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First off, thank to all the Fans that supported me even though I barely posted anything last month!

And this month...

I just wanted to communicate to you guys that I have been busy with real life stuff recently and haven't had much time or inspiration to draw stuff, especially the type that will give you extra content.

So I want to let you all know there may not be much content coming in the coming weeks (maybe even months). I will still post stuff from time to time, just not as much as before.

I also wanted to let you know I am programming some stuff recently which will lead to different types of content coming your way in the future. Some of it may include:

- Interactive viewer for all these images with lots of variants so you can make your own

- Short "choose your own" adventure type games

- Other random small games

So far, not much to show since it's mostly coding infrastructure, and first few iterations may not be R18, but if I take good care of these initial set ups there may be lots and lots of content of this type coming in the future :D


Thanks for sticking with me even though I haven't posted much and won't for a while. Busy with other stuff, including some coding projects that will give you all content in the future too.