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ポケモンダイパリメイク発売ということで再燃しているヒカリを描いております  このイラストに関しては結構なスピードで進んでますね  無意識下に鉄は熱いうちに打てという気持ちがあるのかも




Nice to see how you work, I cant wait to see Hikari finished😊 Everybody's playing the remake but soon Pokemon Arceus will go out on sale~ Im curious because the game will be a bit different than the others. I hope you'll draw more pokemon characters in the future❤ Keep it up!


Thank you for your comment! I'll be uploading the finished product at midnight tonight! All Pokémon trainers are fascinating, and I hope to continue drawing them. The main character of Pokémon Arceus seems to be an ancestor of Hikari. I'm looking forward to it!