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今回はエルデンリングのラニを描いています いま話題性のある子ですね レナという偽名を使ってるので私のアンテナにひっかかったというのもあるのですが… いままでとはちょっと挑戦的な作品になるかもしれないです まず肌の色からして特殊ですからね さらに光源(光の当たり方)をビビッドにする予定です




Oh you're drawing Renna from Elden Ring! She has a similar name like princess Lenna🥰 It's good to try new challenges, I guess this is your first tine drawing a charaxter who has a different color skin and 4 arms. As always I'll wait untll midnight to see her~


Thanks for the comment! Yes, in order for more people to see my paintings, I may have to draw non-human characters like this.🤔 Also, maybe it's just me, but there's quite a buzz about Eldenring. Please wait for midnight to post the finished product.😊