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2022/3/19 17:40分頃修正  カラーマップ(色を採取するレイヤー)を消すの忘れてました  今回はDQ3より女僧侶さんを描きました  後の子孫がDQ1の主人公なのは割と有名だと思うのですが、誰と子を成したかっていうのは、やっぱりより強い子孫を残そうと思うと共に旅をした仲間が濃厚だと思うんですよね 僧侶さんとなら回復魔法の得意そうな子孫が期待できそうです  これからドラクエ方面の絵もちょくちょく描いていきたいです




Woah you drew the priestess from DQ3! She's very beautiful I like her blue hair and her outfit🥰 I didnt know her descendants are the heros from DQ1, that's mean she had passionate sex with her comrades, she looks very erotic reciving the seed of her partner😍 I'm looking forward more characters from DQ!


Thanks for the comment! It's been established that the protagonist of DQ1 is descended from the protagonist of DQ3, but it's unclear who he had children with.🤔 So this picture is just a guess. I'd love to draw him having a baby with a warrior girl, or a wise girl, or another mate!🥰