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Have been testing the new archive for the last day or two, and seems to be holding up. So I have updated links here to now point to their new homes.

If you find incorrect links/dead links pointing to sync, let me know.

IMPORTANT NOTE: You will very probably get a security warning when you try to connect (at least the first time). You can ignore this warning and proceed. The reason you get it is because I have not yet paid for an SSL certificate, and the current one is "self-signed". I am going to wait to buy an SSL cert until I am sure the server is working.

A couple of notes:

The only real way to solve the problem is to put the archive in a place where I am not going to just get reported and deleted by a cloud provider, in a location where the content is not illegal/against tos. So that's what's been done.

On the downside, it means the archive is no longer on a large network of distributed hosts. It is not feasible for me to set that up obviously. I will keep posting alternate links, but they will be volatile (e.g. Mediafire may well ban me as well soon, who knows). So bear with me while we see how it goes, if it is super slow/too under load I can look to upgrade it, but there will probably be a speed hit if you are used to lightning speeds - you won't be pulling a 500 meg file in 20 seconds.

The server hasn't been tested under a full load for long. I felt it was more important to get links working ASAP. As such you may experience slow download (especially if you are usually getting Gbps speeds) - if there are problems though people need to let me know or I have no idea. According to the monitoring, the current tests have come nowhere near the port limit, but that is about the only real way I have to monitor it without your feedback.

I will not be able to make a real assessment until there is new content (hopefully later tonight), but be aware that may impact server performance, I just won't know until it happens.

As a follow-up I will be deleting the temporary Mediafire link in 6 hours or so.

Appreciate the patience while it is worked through and sorry for the hassle.


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