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Just outside of Cerulean City stood an old warehouse which looked to be abandoned. Misty gazed at the decrepit relic of industry and sighed. She rarely ventured towards this part of town, mostly due to the fact that not many Pokémon could be found around here and the locals typically avoided it. Still, this was the only warehouse in the general area and had to be the place that Nurse Joy was talking about. Misty knew that she had to be quiet and keep her advantage, after all, Team Rocket didn't know she was about to thwart their fiendish plans. So, with the element of surprise on her side, or so she thought, the red headed Gym Leader slowly opened the door and snuck inside, making sure to gently close the door behind her. She tiptoed on her sneaker clad feet through the darkness of the large warehouse, making her way deeper into the facility. As much as she wanted to turn on the lights, she knew that would be a sure fire way of alerting Team Rocket of her presence. With that in mind, she suddenly stopped. 'Wait a minute. If anyone was here, why would they be sitting around in the dark?' As she thought things over, she came to the conclusion that Team Rocket must be out stealing Pokémon and that was why the warehouse was dark. Misty smiled, happy with this turn of events. With Team Rocket gone, she could free the stolen Pokémon and sabotage the warehouse before they got back. Misty took a few steps to her right, searching for a wall. She felt fairly confident that there would be a panel of switches or a lever that would control the lights. Once she found it, she could finally see what she was up against. Wondering in the dark was rather annoying for the redhead, if only she had taken the time to get more information from Nurse Joy before just running off on her own. Maybe Nurse Joy and her could've teamed up, but now she was on her own, fumbling around in the dark. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, she brushed up against a wall and started to feel around for anything resembling the shape of a switch, lever or button. Her fingers grasped an oddly large button and she immediately pressed it without giving it much thought. Like lightning illuminating the sky, a series of panels came on above her, each bank of florescent lights turning on independent of one and another. Graced with the gift of light, Misty looked around her and frowned. The warehouse looked a lot smaller on the inside than it did from outside. "This place must be divided into sections." Misty thought out loud as she made her way towards a long conveyor belt. With no cages housing Pokémon visible or any other clues showing the whereabouts of the stolen Pokémon, Misty used her logic to deduce that the conveyor belt, which led directly to a closed panel in the wall, must be where the Pokémon were transferred to. She had to get through to the other side of the wall and the only way to do that was to ride the belt. Knowing that time was not on her side, she grabbed the lone lever, that stood tall by the conveyor belt, and yanked it back. The panel in the wall lifted open as the belt shuddered and started pulling forward. Misty gazed at the opening and realized that she couldn't see much of anything. Only darkness as the other side of the wall wasn't lit up like where she currently stood. Even though she didn't want to, she knew that she had to take a chance and take a ride on the conveyor belt. Hopefully, the Pokémon were on the other side of the wall, waiting for her to rescue them. With no other options remaining, she jumped on the conveyor belt and laid back on it, letting it carry her through the small entrance and over to the other side. As she was pulled deeper into the facility by the rubber covered belt, she suddenly found herself blinded by a bright light which seemingly turned on automatically. With one hand covering her eyes, she tried to see what was going on. *We've been expecting you* A cold, computerized voice announced as the lights dimmed revealing to Misty that she was currently being transported through a long corridor of sorts. However, the voice was the least of her problems as the redhead saw a flurry of mechanical arms shoot down from the ceiling, descending on her with the fury and swiftness of a Tentacruel. They wasted no time hoisting the flailing and startled Gym Leader into the air, forcefully removing her blue jean shorts and white panties, leaving her bottomless. "What the hell?!" Misty yelled out in anger and confusion. Her arms and legs were held firmly by the machine's multitude of hands, but she still attempted to break free, all the while kicking to the best of her restrained ability. Ultimately, it was no use, all she did was make herself tired as she found herself slowly lowered back down onto the conveyor belt. Unlike the harsh, rubbery material she had felt just moments before, her skin came into contact with a soft, almost cotton like surface that was rather welcoming and comfortable. It was thick like a pillow and held its form as her bottom was completely lowered on top of whatever it was. The hands held her by her ankles while a new set of hands quickly pulled the sides of whatever she was laying on out and proceeded to wrap her crotch in it, taping her into it. Misty stared dumbly at her waist, not quite processing what she saw until it hit her like a Hyper Beam. "You diapered me!?!" The machinery ignored her outburst and the subsequent thrashing that followed it. The Cerulean City Gym Leader was pulled, kicking and screaming, into the new section of the warehouse where she was dumped off of the belt. She rubbed her padded bottom and swore under her breath. Although she would never admit it, she was grateful for the thick diaper that had absorbed her fall, literally protecting her butt from getting hurt. “I hope my baby didn't get a boo boo on her cute little hiney.” Misty looked up, surprised to hear another voice that sounded vaguely familiar and not belonging to a computer. “Why have you done this to me?!” The angry redhead gestured to her midsection, not wanting to say out loud what she had been forced to wear. “Because mommy wants you to be safe, sweetie.” Out of the shadows walked the last person Misty expected to see at that moment; Nurse Joy! The only thing that made her presence inside of the warehouse even more bizarre was the fact that the pink haired held a remote control in her hand. “But-” Misty stammered. “You're supposed to help injured Pokémon, not work with Team Rocket!” “Silly girl, I used Team Rocket to get you all to myself.” “But why?” Misty asked, absolutely dumbfounded. “I can no longer stand watching you go out into the wild, battling wild Pokémon and risking your life. How many times I've watched you in those woods and how nervous you made me!” Nurse Joy exclaimed, but quickly regained her composure. “Now, I can keep you safe and all to myself.” “You're crazy!” Misty cried. “Let me go!” “I can’t do that. Besides, you're going to love the giant little gift Team Rocket gave me.” With the flick of the joystick, a loud machine started up. Both Misty and Joy could hear something rather large walking towards them, making its way unimpeded through the warehouse. The closer it got, the wider the grin on Nurse Joy's face became. To Be Continued...



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