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Town's only big enough for 1 MILF. Our next character is Tsuki Uzaki 🥛🐮. Work is now ongoing!

55% of the community wants the next poll to be limited to the characters who didn't win this time around. However, 45%, a still sizeable percentage of the community wants to return to our usual selection.

A compromise is in order - Instead of limiting the next poll to Iori, Shuuko Komi, and Lana's Mom, I'll be including in the next poll the other top voted characters (see below). And of course Tsuki-san will be excluded in the next poll. Hopefully this will be to everyone's liking!

次のキャラクターは宇崎月 🥛🐮 です。作業は進行中です!


妥協案が必要です - 次の投票を今日の敗者に限定するのではなく、他の上位キャラクターを次回の投票に含めます(下記をご覧ください)。皆さんのご意見に合うことを願っています!



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