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최강의 모험가가 노숙자의 손가락에 패배할리가 없어!


Strong adventurer can't be defeated by a homeless man's finger!




更新が早く凄く嬉しいです! 無理せず頑張って下さい! 応援しています!


なぜなら今休暇中だからです! せっかくなので、皆さんにたくさんの絵を見せたいと思いました。


변경 최강의 모험가여도 노숙자의 손가락이 그곳에 박히면 오곡코코볼 한가득...!!


최강의 노숙자는 못이기지


This particular homeless is smaller and weaker than his neighbors (he is an old man the size of a boy), so he hasn't had the chance to push himself to the front of the line and have sex with Secilia yet. But he happened to catch Secilia on the road while she was walking home from a nearby city. "Hi sir, do you need help?" "Yes Secilia, we haven't had the chance to do a one-on-one health check-up yet, could we do that today?" "Of course, I have some time right now." Homeless sneaked Secilia into his tent before his neighbors noticed. Secilia took a condom out of her pocket before removing all her clothes. She noticed his erection and reached to take off his pants before he stopped her. He's not confident in his penis stamina, so he wanted to satisfy her with her hands and mouth first to impress her. Homeless usually jump to sex, so Secilia was curious what would happen.


Secilia looked at him curiously as he gently rubbed her clit and vaginal introitus. He got some vaginal fluid to rub on her nipples before he started rubbing her nipples in circles. "Oh♥...oh♥..." Secilia pressed her hips against his hand to increase the friction. Most homeless have a really fast pace, but this guy kept a steady pace, matching Secilia. "That's good♥♥...feels good♥♥" He skillfully and rhythmically traced her clit with his thumb while fingering her walls with his other fingers. Secilia grabbed the bedsheets as she gyrated her hips with his fingers. He teased one breast with nipple pinch and pulls while playfully biting and sucking on the other. "OH MY♥♥♥!!! GOD♥♥♥!!! AHHHH♥♥♥!!!"


Secilia rarely climaxed from homeless, who cared about their own climaxes more. Even more rare would be her climaxing so hard she squirted. This time, Secilia squirted so hard that it sprayed all over the sleeping bag and tent wall. She pulled on the sheets so hard the tent almost fell down. Instead of slowing down, homeless instead kept the same powerful pace, so Secilia continued to squirt. She gazed at him lustfully, rubbing on his erection through his pants to hint that she wants sex to start soon. "Not yet, Secilia.." After using his fingers, now he adds his mouth to satisfy Secilia, making her squirt two more times. His technique focused on her clit, both pressing against it with his tongue and sucking on it like a vacuum through sealed lips.


After the third climax, Secilia was breathless and impatient. Her pussy entrance was hot and throbbing for penis. "Please..no more.." as she used her feet to take his pants off. Homeless is so stimulated by Secilia's lust and smell that he almost ejaculates instantly the moment his penis touches her hot vagina. He lazily rubs against her, his face buried between her breasts. "I don't remember you..is this your first time with me?" "..yes..(he is a virgin. He learned all his skills through porn magazines). Should I put the condom on?" "if it's your first time..♥♥" Even though it's their first time having sex together, their chemistry is really good. She covers his body with her sex fluids while he puts his fluids inside her. Secilia has a new favorite lover in the homeless village.


In the morning, someone checked on the tent. “Hey, someone brought some food..Secilia??” The couple was cuddling naked. Sweat, semen, and Secilia’s squirtjuice covered their bodies, sheets, and tent walls. The condom laid on the pillow, unused. “Hmm..? Oh..good morning. Sorry this is a special solo session..I have to go..” Semen oozed out her pussy as she stretched. Her lover yawned and grabbed her hips, wanting her to stay and cuddle longer. “Hmm..it’s my fault that it’s so dirty here. You can wait at my house while I wash your sheets.” The other homeless glared with jealously as Secilia left the village with the small man holding her hips. At her place, they made love while washing clothes, while preparing food, while taking a bath. Secilia explained to Seima that his tent blew down so he’d have to stay with her for a bit. He made her climax so often that she didn’t mind the creampies. He’s going to impregnate her for sure.