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Spent most of the month wrapping up the Sarah VN will go up for testing tomorrow for upper tiers, but since it may impact the animation release I thought I would just share what VN stuff there is with everyone so there is at least something.

Also to just rip the band-aid off here, the full game will be staying at the 10 tier for a fair while. As I said when I redid the tiers, VN/Game stuff would be its own thing. The game obviously takes/took a huge amount of time, plus I will probably offer it on itch to just see if there is interest in the content. So yeah just making sure that is clear here before people ask

I recently moved them all to their own archive folder, so they should be easier to find for people with archive access, but if not then here are some links to whats there:

Bad Tutor / Sarah game.

This is the one that will go up tomorrow, but this is just one of the routes - warning it is heavy non-consent, the other route is consensual)

Win - https://hyperglobaldistribution.com/nextcloud/index.php/s/Fw4ArZG52Zza45F

Linux - https://hyperglobaldistribution.com/nextcloud/index.php/s/yeF5xxFD5YF8TMX

Mac - https://hyperglobaldistribution.com/nextcloud/index.php/s/m79ZXGmps3Z4Wen

Android - https://hyperglobaldistribution.com/nextcloud/index.php/s/53ziKPtjpbEYEds

Note - I haven't tested the Android build in device - it worked in emulators but that's about all I can do

Victoria's Night Out

Not much too this one, no choices in it yet and just a couple of scenes

Win - https://hyperglobaldistribution.com/nextcloud/index.php/s/BGNYR4Y276G5MWn

Linux - https://hyperglobaldistribution.com/nextcloud/index.php/s/BBfLoCpzfywdk57

Mac - https://hyperglobaldistribution.com/nextcloud/index.php/s/ZnCobbDwptn2nzc

Android - https://hyperglobaldistribution.com/nextcloud/index.php/s/RKiLKWb8MdWwFdy

Again, Android is tested in emulation.



Android one works great on my Samsung galaxy


Only Mac link seems to work for the first one, others all challenge for username/pword


Sorry should be fixed. For some reason it gave me internal links (I must have hti wrong thing) - they should work now