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[바니 송] 이곳은 작은 마을이기 때문에 학교가 없다. 그래서 세리아가 마을 아이들의 선생님을 하고 있다. 어느날, 아이들을 위해 세리아는 귀여운 동물 동요를 만들려고 했지만, 아직 진전이 없어 고민이었다. 그 소식을 들은 한스와 마스는 좋은 아이디어가 있다며 세리아에게 말했고… 세리아 : …정말 이런 걸로 잘...

*이것의 후일담 입니다.


*This is a later story of the series.

세리아는 마을 학생들과 함께 토끼 송을 부르며 토끼 율동을 추고 있다.


세리아 선생님 : (왜 다들 갑자기 멈추지…?)

촌장 선생님: (세리아님에게 옷이 벗겨졌다고 어서 말해야해! 그치만…)

농장아저씨 선생님: ( 이쪽에서는 잘 안보여! 그렇지만 뒤에서도 알수있는 저 볼륨감!)

세리아는 순수한 마음으로 학생들을 위해 토끼 송과 율동을 만들었지만…

학생들에게 이상한 성벽을 만들어버렸다는 것은 생각치도 못했을 것이다.




セリア先生 : (なんでみんな急に止まるの…?)

村長先生 : (セリア様に服が脱げたと早く言わなければ! でも…。)

農場おじさん先生 : (こっちからはよく見えない! でも後ろからも分かるあのボリューム感!)




Seria dances rabbit and sings rabbit songs with the village students.


Seria-sensei : (Why is everyone stopping all of a sudden…?)

Chief-sensei : (We need to let her know that her clothes are off! But…)

Farm man-sensei : (It's hard to see from this angle! But even from the back, her breast is amazing!)

Seria made rabbit songs and dance moves for her students with a pure heart, but...

She would never have thought that she herself created a strange sexual propensity for her students.

うさぎの律動 2

[토끼 율동 2] 마을 학생A는 잠을 자려고 누웠지만 머리속에 오늘 낮에 있던 일이 계속 떠오른다. 토끼처럼 귀엽게 깡총 뛰며 춤추는 선생님. 리듬에 맞춰 눈 앞에서 크게 흔들리는 가슴. …마침내 옷이 벗겨져 젖꼭지까지 전부 보이게 된 선생님의 가슴. 상냥한 미소였던 얼굴은 매우 당황한듯 새빨게졌고 꺼내진 가슴을...


[마을 학생의 꿈] "세리아 선생님…♥" 자극적인 하루를 보낸 마을 학생은 야한 꿈을 꿨는데 그가 상상할 수 있는 최고로 야한 상황은 이것이 한계이다. [村の学生の夢] "セリア先生…♥" 刺激的な一日を過ごした村の学生はエッチな夢を見たが、 彼が想像できる最高のエッチな状況はこれが限界だ。 [Village student's dream...




Seria was so focused on her dancing that she didn't notice her breasts became exposed and were bouncing all over the place. Her bouncing breasts awakened the sexuality of a lot of her students. "Oh my, were my breasts out the entire time?" "No, we can't see anything! Keep dancing!" "Ok♥" Her breasts quickly became exposed again. After the lesson, all the students went home with erections. Chief: "Seria, your dance is so amazing! It needs to be shared with the young ones in other villages!" S: "You think so? What shall we do?" C: "I meet with the other village heads soon. We shall prepare a video for them to show their students." Farmer couldn't help but jump in. F: "I also am inspired by your dance, Seria! If there is anything I can do, let me know!" Aria and Prince are at chief's mansion, so the three went to farmer's house to record. Chief laid on farmer's bed to record. C: "Male rabbit position is like this, I think. Get on top, female rabbit!"


Shyly, Seria got on top of chief's waist and started doing the rabbit dance. Her skirt hid her groin and butt, but her top quickly came undone and exposed her breasts. C: (Oh fuck, she isn't wearing any underwear! I can feel her wetness on my pants! My pants..they're slipping..) Seria squealed a bit when chief slipped inside but continued with the dance and song. F: (I can't just watch, I need to do something!) "Seria, we should get a video from the back as well, right?" Seria felt farmer's erection on her butt and started rubbing her ass against him. His erection occasionally pushed aside her skirt, showing a bit of the sex. Chief grunted as he deposited his ancient seed inside the rabbit womb. Done with one partner, Seria lifted her waist and pressed harder against her second partner, to invite him. She turned her head and continued to do the dance to farmer.


Farmer grabbed her skirt and stabilized her butt/hips with one hand before inserting doggystyle, preventing any more of chief's seed from slipping out. The sex was more visible, with the skirt bunched up. But Seria pretended to not notice and continued to dance. While doggystyle sex was happening, chief got up and wiped his penis clean with her breasts and lips. "Rabbits clean like this, right?" The trio continued to record themselves fucking like rabbits.




I like to imagine that afterwards, when Seria finds out about it, she is embarrassed. Mas devises a scheme where Seria has to educate the little boys about sex by having intercourse with all of them.


中国語版 [雌兔的律动] 在新的一年,塞莉娅和村里的学生一起唱着兔子的儿歌一边起舞。 但是… 塞莉娅老师 : (为什么大家的动作突然停下来了…?) 村长老师 : (得赶紧告诉塞莉娅小姐衣服滑下来的事! 但这副美景…) 农场大叔老师 : (虽然现在这里看不到前面! 但塞莉娅小姐胸部的那种分量感,最背影就能感觉得出来!) 虽然塞莉娅怀着纯洁的思绪配学生们一起跳舞… 殊不知她那的色情的身体和举动,无时无刻不刺激着年下学生们的性癖。