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今週のヒゲのワンドロ。 今回のテーマは「死神」「ドクロ」 ハロウィーンに向けて、というお話でしたので、市川はあえて落語の演目「死神」を描いてみました♪ 演者によっては結構こわーい話です。でも、グリム童話やイタリアオペラがネタ元というのはなかなか興味深いものであります。 自分が知る限り、今の落語家さんでヒゲを生やしている人はいないので(多分ヒゲを生やしているとエラソウに見えちゃうからですかね?)、戦前の噺家かなあ、と。ちょっと稲川○二にも見えちゃいますよねw Here is my drawing for this week's One Hour Drawing Challenge. The subjects were, "Death God"/"skull". The organizer of the challenge chose those subjects because of Halloween season. So, I tried to draw something more Japanese/Japanesque image rather than persuing Western. This is an image of Rakugo-ka (らくごか、落語家) performing the story of Death God (しにがみ、死神). "Rakugo-ka" is the traditional stand-up comedian/story teller in Japan (well, they do their performance "sitting" on the stage. So, "stand-up" is not correct, I guess. On the other hand, "Rakugo" is the naun of their performance. Therefor, a Rakugo-ka does Rakugo). This Rakugo, the story of Death God, the title is exactly, "Death God" is the one written around 200 years ago. It is innterestingly, based on one of German stories collected by brothers of Grim, "Godfather Death"(Der Gevatter Tod) and an Italian opera by Federico Ricci, "The Cobbler and the Fairy (Crispino e la comare)". More info about Rakugo-ka and Rakugo. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rakugo



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