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*이것의 후일담 입니다. *これの後日談です。 *This is a later story of the series. 세리아는 마을 학생들과 함께 토끼 송을 부르며 토끼 율동을 추고 있다. 하지만… 세리아 선생님 : (왜 다들 갑자기 멈추지…?) 촌장 선생님: (세리아님에게 옷이 벗겨졌다고 어서 말해야해! 그치만…) 농장아저씨 선생님: ( 이쪽에...

うさぎの律動 2

[마을 학생의 꿈]

"세리아 선생님…♥"

자극적인 하루를 보낸 마을 학생은 야한 꿈을 꿨는데

그가 상상할 수 있는 최고로 야한 상황은 이것이 한계이다.





[Village student's dream]


The village student, who had a stimulating day, had an erotic dream,

And this is the most obscene situation he can imagine.




Now, that boy just needs to make that dream into a reality


세리아는 개인적으로 핑두로... 갈두는 호불호가 갈리지만 핑두는 없자나용 ㅎ


The good student should get a good "treatment", shouldn't he?


It'd be nice for red-hair student to have a name. And I'd like to see more of him and Seria becoming intimate. Seria usually has sex with crude, ugly men, so seeing her have sex with a shy cute boy would be new and refreshing, and bring out more of Seria's motherly characteristics. For example... Student: "Ah! It feels so good that it hurts! I'm scared, sensei!" Seria: "huhu, just relax and I'll take care of it. Let me know if I'm going too fast.." After.. Student: "Can I stay the night, later? And can we do it again? Please!" Seria: "Only if you take your bath properly this time. And what did you want for dinner? It's about time for me to prepare it."