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今回はFF4の大人リディアを描きました  いままでちょこちょこ公開しない落書きで描いたことはあったのですが全身を描くのは初めてですね  装飾品が作品によってブレがあったり、おっぱいの大きさやむちむち具合の調整とかをかなり迷いながら描いてました




Congrats for draw her whole body for first time, you did very well~ Rydia's very beautiful, love how you drew her so plump with big boobs😍 She looks so innocent enjoying the creampie of her partner🥰 Beautiful work, keep it up!


Thanks for the comment! It was really difficult when I tried to draw Rydia properly.🤔 I'm sure I'll get used to it after a few times. I'm not sure if I'm the type to enjoy pleasure or the type to be confused by it. I would like to think about this when I draw again.😊