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Ellie makes a delivery she wishes she didn't. Was originally going to be 3 different parts, but since I had other things, I just kept doing the next part so here it is. I need to make a couple of changes to my Blender workflow, cause I had to re-render this way too many times to fix stupid mistakes I should have caught sooner.

Will be more of it "at a later date" but on to other things now.

Video File

Next up I am thinking another part of Sherry captive. Proving once again that I have no idea what people want (except Sarah...) Clementine won the poll over Sherry so will give a Sherry piece to satiate.

So the next two things will be Sherry captive part 6(I think?) and a Lux thing that is partly done. Then Ellie TLOU2 won the next person poll. Lux might or might not be done by Christmas. I will say it again closer to the month, but I often only do the Christmas animation for December cause they are a) pretty long b) December inevitably has additional social obligations for me. This year also has cyberpunk maybe releasing and if you been around here a bit you know I am a pretty heavy cyberpunk fan so that will probably take some of my time too. We will see.

For Christmas Sarah+ won the poll, so I am leaning towards that, but tbh I might call an audible and make it just Clementine. I have a new model of her that brings her up to the same standard as Sarah/Sherry so might give it a chance in the spotlight


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