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Bhadra out of left field!

Her training continues. I like to think they hunt down monks with huge dicks like they do the Dalai Lama, scouring the villages for babies with abnormally sized schlongs. But maybe that's just me...

I have wanted to do some more complex 3 person animations for a bit, so since I am crunched for time atm this seemed the perfect time to do a 4:30 of complex double teaming.. plus Bhadra just does something to my brain, dunno what it is but she is like Sarah and Victoria, I just end up making stuff with her more complex and detailed to do her justice.


So this obviously isn't Laura. I could have finished her up most likely, but I would have run out of time for Halloween, and that has traditionally been something I put a bit more effort into. So I chose instead to focus on doing something more significant for the holiday. If you remember back to last year I planned to do something similar to the Blood Basement thing with Sarah from a few years back, so we are doing that sort of thing this time round with Cassie and Clementine and a riff on Nightmare on Elm street. It will be reasonably significant, but that means it probably won't be out by the 30th... more likely a mid-November thing. After that Laura is the next longer thing, and Christmas will be a bit on the backburner this year (though Santa will bring a couple of little presents most likely - to be voted on by the $15 subs))



Wow, this was incredible! I've never seen Bhadra look so lovely! And a threesome was a terrific idea! I watched the first time with some anxiety, but you covered everything I was hoping for as a viewer, and the cumshot was a delicious reward! A perfect score in my book! Thank you so much!!!!


The cum was a new system with that and tbh I could have gone over it a few times but quite liked the chaos of that version it in the end


New Bhadra is always a treat! She does something to my brain too.


Well it turned out really great! The more cum the better in my book. That is certainly one for the archives. I'm inspired to put some words to some images. Thanks again!!!!