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[M] メモリーシリーズ

왕국 수도 길드에서 활약한 세실리아는 휴식을 위해 고향으로 돌아간다. 그녀는 4인 가족으로, 아버지는 무역의 일로 멀리 있기 때문에 평소에는 3명이서 지낸다. 그렇기 때문에 그녀는 자신의 세상에 하나 뿐인 동생 '세이마'를 아주 귀엽고 소중히 여기며 다시 함께 즐겁게 지낼 생각에 기분이 들떴다. 하지만… 세이...

[과격한 세이마 루트 - 첫 정상위]

※요약하자면 세이마는 세실리아의 성기에서 천천히 자신의 성기를 뽑고있고,

세실리아의 조임이 너무 강하기 때문에 그의 성기를 휘감고 있는 핑크색 고리가 조금 빠져나오는 상황 입니다.

세실리아는 세이마가 알몸에 대한 내성을 키우기 위해 욕실에서 서로 가까이 있는 것을 강요한다.

"우리는 남매이기 때문에, 이건 당연한 것 입니다."

벌거벗은 세실리아와 가까워진 지 며칠이 지나면서 세이마의 음경은 한계에 다다랐고, 세실리아가 그를 가볍게 씻길 때, 세이마는 그녀의 가슴과 얼굴 전체에 사정했다.

세실리아는 이런 모습을 한 번도 본 적이 없지만, 놀라기보다는 동생을 걱정했다.

세실리아 : ! 세이마 괜찮나요? 어디 아프신가요?

세이마 : 으읏… 아니 아픈곳은 없어. 오히려 더 나아진 거 같아…

그것이 그의 기분을 나아지게 한다는 것을 알게 된 세실리아는 세이마의 사타구니 부위를 더욱 집중으로 씻겨주고, 그녀는 자주 목욕을 하며 세이마를 치유해준다.

세이마 : 앗.. 너무 기분 좋아!

세실리아: 그런가요? 그럼 계속 해줄게요…❤

세실리아는 그것을 젖꼭지와 젖가슴 사이에 문지르고,

입술로 키스함으로써 세이마가 기분이 좋다는 것을 시행착오를 통해 알게 된다.

세이마 : 앗!!

세실리아 : !!

세이마 : 미안… 이상한 맛이지?

세실리아 : 아뇨..❤

이런 일상이 계속 되었고, 세실리아의 잠재의식적 성욕은 한계에 다다른다.

그 남매는 섹스에 대해 몰랐지만, 그 행위들은 서로에게 동물적인 무언가를 구축했다.

그 다음 단계는 세실리아가 세이마와 조금 떨어진 곳에 목욕물 온도를 체크했을 때 일어났다.

세실리아의 엉덩이는 세이마의 눈 앞에서 흔들리고 있었다.

세실리아 : 따뜻한 물이 나오기 시작했습니다. …세이마?

세이마는 그녀의 엉덩이를 움켜쥐었다.

세이마 :누나는 계속 내 더러운 곳을 씻겨줬으니, 이번엔 내가 씻겨주고 싶어

세실리아 :

세이마는 탐욕스럽게 손과 입으로 엉덩이 사이사이와, 보지의 둔부 쪽을 씻겨줬다.

이것은 세이마의 손가락이 실수로 그녀의 구멍 안으로 미끄러질 때까지 며칠 동안 계속된다.

세실리아 : !

세이마 : 미안! 아팠어?

세실리아 : 아뇨..❤ 안쪽을 좀 더 씻겨주길 바래요.

세이마는 손가락질이 좋다는 것을 배웠다. 그리고 하루 이틀이 지나고…

세실리아 : 좀 더 깊숙히 넣어줄 수 있나요? 더 깊은 곳을 씻길 필요가 있어요. 하지만 세이마의 손가락은 살짝 짧네요.

세이마: ".."

세실리아: ".."

세이마와 세실리아의 첫 성관계는 생으로 후배위이었다.

그의 음경은 깊은 내부를 청소하기 위해 필요했다. 특정 내벽을 더 잘 청소하기 위해 다른 각도와 위치가 필요했다.

그 남매는 이것이 외설스러운 행위인 것을 몰랐지만 기분이 좋다는 것만 알고 서로에게 더 가깝게 만들었다.

둘 다 임신 사실을 몰랐기 때문에 생 섹스와 질내사정이 많이 발생했다.


[過激なセイマルート - 初の正常位]







セシリア : ! セイマ大丈夫ですか? どこか痛いですか?

セイマ : うっ…いや、痛いところはない。 むしろもっとよくなったようだ···


セイマ : あっ、すごく気持ちいい!

セシリア : そうなんですか? じゃあ続けてあげます…❤



セイマ : あっ!!

セシリア : !!

セイマ : ごめん··· 変な味だよね?

セシリア : いいえ..❤





セシリア : お湯が出始めました。 …セイマ?


セイマ :ねちゃんはずっと私の汚いところを洗ってくれたから、今度は私が洗ってあげたい

セシリア :



セシリア : !

セイマ : ごめん!痛かった?

セシリア : いいえ..❤ 内側をもう少し洗ってください。

セイマは指使いがいいことを学んだ。 そして一日二日が過ぎて···

セシリア : もう少し深く入れてもらえますか? もっと深いところを洗う必要があります。でもセイマの指は少し短いですね。

セイマ : ".."

セシリア: ".."


彼の陰茎は深い内部を掃除するために必要だった。 特定の内壁をよりよく掃除するためには、異なる角度と位置が必要だった。




[Radical Seima route - first missionary sex]

※Summary : Seima is slowly pulling out he's penis in Secilia's pussy.

But Secilia's pussy tightening is so strong that his penis is swallowed by a pink ring.

Secilia would force Seima to stay closer to her in the bath, to build up his tolerance of her naked body. (We're siblings after all, this is natural!) After days of being so closer to naked Secilia, Seima's penis is at its limit, and even when Secilia lightly washes it, he ejaculates all over her breasts and face. Secilia has never seen this before, but more than being surprised, she is worried about her brother.

Sec: "Ah! Are you all right Seima? Does anything hurt?"

Sei: "Ugh.. No, nothing hurts.. I feel better actually.."

Knowing that it makes him feel better, Secilia becomes more aggressive washing Seima's groin area, and she relieves him frequently in the bath.

Sei: "Ugh.. Feels too good!"

Sec: "Really? Then I'll continue..❤" Secilia figures out by trial and error that Seima feels good by rubbing it on her nipples, between her breasts, and by kissing it with her lips.

Sei: "Ugh!!"

Sec: "!!"

Sei: "Sorry I didn't warn you.. It doesn't taste bad?"

Sec: "No..❤"

After many days of playing like this, Secilia's subconscious sexuality is at its limits. Even though the siblings don't know about sex, the acts build something animalistic in each other.

The next step occurred when Secilia faced away from Seima, checking the bathwater temperature. Her butt wiggled at Seima, who watched closely.

Sec: "The water is warm now! Oh!?" Seima grabbed her butt.

Sei: "It's always you washing my dirty area, but I need to do it for you too."

Sec: ".."

Seima greedily cleans her buttcrack and pussy lips with his hands and mouth. This continues for a few days, until Seima's fingers accidently slip inside her hole.

Sec: "!!"

Sei: "Ah, I'm sorry!! Does it hurt?"

Sec: "No..❤ Inside needs more cleaning too."

Seima learns that fingering is good. After another day or two..

Sec: "Go deeper, please..Deeper needs more cleaning." But Seima's fingers aren't long enough.

Sei: ".."

Sec: ".."

Seima and Secilia's first sex was raw doggystyle. His penis was needed to clean deeply inside. Different angles and positions were needed to clean certain inside walls better. Neither sibling knew that this was naughty acts, but only knew that it felt good and brought them closer to each other. Neither knew about pregnancy, so a lot of raw sex and creampies occurred.


키시 코멘트 : 이건 꽤 예전 리퀘스트라 이번엔 승낙했는데, 사실 이렇게 긴 문장의 리퀘스트는 받지 않습니다.

정말 죄송합니다. 근데 번역에 상당한 시간이 들어갑니다…

キシコメント : これはかなり前のリクエストなので、今回は承諾したのですが、実はこんなに長い文章のリクエストは受け付けません。

本当に申し訳ございません. しかし、翻訳にかなりの時間がかかります…

※Kishi comment : This is a very old request, so I accepted it this time, but I don't accept requests for long text.

I'm so sorry. But it takes a lot of time to translate…

디테일한 설명은 따로 들었는데 이 포즈의 POV 버전과 비슷 합니다.


I've heard the detailed explanation from him separately and it's similar to the POV.ver of this pose.


[무표정 절정] 자신의 절정을 예감한 세실리아. 마스도 그것을 눈치챘는지 자신의 체중을 실어서 한번에 성기를 더욱 깊숙히 넣는다. 그 자극은 세실리아의 절정을 더욱 촉진시켰다. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [無口イキ] ...




세실리아와의 수행에 집중하면 세이마도 대성하겠네요👍




This is beautiful


Great work Kishi. Thank you for continuing to provide your artwork.

John Binger

Wonderful, need more for this route


[First missionary sex] As usual after their bath, the siblings were being naughty in Sec’s room. Sei was greedily and thoroughly kissing and sucking her pussy. Sec: “Feels good, Sei.. that’s a good pace..” Sei: “I’m at my limit, sister! I need to put it in!” Usually they either have sex in doggystyle or cowgirl, so Sec started to reposition. She was surprised when Sei held her hips down, making her stay in place. Sei: “I want to do it like this today..” as he brought his own hips forward to rub genitals in missionary position. Sec: “ok, sure..” It’s a bit embarassing to have missionary sex for the first time. In cowgirl, Sec gets to be the big sister dominating the little brother. And in doggystyle Sei gets to dominate Sec like mating animals. But missionary is much more personal and loving. It is less domination and more love and pleasure, it is less fucking and more making love.


Their genitals are getting creamy from all the mixed love juices and friction, but the angle of their perpindicular hips made penetration difficult. Sei kept humping harder and harder, not wanting to give up. Sei: “This feels good too, right?” By hugging her legs together, her fat labia majora sandwiched his shaft like a hotdog. Each thrust in dragged her clitoral hood up, exposing the sensitive clitoral glans which was stimulated by each drag down. Sei isn’t the biggest, so he needs to know all these tricks to pleasure his woman. Sec: “Yes it does❤️❤️ Sei is doing great.” She could feel his pre-ejaculatory twiches, so she wanted sex to start soon. Sec: “Here, let me help.” She put her feet on the bed to lift her butt up, aligning his tip with her now drenched hole. Her pussyhole made an eager squelch as his tip got sucked in, and it made a disappointed pop as he pulled out. Sec: “?” Sei: “Stop! I can do it myself.”


Sec wants Sei to be a man, so she agrees to let him keep trying. Sec’s face is bright red as Sei spreads her legs out and back, so her knees are next to her ears. Her pussyhole is stretched by this position, blowing out bubbles of creamy discharge from the air pushed in by pussyjob. Sei’s tip would pop each bubble as it pressed firmly against the entrance, the angle making penetration difficult. But Sei kept applying pressure, pressing in and relaxing, and rubbing the rim of her entrance in a circular manner. All this pressure teased both of them until her rim accepted his tip. His hip pressure and her creamy lubrication and sucking force led Sei to quickly slip in as deep as possible, his pubic bone meeting her butt in a quick slap. She let out a cute shriek from sex being started so suddenly.


Sei: “Feels too good!! Must stop!!” Sei pressed his hands against her butt as he tried to pull out, but Sec’s pussyglove gripped his slender member with the greatest of love. The imprint of his tip was visible through her pussyrim which stretched outwards with Sei. Her soft eyes and vacuum grip seemed to say to Sei “Don’t leave me.. come back inside..” At once Sei lost his strength and slipped back inside, burying himself. Sec let out an even higher pitched shriek this time. Their first missionary sex continued like this, alternating between struggling to pull out and then slipping back in forcefully. Each time Sei pulled out, Sec made sure to contract her pelvic muscles upwards to contribute to the sucking force. And each time he slipped back in, she descended her uterus rapidly so her cervix would kiss his tip. At first this sex was awkward and robotic, but it soon became rhythmic and sensual. They were making love.


And based on the angle, Sei’s penis was strongly applying pressure to her ceiling, where her internal clit lives. His dick imprint would follow her clit as he moved out and in, so he instinctively put his left palm against her clit following their sex movements. Sandwiching and milking her clit externally and internally and greatly improving Sec’s pleasure. Sec: “!!” (He’s always thinking of me..) The sibling couple held eye contact in silence, other than the sounds of sex (yelping and grunts, squelching and burping genitals, flesh slapping against flesh). Ser heard Sec’s occasional shrieks in her room, but left it alone. Sec has been asking her about women’s bodies lately, so she assumed she was pleasuring herself (it really was to pleasure Sei better.)


Dinner was ready, so she decided to knock on Sec’s door. The noises are even louder than before. Sec: “she’s so strong.. she might hurt herself!!” She opened the door, which proved to be a mistake. It was a horror scene for any mother. Sei: “I’m cumming again!! It hurts, sister!!” On top of bedsheets soaked with sweat and Sec’s piss/cum was Ser’s beloved beautiful children, sweaty and their hips connected and moving rhythmically against each other. Sec: “Just relax, Sei, I’m here. Secil is here to make the pain all better.” Her soft loving words were broken by gasps and contrasted strongly with her naughty hips moving circularly to milk her brother more efficiently. Ser: “!!!!!!!” How could this happen?? She quickly left before she was noticed, but the scene was burned into her mind and prevented her from sleeping. How will she confront her children?


[Wet Dream] I thought of this scenario as an alternate start to [Secilia+Seima] route. Sec knocks on her brother’s door in the morning. “Sei, hurry and eat breakfast! You’ll be late for school.” There’s no response, so she opens the door. Sei is changing into new underwear. “Oh! Sorry Sei!” “Please get out!!” Sec is concerned because Sei has been cold to her since her return from adventuring. Really, Sei is confused with his new sexual feelings toward his sister. After Sei leaves for school, Sec enters his room to tidy things. She notices soiled underwear in his laundry basket, as well as soiled sheets. (Did he pee himself?) The underwear and sheets smell strong, not like pee. She changes the sheets for him. A few mornings later, Sec hears groaning from Sei’s room (their beds are next to each other across the wall). She enters his room to investigate. “Sei..?” “Oh..sister…oh..” His body is wriggling, but he seems to be asleep.


Sec moves the blanket to see Sei’s erection making a tent in his underwear, precum staining through. She’s concerned, and takes off the underwear to examine further. Sec is scared when she sees his stiff penis bounce up and down like a spring when the underwear came off. She held it in her hand to try to calm it down, and could feel the hot throbbing pulse. “Sei.. what is going on..?” Her gentle grip caused more precum to come out, lubricating his member and causing it to slip out slightly, so she gripped it more firmly. This gentle stroking led to Sei ejaculating on himself, the bed, and Sec. “!!” Sei’s face and penis calmed down a bit, and Sec cleaned him and herself up. The next day, with Sei’s frustrations released a bit, Sec noticed Sei was kinder to her, especially in the bath. Sec understood his nightly erection and semen to be a barrier to her relationship with him, so she made it her responsibility to take care of Sei.


Every few nights she would enter his room and stroke his erection to completion. At first she only used her hands, but quickly realized she should use her mouth to catch the semen and keep themselves clean. (Smells strong but doesn’t taste bad!) Sometimes 3 or 4 blowjobs were needed to calm Sei down. During the day, the siblings’ relationship grew closer and closer as Sei was not as frustrated around her. Sei is a deep sleeper, but one night woke up during a blowjob. Sei: (Hmm..? Feels weird!!) Sec was diligently sucking him from base to tip, her lips forming a tight suction/vacuum. Sei: (Ahh!! What’s going on!!) Sec could tell he was near climax and continued the same pace as he came, and even after he came to get every last drop out. Sec: “pwuah.. Sei has a lot of energy left.. need to go again..” She kissed his stiff tip to confirm the erection is still there. Sei: “Sister..?” Sec: “!! Sei..” She stroked his penis with her hand as they talked.


“Is that you, Secil..?” “Um..” “Or is this another dream..?” “.. Yes.. it’s a dream.. just relax.” Sec is embarassed to let Sei know what she’s been doing at night. Once Sei started sleeping she returned to a gentle blowjob. The next day, Sec was relieved that Sei didn’t bring it up - Sei really thought it was another wet dream. The next session, Sei woke up again during a blowjob. “Um.. hi Sei. This is Dream Secilia.” Sei enjoyed Dream Sec’s blowjob for a bit, even holding her face to set the pace. “Dream Sister, come up here please.” “?” As their faces got closer, Sei kissed Sec on the lips over and over. “!!” His hands took off her tank top and groped her breasts. Sei is shy in real life but the frustrations lead to aggressive action in his dreams. They exchanged saliva as Sei thrusted his penis between her shaking breasts. “Feels so real!!” “..” “I love you, Sister!” “I love you too, Sei.”


The kissing and titfuck continued as Sei finished many times between her breasts. Sec would lick his penis clean and Sei would start the kissing again. This continued until they both fell asleep exhausted. In the early morning, Sec woke up to a strange sensation. (!! I’m still in Sei’s room! Did I fall asleep?) Sei woke up first. Seeing the semen between her breasts, he assumed it was Dream Sec so took off her panties. Sec woke up to the sensation of Sei rubbing his erection into her pussy lips. He was spooning her, his hands on her hips for stability. “Sei!” “Hi sister!” As he rubbed back and forth, all the precum and discharge made it easy to slip inside. Sec swallowed his real life virginity, even though he had sex with her many times before in his dreams.


Even though Sec was surprised, she pretended to be calm as Dream Sec would. She rubbed his head against his breast to support him. “Feels too good! Never felt this good before!” “You are doing good Sei..” They had sex for a few times before cuddling again. It all feels too real for Sei. “Um.. you are a dream, right? Not my real sister?” “Yes Sei.. just relax and rest.” Now Sec has to add sex to their nightly sessions. As their dream sex continued, their awake relationship became stronger and stronger. What would happen if Sei realizes it’s not a dream?