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ご支援いただき、ありがとうございます。心より感謝いたします<(_ _)>。

サポーターの皆さんも少しずつ増えて、これほどモチベーションが上がるものだと思っていませんでした。今はとりあえずサポーターになっていただいた方が一通り楽しめるくらいのコンテンツを増やすのに、投稿するので精一杯なんですが、投稿って想像以上に大変で、過去作を選んでアップするまでの作業で一日が暮れてゆく感じです( ;∀;)。過去作はまだあるんですが、そろそろ新しいのを織り交ぜなければと考えてます。皆さんには作品を楽しんでいただき、私は皆さんにモチベーションを上げてもらう、winwinの関係を築けたらと思っております。



Thank you for your support. Thank you from the bottom of my heart <(_ _)>.

The number of supporters is increasing little by little, and I am very motivated. Right now, I'm doing my best to post more content that people who have become supporters can enjoy. Posting is harder than I imagined, and I'm doing my best to select and upload past works (; ∀;). There are still past works, but I think it's time to mix in new ones. I hope that everyone will enjoy the work and that I will be able to build a win-win relationship with everyone's support.

Over the past week, we have increased cameltoe without modification, and so far the contents of FANBOX are becoming what we originally envisioned. Thanks to your support, various ideas are coming up, so I think I can continue to post works that you can enjoy. Thank you for your continued support.

I work in parallel as I can think of it, so there are many (^^ ♪).





You are doing fantastic! Keep up the hard work!