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2022年12月6日をもってファイナルファンタジー5は30周年を迎えます! そしてこの30周年を記念し、DLsite様にてレナ姫様のイラストCG集を発売します! 審査は通っているので、滞りがなければ12月6日の0時に発売を開始するのではないかと思います https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ437066.html 私のFANBOXでは以前からこのイラスト集についてたびたびこっそり進捗経過をお伝えしてきましたが、ついに日の目をみることになります! はじめてダウンロード販売というのをするのでわからない部分が多いのですが… そして、FANBOXの方々の支援なしにはこのイラスト集は完成しなかったと言えると思います(ファンドだけでなく、コメントやいいね等も) 改めてお礼を申し上げさせていただきます。 もしご購入されて感想など持たれましたら、こちらのコメ欄に書いていただければ目を通しますのでどうぞ As of December 6, 2022, Final Fantasy 5 will celebrate its 30th anniversary! And to celebrate this 30th anniversary, I will be releasing a CG illustration collection of Princess Lenna on DLsite! https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ437066.html I've often secretly reported the progress of this illustration collection on my fanbox, but now it's finally going to see the light of day! The review process has been completed, so if there are no delays, I think we will start selling at midnight on December 6. This will be the first time for me to sell downloads, so I'm not sure what to expect... And I can say that this illustration book would not have been completed without the support of not only the fund, but also the comments, likes, etc. of the fanbox members. I would like to thank you again. I'm speaking for English speakers from here on out... This collection of illustrations has a little story about each picture, written in Japanese. It is difficult for me to translate all of them into English with my technical skills, so I have decided to release only the Japanese version of this book. I apologize for this. This makes it impossible to ascertain if English speakers can purchase this illustration collection. If you are unable to purchase it, I would appreciate it if you could contact me in the comments. I will try to come up with a solution.




Congrats for complete the illustration collection about Princess Lenna!😍  You worked hard through this last year to release this amazing CG, I'm looking forward to see it~ By the way for your know, the link you put dont work for me.


I worked so hard! By the way, the reason you can't access it may be because it's a pre-sale piece (the sale starts at midnight on December 6). At any rate, I updated the URL on the notice page. I'll check if I can access the sales page at midnight and update it again. I'd appreciate it if you could comment again if there are any anomalies.


イラスト集見ました。 レナ姫様の極上の女体や表情がとてもエロ可愛らしいです。また、いつもながらキャプションの姫様が最高です! イラスト集が完成できて良かったです。これからもよろしくお願いします。