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Not much to say on this one, except if I am going to use AJ for stuff I should finish making him properly lol. This is a bit later than I planned, moving is taking up more time than I thought I could get away with. Was meant to be a short 1 minuter or so but it isn't...

I have also switched encoding methods which should shrink file sizes back down again.


Substar has implemented a link masking feature to stop people from stealing work. But this means you have to click on the link directly - you can't open it in a new tab or right-click it or it just jumps back to this page. It isn't ideal but I have no control over it sorry.

GoFile mirror - These get deleted pretty quickly. But it's here for now as an alternate

Am working on another (shorter) piece not sure if it will make it before the end of the month, but shouldn't be more than a couple weeks, then want to get the last spurt done on Laura and get it out for next month (and rebuild Sarah for the umpteenth time)



think it's a tad blurry compared to the old method. unless that's coincidental.