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Want to do a quick PoV thing so there is something out in the first 2/3 of the month so giving you higher subs the chance to vote on it, I want to start to try and work in more chances for you guys to direct content a bit. It may become top 2 if Clementine gets delayed.

Notable ommissions:

Sarah - she has had more dick in her than an elevator full of Richards. Let's give her a break.

Clementine - For obvious reasons

Ellie (TLOU/TLOU2) - We just did 1, and I have a bigger thing in mind for Ellie 2 (with her and Diana) do don't want to use her here.

Sherry - Similarly has a current ongoing series

So let's give something a bit less known a chance: The Poll

Note you can vote multiple times.

Will only be giving this a day or two, as if certain characters win they will need a bit of setup.



Is it possible to get clips from hentai loli collection to down load from pixiv ??? Thanks a million


How do you mean? Nothing that is posted to the general pixiv account isnt already linked here in Fanbox with a longer run time and better quality