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Just do a short thing, right? I had no plans or any ideas for Eveline but somehow that turned into a 6-minute thing - not really sure how. I also forgot there were only 28 days in Feb so those combined make this a bit late. I left eh passwords and such alone this month as I wasn't sure if I would make it or not, but will be resetting them closer to the 5th of this month (March).

If you don't know Eveline all you need to know is she a) controls people's minds (for a very strange reason) and b) is obsessed with having a family.


I am still cranking away at the Sarah VN - I am hoping to be wrapping it up this month. Essentially I have done the complicated annoying part where it can take different branches around (it has gone out for testing and is mostly bug fixed) and it is just the last pretty linear scene to go. Also, I think it's fair to say Kara won the poll. So a Sh**a thing with her will be at least one animation next month.



Great to see a longer Animation with eveline. I am looking forward to your future works with her.


It's a shame that there is not a Natalia's model, that would complete the RE loli group