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(The postscript is a one-shot translation of Deepl.The nuance may have changed slightly.)

Thank you for your continued support.

Also, Happy New Year.

I look forward to working with you again this year.

My goal for this year is,

For now, I want to maintain the frequency of updates.

I would like to publish a book, or rather a compilation of books, twice.

Last year, I published only one book, and I have a lot of stock piling up.

I'm not sure if I'd be satisfied with that as long as I can read it here.

Also, if I can afford it, I would like to make and sell something for outside the support site.

I would like to sell it by downloading or at a real event if possible.

As for the third goal, I'd like to make something in addition to updating the site, but I'm not sure how much time and effort I'll have to devote to it.

A quick word of caution.

This time, it took me longer than usual to write the final draft, but I realized that it was because of the large number of frames.

I think it is more accurate to measure the production time by the number of characters and frames rather than by the number of pages, as a matter of course.

In terms of the plot I'm working on, there is probably one more episode to go in the AE Underground City section.

I may extend the time if I come up with something.

I will update one more time this month.

A rough draft of a short manga is planned.

The update is scheduled for around the 16th.

See you in the next update.



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