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The story:

If you're someone who was pledging 107¥ and you're reading this, you have been generous and you are not the problem, quite the opposite in fact.

The landscape of art and the internet has changed around me and I have to restructure if I have any hope of continuing to provide art.

I realized that these income streams for my art are not being prioritized correctly and were just rotting away under my feet and not benefiting the fans. My income from Fanbox fell 66% in the past 6 months as well as Subscribestar. I make a comparable amount on both platforms but both have fallen significantly.

I was giving away way too much content for free in other places like Twitter and Pixiv. That will no longer be the case.

I have been API scraped (pirated) to hell and back because of a low price threshold. All my works were pirated easily because my barrier to be a part of this inner circle was way too low. I understand that piracy is a part of modern life and I can't police the entire internet but seeing what a pirating/scraping site gets access to for a mere percent of *a percent* of what I need to stay alive each month is shocking.

The plan:

I will not regularly post any colored things on Twitter or my regular Pixiv anymore. They will be a lot more rare going forward. I will post preview images but not the full image. (I may also look into that paid twitter circles(?) thing where people can sub to you. That may be an extra road of revenue but I'll have to check.)

Also posting art takes way too much time. I feel lke I spend more time typing than I do actually making art sometimes. If I narrow my focus down to the 2 *paid* platforms that will give you guys more content and more exclusive content.

Comms will be paywalled †**. I will allow the person I made the comm to redistribute it wherever they feel like, *if* they feel like it, but I'll paywall it on my end. I would like you to link the comm to at least one of my socials/ @ me in it, but I understand I can't realistically enforce that. It's just a request, not a law.

Comms from paid supporters will get priority. May also just be the only comms I ever take besides pixiv requests.

†** There will be an exception for Pixiv Requests. Because I'm not allowed to have contact with the person ordering the request, I will post those on my regular Pixiv after I'm finished with them so they can have future access to it and it may inspire others to make requests as well. (For those used to the english vernacular it says "request" but they're actually fully priced commissions)

Comics will be paywalled as well.

The conlusion:

The larger reason for these changes is because I'm just not making it. Every month is a horrendous struggle for me financially. I know I have talent, I've worked hard to cultivate it and I can't keep giving it away for nothing or next to nothing.

The 107¥ tier will be un-published/discontinued immediately. I'm really sorry that it came to that.

Going forward:

As for the people in the higher tiers I'm going to introduce more voting and more actual goals. I discussed on the fan server how I'd like to do some fan art lineups with multiple characters when I hit certain milestones. (This ould be like a Fire Emblem girls lineup, or a Milf RWBY lineup etc.) I can either hold votes for these or just come up with a solid idea on my own.


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