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The translation into English is given at the end.

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The following is an English translation by a translation site.

Please note that there may be some errors.

(1) Specific posting policy

To put it more simply, I will be posting about the same amount of public and limited information (a little more limited).

For example, if I post a single picture in the limited release, I will post a black-and-white version of it on Pixiv, or a version with lightly shaded cartoonish lines. (If the picture is to be released to the public on Pixiv, I will post a monochrome version on Fanbox as an extra.

Tomorrow, I will post a color remake of a past picture for the 400 yen FANBOX course, and a black-and-white version with some clippings on Pixiv, so please use that as an example.

(2) Changes from the past

This is an important item, so please check it.

The following is a summary for each medium.

Twitter: From now on, we will not post as before. The reason for this is explained in the next item (3).

I will mainly be posting and advertising on Pixiv and Fanbox. However, when I have 4 new pictures, I will post them all together as one tweet.

I will continue to reply to all the replies I receive! (Thank you for your support!)

Pixiv: I'm currently uploading past pictures as needed, but I'll also be posting simple black-and-white pictures and some cutouts for Fanbox-only pictures, and finished color versions for Pixiv public pictures.

There are no major changes from the past, but since I have turned off notifications for feedback messages on Pixiv, I may not be aware of them until later. But I'm reading through all of them, so thanks for that!

DeviantArt: I follow the same policy as Pixiv above. DeviantArt: I post the same policy as Pixiv above, only in English translation.

I will post the finished color version for general release, and the simple black and white version for limited release.

FANBOX: There are some major changes, so please check them out.

First of all, for the 400 yen course, I've been posting about 10 expression diffs with dialogue per month, but I'm going to reduce this to almost nothing and post limited release pictures instead.

As I mentioned earlier, the frequency will be half and half.

I don't have the time or energy to paint on Mondays through Wednesdays in my real life, so considering the monthly fee of 400 yen, I hope to be able to post two or three limited edition pictures a month.

Also, as a new element, I am studying philosophy, and I would like to post blog articles like a column on "approaches to painting" that combines creativity and philosophy.

In addition, I've been posting line drawings in the 100-yen course until this month, but this course actually has 4 or 5 supporters a month, and most of them have switched to the 400-yen course in the following months. So, from next month, we will discontinue the 100 yen course and post line drawings in the 400 yen course!

The 1,200-yen course will continue to be distributed as it has been for the past three months, and will be updated once a month.

The other day, I was looking back at my past articles, and I realized that I had already posted more than 100 articles.

So, tomorrow, I'll be posting a collection of past expression differences, line drawings, limited edition pictures, and limited edition SS all in one article! I'll be posting all of them in one article tomorrow. Wi-fi environment is recommended when downloading. This month, I'll be uploading past line drawings for 100 yen, but from next month, I'll be integrating them into a 400 yen course.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

(3) Background to the policy change

If you don't care much about that kind of thing, you can just browser back.

I'll tell you the reason for the change in policy, and it all comes down to a decision I made after discussing my concerns in a previous blog post.

I've been posting pictures mainly on Twitter, but I've often felt that it was difficult to be active on Twitter.

I'm not very good with the atmosphere of the Internet world, so when I suddenly see the name of a game I'm interested in trending, I see that it's on fire and that people are using malicious words. There were times when I felt uncomfortable because I saw a side of the creators that I didn't like, and there were accounts that approached me with undesirable intentions, and all of these things added up to a very high level of stress in the Twitter environment.

I also feel that there has been an increase in the number of difficulties in posting on Twitter lately, and I think this is largely due to the enforcement of the shadowban on extreme illustrations and the discontinuation of fleets that were used for advertising.

Twitter also has the disadvantage of being unnoticeable, especially since the tweets you post can go by so quickly with one swipe.

In addition, and this is the biggest one, the system of displaying the number of RTs and likes below every tweet and every picture, as if it were a price tag for the picture, has a great effect on the mind, and I didn't like the fact that I could directly feel the evaluation of the picture.

In that context, I thought that the only advantages or good things about being active on Twitter for me were the large population and the fact that people outside the area would be interested in my work. I decided that I should focus on my activities on DeviantArt, which is used by many people from overseas, and especially on FANBOX.

It's not good to force yourself to work in a medium that doesn't suit you while feeling stressed!

(I should add, for the record, that I am very grateful for all the RTs, likes, and comments!

I've been trying to deliver my work to as many people as possible in the best way possible. For example, I don't tweet anything unrelated to my work, I always tweet an announcement the day before I post, and I always post just before 9:00 p.m., and I try to update Fanbox at noon on weekdays to accommodate those who don't have wifi at home, as I know many of you are outside during the day. That's it.

All these efforts are not because I want people to become my fans. I want more people to become fans of my paintings.

And it is not my intention to continue to make the people who are currently supporting me and who say they like my pictures feel disappointed.

Therefore, I have decided to change my policy in order to keep my positive feelings toward my pictures and to work without stress and without putting a burden on everyone.

As of now, I feel refreshed to be able to make this decision.

I'm still lacking in skill and am struggling to keep up with the ever-increasing level of the world of drawing, but I'm learning more about drawing from popular manga every day and trying to add a little variety to my designs.

(I'll be introducing the manga I've been promoting in a full-length Fanbox article in the near future.

Finally. Finally, I'd still like to continue this activity.

I hope you will continue to follow my creations, if you don't mind.

I'll see you again tomorrow with a new post.

Thank you for everything!

※Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)



お疲れ様です。 ジールさんのお考えを記載していただきありがとうござおます。 以前書かれていた活動方針の方でも言いましたが、私はジールさんがどこで活動されようがジールさんの絵が大好きなのでこれからも応援し続けます。 ジールさんも無理をされない程度で頑張ってください!!