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So remember when I said no long Halloween video? Am I too late? This took way too much work - been all day every day pretty much for 2 weeks, and is in the theme of the old sarah/dafnee blood basement thing, a horror film parody.


This took way longer than planned, obviously. When I said no long video, my plan was to just release the cassie tomb parts on their own - cause that's all I had. For some quick back story, the models and sets for these were for last year, but I ran out of time by miles and did lauras suckoween instead. So all the models and sets are a bit dodgy (especially the zombie boys - I could have done them way better now), but I just didnt have time to redo the whole thing, so I went with a compromise. I really didn't want to just bin the work that had been done, and releasing cass on her own would have been a bit of a cop-out. The idea had been banging around for over a year so not doing it would have left a bad taste

Added to this I Basically had a hard deadline of Saturday, as I am away for a full week and out of contact from that point.

Thanks to VRLewd who helped with some of the clementine stuff.

At any rate here it is, and hope people enjoy it. Next up will be something in early December. She is currently tied up in the basement so we will give her a week or so to think about what she has done... then she probably needs to brace for Christmas...



Well the weeks of dedication paid off I'd say! You did amazingly with this piece. I particularly loved the sound design of Clem's throat and the bent over pose you chose in scenes 4 and 5 for her portion as it accentuates her form incredibly well. ;) The ending was also quite good, what with the bloopers and still shots of (behind the scenes) moments. Felt like a right proper 80's flick! Superb work KDE. <3