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So straight out the gate... beast warning. I very rarely do beast stuff, 90% of the time it doesn't interest me, but every now and again the urge creeps up on me. The biggest problem is by the time I am halfway through an animation with it the moment has passed and finishing it is a bit of a slog... oh well. Also ran into some SFM issue with it so added to that...

If you like beast... well here is a Christmas surprise. If not? I dunno maybe it's Santa putting coal in your stocking?

Video File

Should also take a moment to acknowledge I cribbed the idea pretty heavily from bayern3D so here's to that.

As I have mentioned, Clementine's Christmas is being worked on, but it wasn't going to be ready by Christmas so I switched over to this which was faster. She will probably turn up first half of January, but we might have a surprise before then. Speaking of... I might have been cryptic in the last post, if you have archive access and like to get your presents early, there might be something in there for you...



Incredible work. Would be cool if Sarah took off her shirt or pulled it up over her chest =)


Loved it! Plz do more if you can!