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[운좋은 농장 아저씨]

농장 아저씨가 창고 정리를 하는 모습을 본 세실리아는 그의 청소를 도와주기로 했다.

그 도중, 창고의 좁은 공간을 지나가던 농장 아저씨는 본의 아니게 매우 운좋은 경험을 했고 다행히 세실리아는 알아채지 못한 채 청소는 끝났다.

그날 밤, 침대에 누운 농장 아저씨는

오늘 하루 느꼈던 세실리아의 엉덩이 감촉을 되새겼다.

농장 아저씨 : (세실리아… 엉덩이는 그렇게 큰데 허리는 얇았지. 언제 이렇게 훌륭하게 자랐을까.)

그리고 농장 아저씨는 꿈을 꾼다.







農場おじさん : (セシリア…お尻はそんなに大きいのに腰は細かったな。 いつこんなに立派に育ったのだろうか。)



[Lucky farm man]

Secilia, who saw the farm man cleaning the warehouse, decided to help him.

Meanwhile, the farm man passing through the narrow space of the warehouse unintentionally had a very lucky experience, and fortunately, Secilia did not notice and the cleaning was over.

That night, the farm man lying in bed recalled Secilia's feeling of buttocks that he felt today.

Farm man : (Secilia… Her waist was thin, but her hips were very big. She grew up really well.)

And the farm man dreams.



세실리아 : 저기, 아저씨 우리 지금 뭐하는 거에요?

농장 아저씨 : 잠깐만…! 금방 끝나니까 조금만 기다려주렴!

세실리아 : …? 네

꿈 속의 세실리아는 섹스에 대해 무지 했다.

그런 상황에 농장 아저씨는 죄책감을 느끼면서도 본능에 따르며 허리를 흔들었다.


セシリア : おじさん。私たち今何してるんですか?

農場おじさん : ちょっと待って!すぐ終わるからちょっと待ってね!

セシリア : …?はい。




Secilia : Hey, what are we doing now?

Farm man : Wait…! It ends soon, so please wait!

Secilia : …? OK.

Secilia in her dream was ignorant of sex.

In such a situation, the farm man felt guilty but shook his lower body according to his instinct.




I would have the exact same dream of Secilia.


"Hello Mr. Farmer, I've come to get vegetables today!" "Of course, Secilia, go ahead!" Some of the vegetables were high up, so Secilia had to get on her toes. "Careful Secilia! I'll support you." As he grabbed her waist, his groin pressed against her butt, and naturally his erection grew from the friction. "Are you having trouble supporting me, Mr. Farmer?" "No no, keep picking out the vegetables you like!" Mr. Farmer was too aroused by the indirect buttjob, so he discreetly pulled down his pants and Secilia's shorts to continue direct buttjob. Secilia was clueless, too focused on the vegetables for her family. (Oh my god! Her butt is so soft and sexy! It feels too good.. I want to fuck her so bad, but surely she'd notice then..) His precum and her discharge made the buttjob slippery, so farmer pressed her buttcheeks tightly to stimulate himself further. "Ahh!!! Ah... AHHH!!" "Mr Farmer, is something wrong?"


He ejaculated all into her buttcrack, and on her back and hair, and wiped his limp penis clean on her wet slit before pulling her shorts back up. "I think some rotten vegetables fell on you." "Yeah..it smells bad. Can I clean myself before I head home?" "!! Of course!!" Secilia knew farmer since she was young, so she felt comfortable taking a bath at his house. But she didn't expect farmer to help her bathe as well. "Um..Mr Farmer, I'm grown now so I can clean myself." "Nonsense, it was my vegetables that got you dirty, so I need to be the one to clean you." "Umm..I don't remember my chest area getting dirty.." Secilia tolerated farmer diligently wiping and caressing her breasts and butt in his bath. "In all my 40 years of living I've never done anything this naughty.. I want to be even naughtier.." "Hmm?" "Nothing, Secilia!"


中国語版 [农场幸运色狼] 看到农场大叔在独自整理仓库的时候,塞西莉亚决定过去帮忙。 整理途中,农场大叔在狭小的空间里遭遇了幸运色狼事件,所幸塞西莉亚没有注意到,整理工作无事结束了。 那天夜里,农场大叔躺在床上不停地回味着塞西莉亚臀部的触感。 农场大叔 : (塞西莉亚…明明屁股那么大腰部却十分苗条啊。 到底是怎么长出这么精致的身体的啊。) 当晚农场大叔便做了个梦。 --------------------------------------------------------------- 塞西莉亚 : 那个,大叔。我们现在是在做什么啊? 农场大叔 : 一会就好!我马上就能完事了所以你再稍微忍耐下! 塞西莉亚 : …?好的。 梦中的塞西莉亚是对性知识一无所知的状态。 农场大叔虽然对这种情况抱有罪恶感,但还是没法违抗本能不停地摆动着腰。


The next time Secilia visited, farmer thought to trick her. S: "Anything you need help with, Mr. Farmer?" F: "Yes, it would be great if you could help me milk my cows. Here, wear this." S: "Cow bikini..?" F: "They'll think you're one of them, and not be scared." Secilia works hard milking the cows. F: "You look like you need to be milked too.." S: "Hmm?" F: "Nothing!" S: "Okay, that's it. Anything else I can help you with?" Farmer was not done enjoying Secilia's body yet. F: "Yes actually.. I got a male cow recently that I want to use to mate with my female cows. But he was not raised with other cows, so he's not comfortable with them." S: "Ok..?" F: "I was hoping you could help me by socializing him a bit. When you wear a cow bikini, it's like you are half human half cow, so he may be more comfortable with you." S: "Ok.." S: "Why can't I see him? Is he shy?" F: "Yes..he's quite shy so he's hiding in this barn the whole time. Maybe if you're nice to him he'll come out."


Secilia gets on all fours, pretending to be a cow. Farmer is hiding in the barn. S: "Moo.. moo.. come out Mr. Cow" F: "Moo.. moo.. I think he likes you. He wants to see you move your hips for him. S: "Moo.. moo.." She shakes her butt. F: "Moo.. moo.. He says he wants to see your udders before deciding if he wants to mate." S: "Mate..? Udders..? My breasts?" F: "Yes, please Secilia." She timidly takes off her top and shakes her breasts at farmer. All of a sudden, a penis pokes out of a hole in the barn. F: "I think he wants to feel your udders to see if it's real." S: ".." Secilia begrudgingly allows the cow to rub his penis on her nipples. F: "Mmm.. he likes your udders. He says it feels good. Could you keep stimulating him? And then I can get the female cow over to mate when he's almost done." S: ".."


Farmer kept begging until Secilia began to suck the penis. F: "MM!! Now he wants you to use your butt!" Secilia sighed and turned around. Farmer's hands popped out of two more holes in the wall to steady her butt on the penis before starting friction. She was annoyed at first but all the rubbing started to make her feel good. But then she got surprised when farmer pulled her panties down and she felt something insert. S: "?!?" F: "He says he wants to mate with you a bit.. It's safe because he can't get you pregnant.." Secilia knew it was farmer the whole time, so she let him fuck her for a bit. She thought it was cute he'd lie so much to get with her. When she felt his penis twitch, she tried to step forward but farmer firmly held her in place, fucking her until he came inside. S: "Looks like cow is done.. Should we get the female cow here while he's still aroused?" F: "I think he wants you for a bit longer.." Secilia allowed farmer to use her womb as a storage unit for a while.