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Sarah stomped into Double D's room in her typical angry demeanor. Upon entering, she immediately yelled out to Eddy who stood closest to the open door. "Where's my big brother?!" After shouting, the young brat saw May in the baby bouncer. She didn't know what to say so she looked over at May's sister Marie, who was also diapered and acting strangely. With a raised eyebrow she turned and sstared at Double D. "What's going on in here and where is Ed?!" “Nothing, we're just, ummm... running an adoption service!” The ever quick on his toes scammer announced. Eddy made sure to smile and point to May Kanker. The baby brained May merely blew spit bubbles while slapping the drool on her tray as everyone looked at her. "What's the catch?” Sarah asked, looking skeptical. “We don't supply the diapers." "I don't want to change diapers!" Sarah groaned. "Look, I see you and railroad tracks playing with dolls all the time. This is the real thing. I figured for a buck you'd buy a new dolly, but if you don't want them we can turn them back to normal." Eddy bluffed. "They're babies?" Sarah said, stunned. "Yeah, Double D did it." "I guess I'll take the blue haired one. Give you a quarter." "What?!" Eddy screeched. "A dollar!" With the negotiations well underway, Double D was still mumbling and feeling guilty about what his invention had done to May and Marie. Meanwhile, Marie stared at him with her big, unknowing eyes, clearly devoid of thought and logic. A trail of drool cascaded down her crimson lipstick covered lips and onto her chin. She waddled clos to Double D and locked eyes with him. "Sold!" Eddy declared. "Give me my quarters!" Sarah tossed a few coins over her shoulder at Eddy, who caught them in a jar, while she walked towards the diaper clad punk girl. The pint sized terror smiled at the scene before her. "Looks like you're too young for Double D now." The redhead giggled. "Ama babu da" Marie slurred slightly in an unintelligible response. “Thank you, Double D. Come along, baby poo!" Sarah picked up the device next to the sock headed inventor and walked out of the room with it as Marie crawled out after her. "Jimmy!" The girl announced as she exited the house. "Bring the baby carriage over here!" The boy with the braces came running while pushing the old fashion pram. "Yes, Sarah. I'm coming!" Before the redhead could answer, Marie toddled out of the house behind her new babysitter. At some point the blue haired teen baby managed to rise to her feet and shakily took a few steps forward toddlerling past Sarah. However, once she got past the door step she instantly tripped due to her severe lack of coordination and fell into the baby carriage. "Look at the cute baby, Sarah!" Jimmy swooned while Sarah looked into the stroller, making sure that her new dolly was safe. The little girl quickly pulled a red baby dress over's Marie's head and fixed her hair into pigtails. She then popped a massive pacifier into the surprised girl's toothless mouth. Marie looked up at Sarah, eyes devoid of thought, as her mouth went into autopilot, suckling the binky for all she was worth. A warm feeling enveloped her thickly, diaper clad crotch while she bathed in all the nice, warm, fussy sensations which overwhelmed her babied brain. Her gums were being massaged and her bladder was relieved; the teen baby felt at peace with everything. "Let's go show off our new baby." Sarah grinned as she held the device. Jimmy nodded and started pushing the stroller down the cul-de-sac with his best friend and new baby doll.



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