment as she calmed down. "I don't know much about the formula, but I know almost everything about Ryuko. For instance, her father was murdered." Natsumi explained.  "Okay." Yuki sniffed and looked into Natsumi's eyes. "That's probably why she came to the school, to avenge her father's killer." "That certainly makes sense." Natsumi rubbed her classmates back gently. "What's up with the brown haired girl?"  "That's Mako Manchuko, a low ranking student who lives in the slums." Yuki slowly broke away from Natsumi's hug. "Let's go talk with her. She should be able to help us in some way." "There's definitely strength in numbers." The two girls held each other's hands as they journeyed to the slums. Natsumi didn't feel compelled to hold hands out of some childish anxiety or underlying fear. No, both girls knew that they had each other now.  Their trip across town, from Sayomi's house, had taken enough time for dusk to turn into nightfall. Yuki and Natsumi found themselves in front of an unfamiliar door which stood between them and a potential ally. The older girl relinquished her friend's hand and knocked on the Manchuko residence's front door. "I'll get it, mom!" Mako flung the door open and immediately went into attack mode, jumping at Natsumi. The two girls tussled about on the dirty street as Yuki stood, stunned. Crinkling and cursing broke the peace as Natsumi's skirt flipped up and revealed the diaper she wore. Yuki ripped Mako off of the nerdy schoolgirl.  "I'm not going to be a baby!" Mako screamed out as she flailed around in Yuki's firm grip. "Look, we don't want to take you to Sayomi!" Natsumi called out from the ground. "She's right, Mako. We're tired of that tyrant. I'd rather be poor like you, than witness all of my friends and family end up in diapers like Ryuko did." Mako calmed down to a point where the senior student released the brown haired girl from her hold.  "So, what are you going to do to stop her?!" Mako stared right at Yuki as she caught herself on the dirty surface.  "We know that you are Ryuko's best friend and there might be a way to get your friend back to normal, but we'll need your help." "I'll do anything to help Ryuko!" The girl's eyes widened while Natsumi stood up with a crinkle. "We have to make sure that Ryuko is not fed any formula tomorrow." Yuki and Mako both looked over at the black bowl haired girl as she adjusted her glasses and continued. "Lack of formula will eventually help Ryuko progress to a more normal and mature mindset, but that could take time we don't have." "True. We might not be able to keep Sayomi from feeding Ryuko more of that poison today. Still, I think if she were too busy to remember to feed Ryuko, that might be all we need." Yuki reasoned. "What do I need to do to help?!"  "You'll most likely be the trigger. Say things to anger Ryuko or remind her of her humanity."  Yuki nodded. "That's the best way to help Ryuko. I'll be sure to ignore Sayomi's calls tomorrow morning. She'll be so pissed off and rushed that Ryuko won't get another bottle." "I'd rather just break down Sayomi's front door and destroy all the formula!" "Mako, we can't do that. It won't stop anything and it would only paint a target on your back." Yuki explained. "However, if this plan doesn't work, we'll have to try your idea." "Alright, but we have to do this right." Mako demanded. "Our assess are on the line as much as yours if things go wrong." Yuki reminded the bowl haired fireball. All three teens knew that this wasn't exactly an air tight plan, but it was better than nothing. The girls continued to chat and ironed things out a little more before Yuki and Natsumi left the Manchuko household. Mako felt like nothing was going to stop her. Mako could barely sleep. She had a mission and was determined to get her friend back.



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