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[노블레스 오블레주?]

오늘은 크리스 왕자가 혼자서 자유롭게 마을을 산책하고 있다.

조금 숲의 깊숙한 곳을 들어가니 부랑자의 마을을 발견했다.

노숙자A : 오? 이건 또 귀하게 생긴 손님의 방문이군?

귀족같은데 이런 누추한 곳까지 무슨 일인가?

크리스를 발견한 노숙자가 그에게 친근하게 인사한다. 아마 상대가 왕자라는 것을 모르는 거 같다.

크리스 왕자 : 안녕하세요. 이곳의 주민인가요?

크리스 왕자는 그들의 불우한 환경을 보고 자신도 모르게 동정의 시선을 보냈다.


노숙자A : 헛, 설마 우리들이 불쌍하게 보이는가?

우리들은 지금 이 생활에 불만 없으니까 그만두게.

뭐, 정확히는 그 [금발의 여자]의 덕분이지만.

크리스 왕자 : (금발의 여자…? 설마 아리아 공주님?)

노숙자A : 정말 그녀 덕분에 하루하루가 즐겁다고~

매번 우리들을 보살펴줘서 얼마나 살아나는지 몰라!

노숙자 A는 마치 자랑하듯 크리스에게 말했다.

크리스 왕자 : (분명 아리아 공주님일거야. 신분 관계없이 누구나에게 친절을 베풀다니 … 역시 당신은 왕실의 귀감입니다!)

그러다 주변에 있는 텐트에서 또다른 노숙자의 목소리가 들린다.

노숙자B : 어이~ 이제 당신 차례야! 빨리 안오면 내가 계속 한다?

노숙자A : 이런! 하루의 즐거움을 뺏길 순 없지! 그럼 이만 실례하겠네.

크리스 왕자 : …? 아 네. 실례했습니다.

노숙자는 서둘러 텐트 안으로 들어간다. 텐트 안은 좀 시끌벅적 했다.

크리스 왕자 : (텐트에서 놀이라도 하는건가? 이런 불우한 환경에서도 그들이 이처럼 활기찬 이유는 분명 공주님의 노력 덕분이겠지.

제가 당신의 남편인 것이 정말 자랑스럽습니다. 공주님.)

이렇게 크리스 왕자는 다시 한번 아리아에게 깊은 존경과 사랑을 느꼈다.





ホームレスA : お?これはまた偉そうな客だね


クリスを見つけたホームレスが彼に親しみを込めて挨拶する。 おそらく相手が王子であることを知らないのだろう。

クリス王子 : こんにちは。ここの住人ですか?



ホームレスA : おや?, もし私たちについて可哀想に見ているのかな?



クリス王子 : (金髪の女…?まさかアリア姫様?)

ホームレスA : 彼女のおかげで一日一日が楽しい !



クリス王子 : (きっとアリア姫様だろう。 身分関係なく誰にでも親切だなんて… やはりあなたは王室のお手本です!)


ホームレスB : おい~もうあなたの番だよ! 早く来なかったら私が続けるよ?

ホームレスA : おっと!一日の楽しさを奪われるわけにはいかない! それでは~

クリス王子 : …? あ、はい。失礼しました。

ホームレスは急いでテントの中に入る。 テントの中はちょっとにぎやかだった。

クリス王子 : (テントで遊びでもするのか? このような恵まれない環境でも、彼らがこのように活気がある理由は、きっとお姫様の努力のおかげだろう。

私があなたの夫であることを本当に誇りに思っています。 姫様。)



[Noblesse oblige?]

Today, Prince Chris is taking a free walk in the village by himself.

He went a little deep into the forest and found the village of the tramp.

HomelessA : Oh? What brings you here? You look like a nobleman.

Homeless A who finds Chris greets him in a friendly way. Maybe he doesn't know Chris is a prince

Prince Chris : Hello, do you live here?

Prince Chris looked unconsciously at their unfortunate circumstances and gave him a sympathetic look.


HomelessA : Haha, Don't feel sorry for us.

We have no complaints about life now.

Well, thanks to that [blonde girl], exactly.

Prince Chris : (blonde girl…? maybe… Princess Aria?)

HomelessA : I really enjoy every day because of her!

She takes care of us every time!

Homeless A said to Chris as if he was bragging.

Prince Chris : (I'm sure it's Princess Aria. I think she took care of them without discrimination. She's such a paragon of royalty.)

Then another homeless man's voice can be heard in a nearby tent.

Prince ChrisB : Hey, it's your turn now! If it doesn't come soon, I'll keep doing it!

Prince ChrisA : Oh no! Wait! I'll be right there! … Then, bye!

Prince Chris : …? Ok, good luck

The homeless man hurried into the tent. The tent was a little noisy.

Prince Chris : (They are very energetic even in this environment. This is probably thanks to her efforts.

Princess Aria, I'm so proud to be your husband.)

Like this, Prince Chris once again felt deep respect and love for Aria.



그리고 텐트의 안.


And inside the tent.

노숙자A : 거 참, 그 사이를 못참고 새치기인가? 뭐 언제라도 저 몸을 사용할 수 있으니 상관없나. 허허.

그곳에는 크리스 왕자가 존경하고 사랑하는 그의 부인이 노숙자들과 몸을 섞고 있었다.

어느 노숙자는 그녀의 고귀한 몸에 버릇없이 발을 올려 걸쳤다.

그것은 매우 그녀에게 굴욕적이었지만…

그들의 강압적인 태도가 그녀는 싫지만은 않은 거 같다.

아리아 : (왕자님과의 시간을 이들에게 방해받을 순 없어요. 그러니 오늘 그들의 전부 넉다운 시키겠어요. 그리고 이 무례한 자에게 벌을 내리지 않으면…)

아리아는 이미 한계인 그의 성기, 특히 귀두쪽을 집중적으로 혀로 핥으며 빨았다.

그 자극이 기분 좋으면서도 괴로운 노숙자는 허리를 뒤로 뺐지만

아리아는 그의 허리를 잡아 고정시키고 다른 손은 그의 고환을 마사지 한다.

고환이 텅텅 빌때까지 짜내려는 그녀의 모습은 흡사 서큐버스 같았다.

덕분에 강제적으로 그의 성기는 다시 단단함을 찾아간다.

이게 벌일까?라고 생각할 수 있지만

이 후 아리아에게 5번 더 짜여진(나온건 정액 1방울…) 그 노숙자는 이틀간 하복부와 성기에 고통을 시달렸다.


ホームレスA : やれやれ, もう割り込みか? まあ、いつでもあの体を使えるから構わないか。 はは。





アリア : (王子様との時間を彼らに邪魔されることはできません。だから今日彼らを全部ノックダウンさせますわ。そして、この無礼な者に罰を与えなければ…)









HomelessA : Oh My… I got cut in line. Well, fine! because I can use her body any time. Haha.

There, his wife, whom Prince Chris admires and loves, was making love to the homeless.

A homeless man put his foot on her noble body rudely.

It was very humiliating for her, but…

She didn't seem to dislike their coercive attitude

Aria : (They might interrupt me and the prince's time. So I'm gonna knock them all down today. …And I'm gonna punish this rude man.)

Aria licks and suck his already exhausted penis, especially the glans, with her tongue.

The stimulation made the homeless man feel good and painful, so His lower body tried to escape from there.

But Aria holds his waist and, while the other hand massages his ball.

Her attempt to release the semen empty in his balls was almost succubus.

Forced to do so, his penis were hard again.

might think, "Is this a punishment?"

Since then, Aria has released his semen five more times.(only one drops of semen were released…) So he suffered pain in his lower abdomen and penis for two days.




감격의 박수..👏👏👏👏👏 그런데 그림밑에 노숙자A대사가 '허허. 그런' 에서 끝인가요? 아니면 잘린건가요?


촌장부인 ntr이네요


Surprised to see Aria so eager to please the homeless, which is something I'd more expect from Secilia than Aria. Here's how I think Aria started having sex with the homeless: Aria went to Secilia's house to spar with her, but she wasn't there. "Oh, hi Aria! Looking for my sister? She said she was handing out food at the homeless village today." At the homeless village, the homeless were surprised to see Aria. "Such a beauty! Have you come to give us money? Hmm?Looking for Secilia?" In a sweaty smelly tent with used condoms all over, Aria found a naked Secilia pleasing multiple homeless with her mouth, breasts, hands, and pussy. "SECILIA?!?" Secilia was unfazed by Aria, and talked to her in between kissing and sucking penis. "Aria..hello! They told me they don't get attention from women, so I wanted to spend time with them a bit. This seems to make them happy" Her heavy breasts bounced as the homeless fucked her faster while Aria was watching


"They all use condoms, so it's safe sex. By the way, we are about to run out, so could you get us another box?" One impatient homeless slapped his penis on her lips and tongue, so Secilia stopped talking and started sucking again. Aria was so stunned she didn't even notice the other homeless stripping her clothes off. "This royal body is so sexy!" "Her nipples are smaller and pinker than Secilia's.." "I like Secilia's plump nipples more!" "I wonder if her pussy feels different too.." While the homeless were massaging her, Aria snapped back into it. "Uh..I should go..chief is waiting for me..plus I'm married, aren't I? I shouldn't be doing this.." But the homeless kept touching her, which strangely aroused her. "You're going to help me Aria? Thank you! It'll go by much faster with a friend." (Is she taunting me? Does she think I can't do this?) Not wanting to lose to Secilia and feeling strangely aroused, Aria allowed herself to be placed on her back for sex to start.


A condom-clad homeless rubbed on her royal pussy before excitedly entering. "Ohh! The angle of her vagina is totally different from Secilia's! And the grip too!" "Really? Whose is better? Let me try next!" For the next few hours, the homeless took turns fucking Secilia and Aria, comparing their bodies and sex styles. Secilia was more seductive with her body and methodical with her sex, while Aria seemed more innocent with her body and fucked angrily as if it was a competition. Some people preferred Secilia, some Aria, but it was hard to decide a winner. They quickly used up the rest of the condoms. At the end of it, Secilia helped wipe down Aria's body with a clean towel. "See, it did go by faster. Looking forward to working with you in the future.. ♥" Somehow, Aria got seduced more by Secilia than the homeless, and she'd go with Secilia on her weekly visits to the homeless village.