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Recently, the newest plan ☆Supernova☆ was quietly dropped and now it has its own special perk! Full Colour Raffles!

How does does it work?

In short, it will function just as the Sketch Raffle with more fleshed-out results. Tomorrow and on the first of each month, alongside the current sketch raffle, I will set a raffle post that will be accessible to only ☆Supernova☆ subscribers, later in the month a character submitted within the post will be drawn in full colour! More in-depth rules will be present within the Full Colour Raffle post on the first of September, although they are pretty much the same as the current Sketch Raffle rules.

Sketch Raffle

☆Supernova☆ subscribers will still be allowed to participate in the Sketch Raffle as well as the Full Colour Raffle, however, you will not be able to win both within the same month. If you submit an entry within both raffle posts and win a Full Colour slot, your Sketch slot will be void for that month.




This is so awesome, and I love the Lockette art and her glowes and colours and Wadd and his celestial sparkles. ♡