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메인 시나리오 1부 히로인 '마나' 입니다.

아마 현재 캐릭터 중에 표정이 가장 다양할 거 같습니다.

일단은 여기까지만 말하겠습니다.




Main Scenario Part 1 Heroin 'Mana'.

I think she has the most variety of facial expressions among the characters.

I'll stop here for now.

세실리아 - (세이마의 발기를 맨 처음 발견했지만, 그게 뭔지 몰라 그냥 지나쳤다.)

세리아 - (세이마 이외에도 세실리아와 마나를 챙겨야하기 때문에 아직 그의 발기를 눈치채지 못했다.)

마나 - (모든 상황을 눈치 챘지만, 세이마가 무안하지 않게 모르는 척 배려한다.)

セシリア - (セイマの勃起を最初に発見したが、それが何なのか分からなくてただ通り過ぎた。)

セリア - (セイマ以外にもセシリアとマナの面倒を見なければならないため、まだ彼の発起に気づいていない。)

マナ - (すべての状況に気づいたが、セイマが恥ずかしくないように知らないふりをする。)

Secilia - (She was the first to find Seima's erection, but she didn't know what it was, so she just passed it.)

Seria - (She hasn't noticed his erection yet, as she has to take care of Secilia and mana in addition to seima)

Mana - (She's noticed the whole situation, but she's considerate as if she doesn't know so that Seima doesn't feel ashamed.)

한스 : 지금부터는 어른들만의 시간이니 텐트에서 나가주겠니, 마스?

마나 : …미안해, 마스. 하지만 지금부터 하는 일은 너에겐 아직 일러서 보여줄 수 없어.

그러니 몇년후에 … 알겠지?

마스 : 이익…!!!!

그녀는 어린아이를 손대지 않는다. 싫어하는게 아닌, 오히려 소중히 생각하기 때문이다.

그리고 이것이 정상이다.


ハンス :ハンス:これからは大人だけの時間だからテントから出てくれる?マス?

マナ : …ごめんね、マス。でも、今からやることは君にはまだ早いから見せられないの。

だから何年後に··· ね?

マス : チクショ···!!!!

彼女は子供に手を出さない。 嫌いなのではなく、むしろ大切に思っているからだ。



Hans : It's time for adults only. So will you get out of here, Mas?

Mana : …I'm sorry, Mas. But what we do from now on is still too early for you.. so we can't show you.

So please wait a few years… Got it?

Mas : damn!

She doesn't touch a child. It originated from her cherishing a child.

And this is normal.




Mana here too? This gets better!


now it only remains aria to appear and we have everyone


세실리아와 한스가 텐트로 들어가는 걸 본 세이마가 찝찝함을 느껴 따라들어가보려 했지만 마침 한스의 텐트로 오던 마나와 마주쳐 마나의 어필로 데이트 하게 되고 그동안 ntr 당하는 세실리아... 같은 건 어떤가요?


데이트를 끝내고 다시 텐트 입구로 돌아왔을때 ntr당하고 나오는 세실리아와 그대로 한스에게 불려 들어가는 마나. 더블ntr...


Blonde Mana with green eyes is really cute. Maybe that is her human form so not too many people know she is a devil. She only turns into devil form when she is about to have sex. Mana acts silly at times and is less serious than Secilia, so she gets along with Seima. They play together a lot. Secilia sometimes gets a bit jealous when Seima looks so happy running around with Mana the way he used to with her. In the bath, Seima and Mana splash each other. Mana notices his erection but says nothing. When Secilia joins them, Mana notices his erection gets even bigger and starts throbbing. M: (Is that because of his sister..?) Seima likes Mana’s body but absolutely loves Secilia’s body. Mana can’t help but speak up when Secilia strokes Seima as if it’s normal. M: “Umm..Secilia?” Sec: “Oh, this? He gets dirty here, so it requires extra attention.” Mana realizes it’s not sexual for the siblings. Also, where does Mana sleep? Seima’s room or Secilia’s room?


Mana's new design is great!


I'm thinking about it. I haven't decided yet. There are many empty rooms on the second floor of the chief, so that's possible


After everyone was done showering Seria and Secillia went downstairs to prepare dinner while Mana went up to talk to Seima. She knocked on his door and he opened it surprised to see her. " Oh M-Mana San, how can I help you?" Seima stuttered trying not to stare directly at her breast due to the height difference. Mana smiles down at him. " Can I come in Seima?" She asked sweetly. Seima shuffled his feet a bit nervously before opening the door some more to let her in. "Thank you." She said walking through. Mana took a look around the room admiring how neat everything was. His training sword was displayed next to a dummy in the corner. "He definitely gets that from Secillia." Mana thought. She sat down on his bed and admired the well made sheets. "Your room is so cool Seima!" Mana said excitedly. Seima deeply for a moment but then gave a cute smile. "Thanks Mana, my Sister says that a good adventurer has to make sure to keep their equipment clean and orderly."




"You love your Sister a lot don't you Seima?" Seima paused for a moment before answering. "Yes, I love her a lot. She's kind and caring. She's really strong as well, and she makes me feel safe. She's really beautiful too, she's like an Angel. I want to be just like her!" Seima exclaimed. He had been holding on to these feelings for a while now and he was glad he was able to finally have someone he could express them to even though it wasn't his Sister. Unbeknownst to Seima and Mana though , Secillia had come upstairs to get them for dinner and had heard Seima's confession. She stood outside the doorway her heart pounding in her chest. "Seima really loves me.." Secillia thought with joy. Her face warmed at the thought though, she was a little jealous Seima had told Mana instead of her. Inside Mana spoke " Wow Seima you really do love her huh, your even more excited than when you were in the shower." Mana said with a teasing smile looking at his crotch.


Seima looked down to where Mana was staring at. Seima yelled in embarrassment as he realized he was sporting an erection. Secillia who had been listening outside grew concerned. "Seima was excited in the shower?" Secillia thought. She had been showering with Seima for as long as she could remember so she didn't usually think anything of it. Then she remembered how Seima's penis had been standing up when they were bathing today. " Is that his excitement? Does he get like that from being around me?" Secillia's thoughts raced inside her head as she pondered the nature of Seima's erection. Seima his his face in shame to embarrassed to look at Mana. Mana chuckled and got up to hug him. "It's ok Seima, you have a lot of Love inside you for Secillia-chan and your body is just looking for a way to express it. I'm sure if you talked to her she'll help you." "I'm afraid she would get mad and hate me." Seima said. "I would never hate you Seima!!" Secillia's thoughts screamed out.


Mana hugged Seima closer to her. "Your Sister loves you too much. I'm sure She'd do anything she can to help you. So make sure you tell her how you feel alright." " Okay Mana, I will." Seima answered. Outside Secillia's heart was racing. She desperately wanted to rush in the room and tell Seima everything would be alright but held back for his sake. Just then her Mother's voice called out from downstairs. "Kids hurry up, your dinner is getting cold!" Not wanting to keep their mother waiting any longer Secillia knocked on Seima's door. Seima quickly answered. Their was brief moment where the two simply stared at each other for moment before Secillia spoke first. " Dinner is ready." Secillia stated. Before Seima could speak Mana spoke up. " AHH finally I'm starving." Mana said as she rushed down leaving the sibling alone. Secillia looked back at Seima. "Are you coming?" Seima paused before grabbing his Sister's hands. "Onee-san I need your help with something."


Secillia looked down and saw her brother's erection fully tenting out pointed directly at her. Secillia blushed before she responded " Okay Seima, I'll do anything I can 💕" Seima pulled his Sister by her hands and Secillia followed closing the door behind her. When Mana got downstairs and sat down at the dinner table Seria asked where Seima and Secillia were. "Ahh Seima wasn't feeling well so Secillia's taking care of him right now." Mana said before she started digging into her plate. Seria sighed and decided to store their plates in the fridge incase they got hungry and wanted to come down and eat. Seima and Secillia didn't come down until the next morning. Seima was feeling a lot better by then and for the rest of Mama's stay Secillia would sleep in Seima's room.


Mana! She’s looks so adorable. It’s been a while; I can’t wait to see her personality again!


오랜만에 보는 마나군요. 음탕한 꼬맹이들(...)이 많은 마을에서 일정 선을 지키는 특이함이 아주 좋습니다乃 레즈전개로 가면 세실리아나 세리아가 예상되는데 NTR전개로 가면 과연 어떤 식으로 갈지 궁금한 히로인입니다. 메인 NTR남(?)인 마스 입장에서도 얻을 수 없는 꽃이니... 농장 아저씨나 촌장님, 한스...아니면 노숙자들이 모인 곳에서 여러가지 의미로 봉사한다거나 그런것도 괜찮을거 같네요.


最新のマナの立ち絵とても好みです。 特に新しい衣装が非常にエロい、陥没乳首なのも素晴らしい。 マナが催眠や睡眠などの意識がない状態で子供に悪戯をされるシチュエーションなどはあり得ますか?


面白さのために情報は少しずつ解いていく計画なので、多くの話はできませんが、 可能ではあります。


I’d like to see Mana’s dress from the back. It’d be nice if it was just a thin strip of fabric that covered her butt crack, with her buttcheeks completely exposed up to her lower back. It would also be nice if her dress had a hole in the front so she could show off her cleavage. Mana copies Secilia’s green eyes and blonde hair as they walk around the village. Villagers are in awe of Mana, whose bubbly personality somehow makes her cuter than Secilia. V: “Whoa who is this Secilia? Your relative?” S: “Hi everyone. This is Mana. She’s my cousin who is visiting from another town. She’ll be staying with us for a while, so please take care of her.” M: “Hi everyone! Mana will be in your care!” V: “Hi Mana!!” (She’s not wearing any panties?) Mana is already deciding which villager she wants to have fun with first. That night, one of the villagers had a dirty dream that he had raw sex with the new visitor. The next morning, that villager swore Mana winked at him as she passed by,


I also appreciate that you made all the girls’ pussies chubbier and more visible from the front, which I feel is anatomically accurate. Looks like Mana has the fattest pussy, while Secilia has the skinniest pussy.


If Mana stays with chief, that would conflict with the chief Aria storyline I think. It’d be better if she just stays in Seima’s room. Seima gradually falls asleep while Mana reads books to him, like Seria or Secilia used to. M: “Hmm, where shall I sleep? I don’t have anywhere to go..” S: “Mana, isn’t it obvious you can sleep here? I’m the smallest, so you fit just fine on my bed.” Mana and Seima get along the best, too, so this is perfect for Mana. Again, this is not sexual love but rather sibling love. Secilia feels a twinge of jealousy as Seima is hugging Mana’s waist the two laughing as they come out for breakfast. That’s the friendship she desperately desires with Seima.


I also think it might be a good idea for Mana to steal Palm’s virginity. Virginities are very precious and hold great power, so Palm’s pent up sexual force from his 40 years of virginity would be greatly enticing to Mana. She can tell he is a virgin, and she is hungry for it. S: “Yes, this is Palm our farmer who graciously supplies our vegetables. Palm, this is Mana, my cousin from another town.” P: “Hi Mana! Veggies, fruits, milk - anything you want, I can get for you.” (She’s so cute..) M: “Hi Mr Palm!!” (He’s a virgin!!) The next day, Mana joins Secilia to help Palm on his farm. Secilia works efficiently, but Mana has no experience with farms and requires a lot of Palm’s help. M: “Sorry I’m so bad at this.. Thank you for helping..” P: “Don’t say sorry! I’m thankful for any help.” (She smells so good..) Their bodies are close, and the sexual energy is building. Secilia is oblivious to all this, and leaves once her work is done. M: “I need to stay longer! I’m so slow.”


Palm of course is fine with continuing to help Mana, and loves to see someone else interested in farming, especially when it’s a cute girl like Mana. M: “Isn’t it hot?” She gradually takes off her clothes, and her body is pressing even closer against Palm. M: “You’re hot too, I can feel it.” She helps him take his clothes off too. Pretty soon he only has his underwear, his erection pressing against her butt. His underwear is wet from his precum and her vaginal discharge, which is thick from desiring sex. M: (He still doesn’t make a move?) The sexual energy of a shy 40 year old virgin drives her crazy. “I’m a bit tired, shall we take a break?” As Palm sits in his chair, Mana sits on his lap, her sweaty bare breasts pressed against his chest. M: “I’m a slow learner, right?” P: “Hm? No, you are fine.” (Secilia is just a genius) M: “I think I may learn faster in a different way. First, I need to clean the tool.” P: “Hmm??”


Mana gets off his lap and pulls off his underwear, his sweaty dirty erection popping out. Mana kisses, licks, and sucks on this dirty penis eagerly to clean it. P: “Mana!!” M: “Don’t worry, I’m just cleaning my tool before using it. Or is it not good because you’d prefer Secilia?” Mana’s cute face flashes a bit of jealousy. P: “..” It’s true he’d prefer Secilia, but it feels too good. Mana can tell by his sexual energy when he is about to cum and slows her stimulation accordingly. She edges him for a while before laying her back on the fertile soil she and Palm were working on. M: “Ok, tool is clean.. Next, work on the soil with the tool..” Palm is sent into a daze staring at Mana’s pussy, wet with thick white discharge in anticipation of sex. M: “I’m the soil..” She spread her pussy revealing her throbbing hole, to entice Palm further. Palm brought his penis close, and Mana grabbed it to rub against her entrance. M: “Use your hips.” Now it’s Mana’s turn to teach.


Palm gingerly applied force with his hips, causing his penis to sink deeper and deeper with each thrust. The sexual energy grew and grew and enveloped both of them, heightening as Palm buried his entire penis. Breaking the virginity kept sacred for 40 years generated incredible energy which would drive their sex. M: “Good job Mr. Palm.. Now work me with your tool like you work the soil..” Their sex was slow, powerful, and focused. Palm had little sexual experience, but used his physical and mental power from farming to please Mana. Mana used her thighs and arms to press him tighter against her, guiding the sex. M: “Lastly, plant your seed..” This is Palm’s first true ejaculation besides the small amounts during wet dreams. With each slow thrust inside, another thick rope hit Mana’s cervix, gradually filling up her uterus after 20 cum thrusts. Virgin semen is the tastiest. Their primal sweaty sex on the farm soil continued for hours, Mana finally bringing out Palm’s sexual beast.


Mana wants to help her lovers complete their sexual desires, so she wants Palm to be able to experience Secilia who he truly desires. The trio bathe together at Palm’s house after working hard. S: “Mana, I can tell you are working hard, I’m proud of you.” M: “Hehe, it’s all thanks to Palm!” (His sex gives me power and motivation to learn.) P: “Thank you both for making my days more entertaining.” Secilia smiles and Mana hugs his hald head. Secilia doesn’t mind as Mana is cleaning Palm’s body. She is happy that they are getting along. Palm is like her father, while Mana is like her younger sister. Palm thinks it’s extra naughty that Mana is cleaning his penis in front of Secilia. M: “Secilia, I need some help!” P: “!!” Secilia has seen Palm’s erect penis plenty of times, but never this engorged and swollen (thanks to Mana’s skillful stimulation). S: “Are you okay, Palm?” M: “Yeah yeah he’s fine. It looks like this because it’s dirty. Help me clean it.” P: “!!!”


Palm moans and shivers as both Mana and Secilia work on his penis. Mana does something first, then Secilia copies. They stroke with their hand, kiss and suck with their mouths, and rubs with their breasts. Mana does this so Palm can experience Secilia, and Secilia does it because she is genuinely concerned about Palm. Palm is nearing ejaculation as both Mana and Secilia use their breasts to double tit fuck his poor penis. M: “Still not working, huh.. Let me try this.” Mana backs her butt into his penis. His dick slides up her butt crack a few times before finally slipping into her warm welcoming pussy. P: “Mmmmm yeah..” When he pulls out, his penis is covered with white foam which Mana promptly sucks off. M: “Secilia, you want to try?” S: “Ok.” Secilia just assumed that vaginas cleaned penises. P: “!!!!” Secilia looked back curiously at Palm as his penis pressed against her entrance. Mana rubbed his penis against Secilia’s clit to generate more lubrication before Palm slips inside


S: “!!?” Palm finally has sex with her. P: “Mmm Secilia..” It’s only supposed to be one thrust for cleaning, but he’s been waiting so long for Secilia that he can’t help but grab her hips and thrust powerfully as Mana has taught him. S: “Am I cleaning you well, Mr Palm?” She looks back with a concerned face, trying to hide her pleasure. P: “Yes.. you are doing good..” Mana can tell Palm is about to finish. M: “Shall we try me again?” After he pulls out, Secilia sucks her own discharge off Palm as Mana did, before Palm resumes sex with Mana. Their pussies feel completely different. Mana’s pussy feels like hot warmth that surrounds you. Like sticking your penis into a roasted marshmallow. It’s really well lubricated. While Secilia’s pussy has a lot more structure, grip, and sucking power being more of an inexperienced pussy. You can feel all her vaginal ridges and bumps as you explore inside. And it sucks like a vacuum while pulling out.


Palm alternates between her girls for a while, until Mana sees he’s at his limit with her. M: “One last try, Secilia.” Secilia obediently gets on her back, ready for him. Palm is able to give Secilia 10 thrusts before he starts cumming inside. The sight of her curious face and bouncing breasts stimulated him too much. After Palm is finally done and pulls out, Secilia doesnt mind the cum dripping out of her at all. S: “It looks a bit better now, right? A bit smaller?” M: “Yes, but we have a lot more work to do.” S: “Ok.” Palm’s penis grew again, and the threesome continued.


So if Mana is there does that mean the Mao is awakening again or is she just there by coincidence?I thought you said the story would be different from the previous game.Well I don't mind either way.Oh and still can't get over the inverted nipples but oh well,the art is pretty awesome.


I thought about the starting point of the main story, and I planned to start with the first scenario to get the fans to understand my character.