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Notice to my supporters in FANBOX: Thank you so much for your kind support. I have been feeling the pressure to keep the pace of posting for some monthsnow, and it has been an uphill struggle. I am experiencing a pretty bad case of artist's block right now, so I won't be able to post anywhere near as many works from now on. While I won't stop posting altogether, the pace will be very much lower, with long hiatus in between. Therefore, you are free to terminate your support because of this. I will keep the Fanbox open, for those of you who are mad enough to keep on supporting me knowing that there won't be much art in return. I am eternally grateful for those of you who do stay. Purisira 「お知らせ」 いつも多くの方にご支援して頂き、誠に有難う御座います。 この度、創作活動を当分の間控えようと思います。(全く描かない訳ではありません。) 以前から創作意欲の減退を感じ、今までのようなペースでの作品投稿が難しくなってきたのが理由です。 これからは今までのような頻度とは程遠いペースになると思いますので、何卒、ご理解頂ければと思います。 当然の事ですが、それに伴い支援を打ち切って頂いても構いません。 尚、FANBOXはこのままにさせて頂きますので、上記の内容をご理解の上、それでも支援して頂ける方がいらしゃいましたら、これからも引き続きご支援をお願い出来ればと思います。 宜しくお願い致します。 プリシラ ※今日upしたラフ画が、最後の更新となります。




I understand. Unless it's a job, art should be a pleasure, not a constraint. Take care of yourself. :)

El Wiwi

I will remain supportive on you and keep subscribed and keep watch of you on my twitter via my account, wobbleblot-art, please take care of yourself and stay healthy, we will be happy to see you return when your good and ready.

Kurt Logan

Believe me, I know how it is to feel burned out. Take care of yourself, take your time and try to reconnect to that which gave you the passion to draw on the first place. For one, I will remain as a supporter looking forward to your return. Cheers!


thank you. I haven't stopped drawing, so I hope I can post some work in the meantime.


thank you. I haven't stopped drawing, so I hope I can post some work in the meantime.


thank you. I haven't stopped drawing, so I hope I can post some work in the meantime.


Sometimes a block come in and it is tough and takes time. But I am sure you will eventually persevere. I will stay a subscriber as I live your work but never feel obligated to make it. Thank you for what you have made I will always be your fan! Have fun with what you decide to do going forward!


Thank you. This is just one word. Thank you very much for being my fan.


purisiraさんがpixivで活動する前の10年以上の月日を待っていました。 当分の間お休みになることぐらいはいつでも待っていられます。 創作活動を中断することは残念ですが、創作活動ではなくてもたまには近況を聞けたらと思います。 purisiraさんの支援は続くはずです! >_< 体に気をつけてください, purisiraさん。


いつも私を励ましてくれてありがとう! 全く絵を描かない訳では無いので、何か描く気になったらここに投稿します。 インターネットは今まで通りしますので、Twitterとかにもコメントを書き込んだりしますよ。 ただ今は、ゆっくりと過ごします。 ありがとう!


he creative process is never a straight line. Your work is very special for all who love hyper massive muscle women and I for one will stick with you. As far as inspiration my I recommend the writings of Dmaynard here: https://www.thevalkyrie.com/stories/dmaynard/index.htm