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Sorry for always writing long posts

I like to talk about my thoughts and I want to share them with you!

I've been drawing a lot of pictures in a short time recently.

As a result, I felt pressure to draw a lot every day.

That helped me at first, and my drawing skills improved greatly.

But now it's starting to attack me

If I don't fill a certain amount every day, I feel so pathetic.

It was stressful

So yesterday and today I've been thinking a lot

It's a feedback about myself

As seen in the weekly doodle study uploads

I only draw sketchy doodles and there are not many finished drawings

Even if it was finished, there were more things of low quality

I think the reason for this is the pressure I mentioned earlier.

So, recently, I've been concentrating on 'finishing' a painting with high quality.

As a result, the number of pictures decreased.

But the quality of the picture has risen

So from now on, I'm thinking of working like this

- Illustrations are published on Patreon and Fanbox at least 3 days in advance and then uploaded to SNS

- 3 illustrations per week confirmed

- The poll system is held irregularly

It proceeds with the theme of the anime or game

(ex, Poll #1 Naruto theme 1. Hinata 2. Sakura 3. Tsunade)

- Maintain the weekly practice (pictures for studying the human body, such as croquis)

-NSFW is irregular

An idea comes to mind when working on an illustration

If I like the character, I will work on it

I think we should talk about the sex scene.

It's not that I won't draw at all, and the frequency will be greatly reduced.

Even when I unconsciously draw pictures, I don't like to draw sex scenes.

Most of the good ideas that come to mind are clothes or

It's about composition, not about sex

I've been researching and drawing sex scenes for over a month.

After all, I don't think I'm an artist who draws sex scenes as 'main'.

"Studying erotic and seductive pictures"

I want to be that kind of artist

It's better to tell this story before November

I thought it would be helpful for you guys to extend or cancel your subscription!

And tell me whenever you think of characters, concepts, and themes that can be material for me!

I'll try not to miss them!

I will start working on the illustrations of the characters that you commented on last week.

I think the pin up style suits me well too!

Moving forward is important, but I think it's more important to find a way that suits ME.

I am an inexperienced artist who goes through a lot of trial and error.

But thank you so much for supporting me

I want to say thank you so much I love you!!




I think if the quality is better, then it's cool if you take your time. Whatever you decide to do, I'm sure it will be a good decision


Do whatever works for you, it's most important that you make what you like!