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For clarity, she is a toy




I WISH THAT WERE ME, I love so many small details of this, FIRSTLY THE SUBTLE ANIMATION!? It has like... storybook vibes!!! And the background is so pretty... I love hazy christmas. I love the implication that this gift was getting sent out to somebody on the naughty list. >w< AND I LOVE HER BUTT. O_O (!!!) Her butt, her thighs, her tiny peek of panties!!!!!!!!!!!! And her pleated skirt. I /love/ pleated skirts!!! AND HER BUTT!!! And the li'l monster tongue and the shadow + glow eyes. :3 AND. The curve of the lid is a very fun cartoon touch. AND HER HAVING BEEN USED LIKE THAT SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!! IT'S HOT I LIKE IT!!! MONSTERFUCKER TOY ELF GIRL!!! :D!!! I love the cum, and the wet spot on her skirt. =//w//= She's so lucky to have gotten such a fun gift. <3 I love when you make fun/cute stuff like this. Fun & cute porn is so fucking important and necessary!!! <3 I love it so much. Thank you always for making such amazing stuff. ^^ ♡


That added 4th panel is so yummy. =w= all-the-way-through and the cum splurting out of her ear! And when you make porn that's cute like this, it's so so so fun. <3


Impregnate that toy good 👀👀