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"Please let me go!" Nurse Joy begged as the conveyor belt carried her to a new area that looked a bit like a car wash. Misty watched her former captor enter the washing station and grinned. The horrible nurse was going to be hosed down and forcibly given a bath against her will. This couldn't get any better! The struggling nurse found herself staring up at a series of showerheads as the conveyor belt slowed to a stop. They all leaked water, small soapy beads dripping down onto her naked flesh. Each one was waiting to be activated and the bound nurse knew that it was only a matter of time before they blasted her with water. She could wait for the inevitable spray as the seconds grew by, making her anxiety rise. it wouldn't have been that bad if she was naked, but the bloated disposable diaper taped against her crotch, sloshing around with her every movement. felt so slimy and disgusting as Misty's mess caressed Joy's womanly ass. "At least take this diaper off before you wash me!" Misty stopped laughing and felt a pang of guilt well up in her heart. She wasn't as bad as Nurse Joy. Sure, she could take pleasure at her captor's expense, but regardless of how terrible Nurse Joy had treated her, Misty knew that she couldn't just keep Nurse Joy in that filthy diaper. "Stop crying, you big baby. I'll get you out of that diaper!" Misty yelled as ran over to where Nurse Joy had dropped the remote control and picked it up. "Thank you!" Nurse Joy shouted. "Umm, how does this thing even work?" The diapered, Gym Leader asked. "Just hit the-" Nurse Joy was interrupted by a cascade of water pelting her body and face. The shiwerheads were blasting her at all angles, causing her to try and roll away from their hydro pump like sprays. However, Joy was still strapped down and could do nothing but kick as the outer shell of her brown tinged diaper was covered in water. As she tried to fight against the torrential downpour, the water started getting into her screaming mouth, leaving a soapy taste on her tongue and in her mouth in general. "Acckk!" Nurse Joy cried, spitting out some of the water. "Calm down!" Misty yelled, upset with herself for starting up the machine. The annoyed and diapered redhead had no clue how the remote worked and wasn't sure if she should even press another button. But the gurgled shouts coming from Joy told her that she had to do something or else the crazy nurse might drown! So, despite how uncertain she was, Misty pressed another button. The once dormant loofahs started up and began to polish the wet and annoyed nurse. She felt the spinning buffers gently but firmly clean every inch of her body. Each microscopic bristle was going over her methodically, buffing her bouncing breasts until they shined while simultaneously polishing the front of her dirty diaper as soapy shower water continued to rain down on her. This went on for a good couple of minutes as Misty watched the spinning buffers gently but firmly clean every inch of Joy's body. "Why won't this stupid thing tell the machine to take off her diaper?!" Misty cried out in annoyance as started randomly pressing buttons. Suddenly, the frozen Joybot started to move, walking away from Misty as it made its way towards the opposite side of the warehouse. Misty and Joy might have questioned where it was going, but they were more occupied by the fact that the showerheads and buffers stopped which left the diapered Nurse drenched and shivering. Still, it was enough of a victory for them to ignore the walking robot. Joy couldn't have cared any less about her robotic doppelganger. Her hair was an absolute mess, covering her face and obscuring her view. The Pokemon nurse focused her mouth and blew upwards to get her sopping wet hair out of her face. "Press the button with a diaper on it and the conveyor belt will change me!" Nurse Joy exclaimed as she laid there, shivering like a wet Rattata. Misty nodded and hit the button with a diaper icon on it. She had been avoiding it because the last thing she wanted was for the machine to either check her own diaper or put another diaper over Nurse Joy's dirty diaper. A new sequence was engaged as a pair of mechanical hands appeared from the sides of the conveyor belt. Nurse Joy wasn't startled, she had specifically designed this machine to perform a diaper change at any interval that required it. As much as the pink haired woman longed to be a mother, changing diapers wasn't exactly the highlight of motherhood. She especially hated dirty diapers now that she had been trapped in Misty's for close to ten minutes now. With minimal effort, the two mechanical arms lifted up her legs and untapped Joy's brown tinged, bulging disposable. Slowly, the gloved hands peeled the destroyed diaper away from her skin, exposing her plump, poop covered posterior to Misty. The young redhead turned away, grossed out by how much muck was covering her former captor's crotch. *Baby Is Not Clean! Re-Engaging Cleaning Protocol* Nurse Joy's shot open in shock as a powerful geyser of water blasted her poop covered backside and pussy, washing away the caked on poop from her private areas. This powerful jet of water repeatedly sprayed her like a bidet to rinse her clean before the conveyor belt moved again, leaving Joy blushing from head to toe. "At least you're out of that diaper." Misty called out to Joy as the young girl had finally look up from the ground and noticed that her kidnapper was clean. "Thank you, sweetie. Now press the re-" "Hair Detected! Hair Removal Activated!" The announcement and subsequent appearance of a lone, robotic arm going towards her crotch with a razor attachment at the end of it caused Nurse Joy to freeze in fear, cutting off her instructions to Misty. "No, please," she begged and shook her head back and forth. "Not my bush!" Joy laid her head back and tried to scooch her body away from the approaching shaving instrument. A loud cry of humiliation echoed throughout the facility as the razor arm came into contact with her pubic mound and proceeded to shave her crotch. With one quick motion, a long line had been drawn down the center of Joy's pink bush. However, the machine didn't stop with just one swipe, it continued to shave her until there was no hair left on her crotch. Satisfied with the job performed, the razor arm moved down to her butt and shaved inside her cheeks, giving her tight hole a smooth as silk feeling. "I think this might do something!" Misty called out as she hit a red button. Nurse Joy could only guess what Misty had done as yet another arm came from the ceiling and hovered over her no smooth crotch. She then heard the loud hiss of a nozzle being pressed as a cool foam was sprayed onto her shaved crotch, sizzling and stinging a bit as it leaked into her pours and dissolved any remaining hair follicle with a special skin safe acid, ensuring that nothing would ever grow there again! "You stupid little girl!" Nurse Joy shouted as the sting of the chemicals burned her few remaining pubes. "That's hair remover, you idiot!" "You don't want my help?" Misty asked. "Fine, I'll just randomly press all the buttons and we will see what happens!" *Drying Sequence Engaged!* Joy's pleas and apologies were overpowered as a group of industrial sized air dryers, normally meant for hands, but larger, roared as they came alive. Each unit blasted Nurse Joy with warm air as she struggled in place on the conveyor belt. She was quickly moved along by the conveyor past each giant dryer. It wasn't ideal, but at least her wet hair and body was getting dried off. "Stop this crazy thing!" Ironically enough, the button Misty had just pressed caused the belt to stop. For a brief moment, Nurse Joy felt relieved until a menacing gloved hand appeared holding a pair of metal clippers. "Time for a haircut!" Misty announced with a chuckle. The pink haired Nurse squealed and started squirming in her restraints as the machine went to work cutting off her looping hair. Joy didn't have to see what the machine was doing, she could feel the weight leaving her neck as the clippers snipped away at her locks, leaving her with a lot less hair. With only the precision that a machine could produce, Nurse Joy's once long hair looked just like Misty's short hair style. It had even put a little hair tie to create the side tail Misty wore. 'Ugh, why did I have to program Misty's hair style into the conveyor belt?!' A loud series of footsteps echoed as they grew closer. Both Misty and Joy turned their attention to the approaching sound of metal walking on concrete. Growing ever closer was the Joybot, but there was something off about her appearance. Her once slender chassis had been replaced for a massive glass dome which stretched from her metallic hips to her now latex bag like breasts. "What happened to your robot?" If Misty didn't know any better, she would've guessed that the robot had somehow became pregnant, but that was impossible. Unbeknownst to the two diapered women, Misty had activated an "upgrade" sequence when she was mashing buttons earlier. The button she clicked had ordered the robotic image of Joy to enter an area specially designed to equip the machine with the womb and breast upgrades that Nurse Joy had specifically requested Team Rocket provide her robot. Nurse Joy's jaw dropped when she saw that her giant metal clone was sitting down at the end of the conveyor belt, its legs stretching wide to allow her robotic vagina to open. The synthetic birth canal beckoned to her, waiting for the grown woman to be forced into it. These upgrades were supposed to be for transporting her newly kidnapped daughters! She had them planned for carrying her future babies long distances without them going thirsty or being able to escape, not for imprisoning her inside her very own creation! "Misty!" Nurse Joy cried out in desperation, hoping that the girl would listen to her."You have to cancel the order to carry me! Press the red button!" "No." Misty replied before adding. "Maybe you'll learn your lesson if I let you stew in there for the next nine months." Joy's mouth hung open, shocked by how Misty was acting. The pink haired nurse was about to shout at Misty when a robotic hand shoved something rubbery into her mouth. The oddly shaped device was wedged firmly in place, no amount of pulling could pry the pacifier like object from her mouth. Suddenly, Joy felt feet grow warm and wet as the conveyor belt fed the grown woman into the Joybot's artificial vagina. It had enveloped her feet first, but then slowly took in her legs which pinned Joy in place, forcing her to stay put as she tried to wriggle free. However, that just helped the tunnel like crevice suck her up faster until the machine had swallowed her naked body up to her shoulder blades. With one last muffled shout, Nurse Joy's head disappeared past the rubber folds of the Joybot's vagina. Nurse Joy could feel herself being fed into what seemed to be a small chamber(this chamber turned out to be her new womb) she realized that she had to escape before she ended up trapped in this glass bubble! Sadly for her, the vagina was sealing itself shut as water suddenly started to fill her glass and metal prison. Joy panicked and tried to keep her head above the rapidly filling water as a long cord fell from the roof of the chamber and snapped itself onto the pacifier that had been forced into Joy's mouth, giving Joy the ability to breath. Something started to flow into Nurse Joy's mouth. Something that tasted sweet and creamy. Something that she couldn't spit out as she was forced to drink it or drown. The liquid wouldn't stop coming, causing Joy to become uncomfortable and full. Misty watched the bizarre scene unfold from outside the giant Joybot. She could hear Joy kicking against the glass as a mixture of milk and oxygen flowed through the tubes into her face mask. The milk that came from the robot's fake breasts was Nurse Joy's own milk. In a weird turn of fate, Misty watched the thirtysomething year old nurse drink her own breast milk as she floated in a custom made artificial womb. "Serves you right. You should have never kidnapped me!" Misty stated in a righteous tone as she stared at the trapped Pokemon Nurse floating in the artificial glass womb. "Now I got to get out of this diaper and get out of here! To Be Continued…?



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