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September is already coming to an end A lot of things happened this month I tried a new manga and my Twitter account was deleted manga are... I felt that it was impossible with the drawing style of the illustrations I drew and the brushes I was using. For a few days, I kept thinking about my studies related to manga, even when I wasn't drawing. But the results weren't very satisfactory (Of course, this is my standard, my standard was so high that I might have looked so bad at myself.) So, I want to go outside the box of cartoons In October, I'm going to add lines to the illustration or add a storyline I think it'll probably go well with what I've been doing(illust) It's a short period of time, but I spent a lot of time a day on cartoons and they were a good study in moving forward Please look forward to new challenges in the future! I'll try to repay you for your support! And another concern is There is a difference in the quality of the works I usually draw and the 'reward' or 'commission' that I show you guys. I love the messy style of my lines and the traces of the flow of my hands Some people look at that, "Oh, this is incomplete." ... But no, it's done in my own way!! Actually, I've been thinking about this for a long time You guys like my paintings, but the moment the money moves, I feel responsible for you(supporters, clients) You, too, want me a reward for that pay. But it's so hard for me to set that standard I'm sure you saw my USUAL DRAWING and gave me 'commission' and 'support', but some people felt that the line of the paintings they received(commission, reward) was different from my usual paintings What do you guys think about this? Is it right to draw it in the style of "I"? Or should I draw the lines like other artists and make it look like a common? I don't know how many people have read this long article, but can you leave your comments? It's a very difficult problem for me to decide and think about Please! help 🙏




I follow and support your art since i like all of it! I know it doesnt sound helpful, but i enjoy all of your styles and will keep following even if you experiment with it!