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こんな感じで仕上げてみました。 ※日本語のセリフ↓を置いておきます。 1、 俺(秋坂 拓海)は5年前、こんな田舎には絶対居ない”究極の女“を求 めて大学進学を機に、都会へと引っ越した。 その時、既に俺より一つ年下の伊藤 愛花という女と俺は付き合って いた。オッパイがデカくて性格も良く、ベッドの上ではいつも俺に甘 えながらこの爆乳でパイズリしてくる可愛い女だった。 しかし、俺が求める女はそんなんじゃなかった!だから俺は大学進 学を口実に、彼女を振って田舎を飛び出した。 2、 ある日、そんな元カノから、一通の手紙が届いた。 その中には、手紙と一緒に2枚の写真が同封され、俺は1枚目の写 真を見るなり 「やっぱコイツのオッパイは最強だよなぁ。」と、呟いていた。 確か112cmのPカップって言ってたっけ。まぁコレはこれで良かっ たんだが、「やっぱり俺が求める究極の女は、こんな田舎には居ない んだ。」と呟きながら2枚目の写真を見た。 3、 「な、何だよコレっ!?」 俺はその写真を見るなり大声を上げていた。 ビーチで撮ったと思われるその写真に写っていたのは、紛れもなく 愛花だった。 全裸に近い小さな水着を身に付け、俺の胴回りよりも遥かに太い腕 を軽く曲げ、何か言いたげな表情でこっちを見つめる愛花。 その凄まじいばかりの肉体に、俺の股間からは激しい“男臭”を漂わ せていた。 4、 深呼吸をし、気持ちを落ち着かせ手紙を読み進めると・・・ 私、変わったでしょう?拓海クンが私を求めてない事、知ってたの。それに薄々 気づいてた、拓海クンの好きなタイプの女の人の事もね。 私は今でも拓海クンの事が大好き!愛してるのっ!振られ時、凄く悔しかった。 だから、私は筋トレを始めたの。もう必死で鍛えたんだからっ! 鍛え始めてまだ3年なんだけど、・・・どうかな? まだ3年でこの体なのかっ?嘘だろっ!俺は再び高まる興奮を抑え きれぬまま、再び手紙を読み進めた。 5、 オッパイは余裕で3mを超えてるよ。それにこの腕、何cmあると思う?178cm だよ!太ももだって216cmあるんだから!フフッ! これでもさぁ、まだ拓海クンの好みの女になれていないんだったら、私もっと 鍛える!もっと鍛えて筋肉増やして拓海クンをこの盛り上がる筋肉の中に埋 もれさせてあげる! 俺は、その手紙を握りしめたままトイレへと駆け込み、一発済ませ てから荷造りを始めた。その時、俺は頭の中で愛花がニッコリと微 笑みながら俺をあの筋肉に埋もれさる光景を思い浮かべていた。




English versión please


There is a Japanese text, so it would be helpful if you could understand it with a translation app.


拓海くんの名前を叫びながら、朝5時から食事も休憩も一切取らずに十数時間もの狂気の拷問筋トレで自分の肉体を虐めに虐め抜く愛花ちゃん その日の最後には、身体中のありとあらゆる筋肉が、拓海くんの身体を求めて極限超勃起し、絶頂に達することで終わりますw


貴方は、彼女の一日のルーティーンを知れば、それがまだまだ容易い領域である事に驚く事でしょう! 全人類の雄よ聞けっ! 彼女のあの肉体は魂の叫び!それは死をも超越し、全人類の雄共の正常な思考ベクトルを捻じ曲げ、彼女の肉体の虜とするであろう事が確約されしものの表れであるのだ! (※聖腹筋書第六章「筋肉塊のさらなる転生」から抜粋) 何を言ってるのやら・・・


限界超越した筋肉への超高負荷によって、極限フル勃起した筋繊維と毛細血管がブチブチと引き千切られ、体中から血飛沫を飛び散らせちゃうような地獄の拷問筋トレを24時間休まず続けちゃう愛花ちゃん 筋力も桁外れだけど、精神力も常人をはるかに超越してます




I'll try: while I lose my senses I try to remember how I ended up here! three years ago I met a girl, but when I confessed to him that I have always liked strong women, with iron bodies like the Amazons is just that which had awakened our relationship, I seem down. but I didn't want to delude her. then a letter and two photos come to the beach at nine. while I was looking at the first photo! then we met again, after I was attracted to a second photo. There was no need to say words, the look on her eyes showed that she understood everything. I just mumbled a response, nodding as I avoided her gaze. After hearing her, she took my hand and forced me to follow her. "Walk with me" she had a grip despite those delicate hands.


We came to a small sandy cove among her palm trees. Compared to the other natural beauties of the island, this place didn't really stand out. The only thing she had to do was its remote location, it provided ... privacy, I realized with trepidation. She then she let go of my hand and stopped a few feet away from me, placing her arms akimbo, letting me get a full look of her curvy female figure of hers. "So, is it true a massive woman's body is what catches your attention?" I nodded stiffly. "I see ... A body like this doesn't satisfy you?" He waved at her figure and I was forced to follow her. See her long toned legs, her slender arms, her hourglass figure, those prodigious breasts that were as big as my head. It was an image of pure female beauty that could not be denied. The way her hair fell over her shoulders, those eye jewels on that pretty heart-shaped face. She would bring any man to his knees in reverence.


"Is it my ... Is charm not enough?" She asked, looking away from her, blushing in a way that made me want to go hug her. She turned away, letting me see her bare back and those beautiful balls that were her back. She took my silence as confirmation, turning to me once again, a look of determination crossed her steely gaze. "I see ... then there is only one way to fix it"


Suddenly her body expanded, I noticed for the first time her bare arms swelling, her shoulder splashing. Getting stiff and made-up like pumpkins, her biceps swelled as her veins pulsed slowly under her skin, running up to her widening forearms. Her legs went from those beautiful, supple limbs to tree trunks of sheer power. Quads that split into four thick muscles, bulging calves into shredded shapes. Her swimsuit was getting tighter by the second, and even though I couldn't see it I could imagine the bottom of her dress rising between two strong buttocks. She grunted and puffed up, riding on the feel of her transformation, her cheeks reddening noticeably.


Her arms flexed, two spikes of ripped muscle bursting out of veins like roads on a map, pushing her chest forward, a strong torn nose felt as the area between her breasts ripped, revealing more flesh than that. glorious rack. Abrasion! Abrasion! Abrasion! Everywhere I looked I saw more of her than her ripped bathing suit, revealing patches of hardened flesh among the ripped material. With a final burst of effort from her, her dress exploded, flying like confetti. I COULD NOT BELIEVE THE GIRL IN THE SECOND PHOTOGRAPH IT WAS HER! keep on..


for what? this story is inspired by your drawings! can you come up with a story of its own, do you want new details?


What an outstanding transformation! :)