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Hi, this is Tom, Tom Hilton. And this little mouse next to me is Jerry. Yeah yeah I know, it's a stupid combination, everyone I know makes fun of it. Jerry from G-Human, you know all those beast people from the Florida Science Center. Back in the 80's when they started all these experiments with genetics, no one believed anything would come out, really cool. But it worked out better than cool. G-Human is really a new stage of human evolution, they are superior to humans in many ways, the main one is life expectancy, almost 5 times longer than us mere mortals, increased tissue regeneration, and a lot of other things. No wonder G-Human are so popular and their successes have been trumpeted everywhere for 20 years.

Jerry and I met on a programming forum about 4 years ago. I had already been doing c-sharp for a couple of years, while Jerry had just graduated and was looking for something to do. She's really cool and smart girl. We launched a cool mobile game last year, it had good downloads, made good money, and we managed to move to the countryside. Jerry says it's good for her to live near the woods, I'm just glad I got out of the metropolis too, it's cool here, we haven't finished renovating the house yet but...

English is not my first language. What do you think is better than Riley's comics? I just want to start a new universe. I'm trying different translation sources.




I think it's a cute concept and has a lot of possibility for you to play with

moved to pthh.fanbox.cc

This definitely got me curious. What's your first language, if you don't mind telling?


im curious too, if i member correctly he responded at one message in russian 🤔


a g-human universe already sounds interesting, why not go 4 it 🤗 also maybe u could merge it w the LustInVille universe ... just a thought 🥺👉👈


I strongly suspect that your first language is Russian or at least from the slavic family. And the main question is: are you safe right now?


Please make a MEGA or Dropbox archive of all your work !