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(Am I going to die against the slime……?)

 The skin feels tingling and ironically comfortable. The man's entire body, covered tightly with thick muscles, trembles against his will. Masaki Kazeoka, a physical education teacher, realized that he had made the wrong choice, and he couldn't repent for it.


 Monster gates frequently appear on the earth. In such a world, Masaki teaches as a P.E. teacher, but in the shadows he is active as the Strong-Armed Hero 'STRENGTH'. Today, a large number of the slime arrive at the high school where he works. Slime is a relatively weak monster for a hero. Normally, Masaki would sneak around and defeat the slime so as not to be discovered by the students. But today was different.

“You guys, get out of here, quick!!”

 The judo club room where Masaki is in charge. Outside the window, the room is filled with a large amount of writhing mucus. He and the other members of the judo club are still changing clothes, and if he transforms right now, the students will know who he really is as a hero. That is not an option.

 He decided so, and loudly ordered the club members to evacuate the clubroom. Immediately after that, the slime broke the windowpane and rush into the room where he was left alone.

“Hero Chang……, hmmmggg……!!”

 He was supposed to finish saying the call, striking a transformation pose with his fist against his chest at the same time he watched the last member of the club leave the clubroom. But before he could do so, a huge glob of mucus took advantage of his opportunity and flew into his mouth.

“Gebuh……, gobba!”

 The slime, which had even entered his lungs, made it difficult for Masaki to breathe. If only he could transform, he would be a hero and his physical abilities would increase dozens of times, but right now he is just a sturdy civilian. He desperately tries to spit out the slime while sobbing repeatedly, but it shows no sign of coming out.

“Gosh……, baaaah……!”

 His strength drained from his entire body, and his vision gradually blurred. In his fading consciousness, Masaki realized that he was going to die not as a hero, but as a mere teacher. At the same time, he regretted the fact that his brief hesitation had been avenged. Even if his students had discovered his true identity, he should have transformed into a hero and destroyed the slime.

 The jersey Masaki was wearing had already been melted by the acid from the slime, and his tank top was in tatters. His boxer shorts had also disappeared, leaving him pitifully bare, and his manhood was erect as never before due to the never-before-experienced stimulation of having slime invade his body.

“Mgg……, hmmm♥♥♥”

 The dimly lit clubroom is filled with the smell of sweaty boys. Masaki, whose head, cock, and buttocks were wrapped in the slime, had his hands restrained behind his head, his legs in a miserable M-shaped, his weight resting on the huge mass of slime, and his body being played with by the slime's secretion of mucus.


 Masaki shuddered and released his semen from his manhood, which was engulfed by the slime. The amount and force of the cum that spread out in the sea of mucus was unparalleled by that of an average adult male.

“Nmmm……♥ Iggghhhh♥♥”

 He continued to ejaculate over and over again. But still his manhood did not deflate in fact, it warped even harder and bigger. The slime that had absorbed the hero power leaking from the depths of his body, in order to become more powerful, invaded Masaki's body without mercy, making obscene sounds as it slurped and slurped. The slime was relentlessly entering Masaki's body, making obscene sounds as it fucked the back of his throat, pushed the walls of his intestines apart, and flowed backward into his urethra.

“Ngggoh♥♥ Guboh……, ah gaagh♥♥”

 Masaki continued to ejaculate with tears in his eyes, fainting in agony, and unceremoniously opening his big crotch. In the midst of this, the slime that invaded his mouth reached his brain and began to rewrite his perception of the slime that existed in his brain.

(I'm a Strong-Armed Slime Hero, 'STRENGTH'……, no! I'm not a slime……!)

 Although he was unable to transform, Masaki had not lost even his pride as a hero. He continued to resist the invasion of the slime that had entered his brain with all the strength he had in the pit of his stomach. However, his resistance eventually turns futile as the slime consumes his body and mind.

 It was a comforting sensation, as if his brain was being prodded by the slime. It was the first time he had ever felt the sensation of sharing his brain with another being. It was the most exquisite pleasure Masaki had ever felt. Someone peeked inside his head, and his cock warped. His thoughts are hijacked over time, and a dribble of white fluid flows from his cock. The memories of his life so far are absorbed. He felt the dominion over his body being slowly taken away. The testicles, which felt life threatening, continue to frantically produce sperm inside them in an attempt to produce one offspring after another.

(I want to feel better with slime…… No, that's not it! As a hero, I want to be more……, iggy♥♥ More, more…… Yes, take more of me, take all of me……, take over my body as a hero♥♥♥)

 The fear of not being able to move his fingers one by one, but at the same time, the slime produces a large amount of pleasure substances in his brain, and even his fear is converted into pleasure. As each nerve is taken over, his brain is made to feel the pleasure of losing control of his own body. Before he knew it, Masaki was finding pleasure in such devastating sensations.

 Soon the slime that had invaded his throat, nose, and ears merged in his brain, and the slime mingled with each other inside his cranium.

(I'm……, 'STRENGTH'……♥)


 When a voice, no longer sure if it was his or the slime's, filled his brain, Masaki responded to its sweet sound with a charming voice. The fear of being raped by the slime in the depths of his brain had already been overtaken by the depravity of surrendering to pleasure, and Masaki had no choice but to wriggle and wriggle while stretching his nose..

 Protecting the students? That no longer mattered. It feels so good to have my brain, my body, my entire life taken over. More, more, more…… Slime is my best partner. The most suitable being to manipulate my body. 【I】 am a slime. A being that swallows, absorbs, and takes over all matter to feed itself……

“Hmm♥ I'm cumming, I'm gonna cum♥♥♥”

 The ejaculation was so loud that he let go of his consciousness, drooling out of the corner of his mouth and peeling his white eyes open.

 Despite him, all the sloppy mucus that had been trying to invade unrestrainedly from his mouth, from the tip of his glans, and from his asshole was swallowed into his body with a sound. It was not long before they were raging inside his internal organs and blood vessels, bobbing and lifting his skin, and soon his whole body was restored to normal as if nothing had happened.

“Hero Change, 'STRENGTH' !”

 Masaki Kazeoka shouted in the Judo's clubroom, which was filled with the stale smell of semen and mucus. With that voice as a cue, he transforms into a strong figure, his normally magnificent body stretched even tauter as he is wrapped in a tight-fitting hero suit. His entire body is covered with strong muscles and a hero's aura, making him the perfect hero, 'STRENGTH'──.

 Electric currents gush across the surface of his skin, and the dust flying in the air is instantly burned away by the power released. Masaki stared intently at his palms wrapped in his tight hero suit, his fearless features tinted with the color of ecstasy, and he smiled broadly, as if proud of his victory.

“This is the human body……, the body of a hero. Wonderful……, it's overflowing with power!”

 The slime's intelligence, which just a few moments ago had only instinctively attacked humans, grows by leaps and bounds as it fuses with Masaki's brain. The Boss Slime that had taken over his body──, Gamma was intoxicated with the pleasures of the senses that he could not experience in his previous body.

 Everything in his eyes looks beautiful, and even the smell of semen that tickles his nostrils is lovely. Saliva tasted like nectar. And the profuse sweat that runs down his skin gives him a very tangible sense of being alive. Above all, he is filled with power. The fact that he now owned the body of his hero gave Gamma an unparalleled sense of superiority and a desire to conquer. In his brain, 【Masaki Kazeoka】's life is having a flashback at breakneck speed. For Gamma, who, as a single-celled organism, had never thought much, it was an intense feeling of pleasure, like being punched in the head.


 With a smile of ecstasy on his face, Masaki grabbed the slime that was clinging to the wall of the club room and placed it on his cock. The impact caused him to ejaculate, but he didn't mind at all and wrapped his cock in the slime. Then, with his mouth twisted into a grin, he began to slowly move his hips back and forth.

“Ohoho♥♥♥ This is the reproductive behavior of a human male masturbation……! Great♥ This is the slime that serves as a masturbation device, and it fits my cock so perfectly!!”

 Drool drips from Masaki's mouth, and his manhood continues to be squeezed by the violent movements of his hands. Forgetting to pay attention to his surroundings, he continued to devour his own pleasure at the mercy of his carnal desires.

“Ngahhh♥♥ Ggggy♥ Cum……, I'm gonna cum again♥”

 That's when it happened. He heard someone's footsteps in his ear. He stopped moving for a moment, but instantly sensed that it was a familiar presence and immediately resumed his slime masturbation. He then went straight to face the person who opened the door to the club room and walked in.

“Huh……♥ Legro. It seems that you too……, huh, have succeeded in acquiring a human body.”

 The intruder, who saw Masaki masturbating with his cock in the slime masturbator, was not particularly surprised by the situation and dropped to one knee and hung his head reverently.

“Yes, sir! With all due respect, I, Legro, having taken over human body, has come in front of You!”

 His physique is similar to that of Masaki. Nevertheless, although quite muscular, he has plenty of fat all over his body, giving him a look reminiscent of a Professional Wrestler. He has short, stiff hair and a stout nose. His eyebrows are thick, his eyes are sharp, and his square face is covered with a thick beard. Overall, he exudes more dignity than Masaki. Gamma chuckled at the sight of him stooping so low.

“Look up, Legro. That human body you have obtained is this body── the P.E. teacher Shogo Sano, who is 【Masaki Kazeoka】's boss. In other words, if we are going to mimic as human beings from now on, you must act like my boss. Do you understand, Shogo?”

“Understood……, oops, I got it. I'll be careful. But still, I didn't realize that you were a hero. I didn't notice that at all. The actuality that you can take over the body of such a hero and control it is indeed you!”

 Sano's eyes narrowed as he stroked the beard on his square chin with his palm, as if he was deeply impressed.

“No, no, it was just a coincidence. Besides, this body still seems to be rejecting the invading foreign object, and I can't move it properly…… That's right! If it's all right with you, Shogo, would you like to have reproductive behavior── no, sex with me to get used to our body?”

“Having a sex? With you?! Is that okay?!”

 Shogo looked upset and his voice sounded scratchy. His back was covered in several beads of sweat due to his nervousness.

 The boss who reigned supreme over his own kind. Shogo couldn't help but be elated at the honor of being his first sexual partner.

 He immediately took off his jersey and tank top and threw on his underwear. His thick, exposed chest, six pack abs, dense chest and abdominal hair, and dense armpit hair were all on display. His thick, voluptuous cock was a sight to behold.

 But even though he himself was aroused, his cock was drooping as if it had shriveled up. And it was the same with Masaki's cock.

“Ah……, I see. It seems that the human being has a resistance to sexual intercourse between people of the same sex. It seems that the instincts of this man, Masaki, are causing him to feel this way.”

“……And I seem to be even more resistant because I have a wife and children.”

“Then, let's play with a part of our brains and rewrite them to say that we are in love with each other.”

 Shogo, who had been feeling down at Masaki's words, responded with a wag of his eyebrows as if he understood, and the two closed their eyes.


 After a moment, both of them let out a faint gasp at the same time.

“Oh, oh……♥♥”

 Shogo's open eyes glazed over, and he walked over to Masaki and hugged him tightly. Masaki, also defeated, puts his hands behind Shogo's back, his thick, sweaty breastplate pressed tightly against his hairy chest.


 While stroking each other's backs, Shogo and Masaki look at each other's faces as if they were enjoying each other's company, and rub the tips of their tongues against each other. Then the drool-covered tongues gradually entwine with each other, little by little. Their faces are flushed red as if they have a fever, and the desire to kiss each other intensely right now is running through their brains.


 Having finally reached the limit of their endurance, they moved on to a thick kiss, as if they were exchanging each other's saliva. When Shogo's tongue entered Masaki's mouth, Masaki's tongue would linger there in response. As they repeated these actions, their cocks gradually became harder and harder. They rubbed their noses against each other, their tongues entwined and their lips pressed against each other until it became difficult for them to breathe.


 The two realized that all they had to do was kiss, and they were leaking copious amounts of male juice from their warped manhoods. The hot cum of his beloved partner landed on his belly, and the pleasure was so great that Masaki let out a pathetic 'Ohhh♥♥'. He ejaculated again with a spurting sound. Shogo was also aroused by that, and cum dripped along the crack of his abdominal muscles.

““Hah……♥ Haah……♥”

 Soon their lips part and their saliva stretches out in strings of each other's saliva. They love each other and each other. Just a few moments ago, they would have loved only women, but now, they can only see the person in front of them.

“Masaki…… Can you give me your 【virginity】?”

 With a feverish expression on his face, Shogo turned over on his back and spread his own asshole open with his rugged fingers. Shogo's brain had been played with again, and his anus was twitching in anticipation of the man's rod.

“Okay……, Shogo.”

 Masaki, too, looked aroused and squatted down, bobbing his own cock up and down, his hands supporting Shogo's legs, which were spread wide open, and placing his extremely erect cock against Shogo's ass. Then, he slowly inserted it into Shogo's body.

"Oh♥ Ohhhh♥♥♥”

 His anus, which he had never used except for defecation, swallowed the man's glans like a ripe fruit, like a beast that has seen its favorite food.

 Shogo's body was being conquered by the male, and he let out a moan that did not fit his body. He had a wife and children, but he was indulging in an act that betrayed them. The sense of immorality and guilt is making Shogo's brain rush to fill up with pleasure substances.

 Memories that do not belong to him. The memories of 【Shogo Sano】 run through his mind like a flashback, and he falls into the illusion that he, who was a slime just a moment ago, has been a human being since he was born.


 Masaki also let out a wild yelp at the tightness of Shogo's asshole. His manhood, coated with semen, scrabbled through the walls of flesh to reach Shogo's prostate. And as he slowly began to buck his hips, Shogo began to moan, his baritone voice scraping upward.

“Ohhhh♥♥ Yeah♥ Great♥♥ The big cock is fucking me……, sorry Keiko !! I'm getting my asshole fucked by a fellow male teacher and I'm loving it♥♥♥”

 In reality, Shogo is taking pleasure in calling out the name of his wife, whom he has yet to meet, as if in a whisper. His cock is rampaging around with a sticky string at the tip, desperately spraying his pre-cum.

゛Oh, God, Shogo♥♥”

 Masaki also gritted her teeth against the tightness caused by Shogo's intestinal walls and continued to shake his hips excitedly. His face was unconsciously buried in Shogo's sweaty armpit. A thick, almond-like odor filled his nostrils with the smell of aging. It further accelerated Masaki's arousal.

 He had spent his childhood in judo and had never had a good relationship with women since he awoke as a hero. For him, Shogo's anus was a paradise. The feeling of his rectum enveloping Masaki's cock, the tightness of the folds of flesh that occasionally enveloped him, everything felt wonderful. Masaki was so intoxicated that he went crazy every time his corona of glans penis was rubbed against Shogo's flesh.

“Aaah♥♥♥ Good Masaki, shake your hips more! Thrust me deeper, more……! Make my insides squish more with your cock♥♥”

“Oh, it's so tight…… I'm cumming! Shogo, I'm gonna cum♥♥”

 Masaki poured his thick cum into Shogo's body, and at the same time, Shogo, who got a hard knock on his prostate, also ejaculated with a wild yelp. The teacher who is supposed to be a role model for his students spurts out a lot of semen again and again while humiliatingly bucking his hips.

 Shogo let out a cry of ecstasy, and Masaki sucked on his mouth. Then, they exchange saliva in each other's mouths as their tongues entwine. When they finally let go of each other's mouths, they looked at each other, breathing heavily.

“Hmm♥♥ Your cock was great, Masaki, and now……, can I be the first one to insert my cock in your ass?"

“Of course you can……, Shogo♥”

 They get up, still connected, and this time Masaki lies down on his back. Shogo covered over it as if he was straddling it.

“Oh……, Boss♥”

 Shogo was so lost in Masaki's body that he didn't care how he acted as a human being. With a frown on his face, he pulled Masaki's cock out of his own asshole with a slurp, and with a groggy look on his face, he inserted his cum-covered cock into Masaki's asshole and began to move his hips slowly.

“Oh♥ Yeah♥♥”

 And so began their male copulation once again.

“Oh, oh, oh……♥♥♥ Boss, I can be……, Masaki's first man, it's so great♥♥”

 Shogo's brain is on the verge of a state of frenzy and debauchery, a mixture of respect for his esteemed boss and immorality at the thought of raping his colleague Masaki. On the other hand, he also feels guilty that he is betraying his wife and children──.

“Please make it harder, Shogo♥♥”

 As if to break through his conflicted feelings, Masaki's hips thrust up from below, and Shogo let out a wild moan.

“Wow, I get it……♥♥”

 He barely managed to say so, but he no longer knew what was going on. His brain was flooded with memories of 【Shogo Sano】, and there was nowhere left of the slime that had lived as a single-celled organism until now.

 Shogo grabbed Masaki's ass and continued to rock his body up and down, shaking his hips with all his might.

(I never want to go back to being a slime without a cock and asshole. I love this body so much, because 【Shogo Sano】's body keeps producing hot sperm throbbing in my testicles)

“I don't want to go back to being a slime who can't feel good with his cock and ass!”

Shogo cries out as he continues to buck his hips even harder. The weight and momentum of his big hips quickly bring Masaki to the verge of climax.

“Huh♥ Me too, Shogo! So let's continue to…… cum together in human bodies!!”

 Unaware of whether this was an act or their true nature, the two men simply continued to desperately devour the pleasure. There was not the slightest trace of hostility toward humans now. They love the existence of human beings so much.

“Aaahhh……♥ I'm going to creampie Boss using a human cock♥♥ I love it, Masaki! I'm cumming, I'm gonna cuuum♥♥♥”

“Legro……, Shogo♥ Ooooohhh♥♥”

 Shogo ejaculates a massive load into his ass, and Masaki welcomes it by clamping his own ass down and shooting his semen all over it. The white cum that had not fully penetrated their joints leaked out and fell down each other's legs like a waterfall. The raw warmth of the cum continued to sweetly stimulate their new bodies while activating their brains.


“I never thought Masaki was a hero.”

“I was surprised, too, because with a single punch, he blew away a bunch of monsters. That's a pretty powerful hero. And Shogo, he's not even a hero, but he got into a fight with an orc and won.”

“Seriously? Oh, I wish I could be as strong as Shogo!”

 One day, a week after the monster attack, Ryu Sekimoto and Shuhei Hodaka, captains of the judo and rugby clubs, respectively, were summoned to the judo club room by their club advisors, Masaki and Shogo. Both men have the physical appearance of high school students. Both are over 6 feet tall, weigh over 100 kilograms, and have such stern faces that they would look like grown men if they were not wearing school uniforms.

 They could not help but be excited by the fact that they were approached by Masaki, an active hero. Shogo, a physical education teacher who had the physical strength to defeat orcs in spite of his human body, must have been given some of his heroic powers by Masaki. It was easy to guess that the reason they were gathered together this time must have something to do with it.

 The door to the clubroom opened with a clang, and Shogo, in his usual jersey, was followed by Masaki in his hero suit. This was no longer a call regarding club activities. Ryu and Shuhei gulped down their saliva, convinced of that.

“Thanks for waiting, guys.”

 Masaki opened his mouth to them both, their eyes shining. Then, as if to price their bodies, which were silently standing upright, he began to stare at every corner of their faces and bodies with a serious look, stroking and rubbing them gooey.

“Alright! Just as I thought, you guys are the right people for this project!”

 Masaki smiled.

“You two are going to be our friends!”

 Ryu and Shuhei's eyes widened at these words and they looked at each other.

“I've always wanted to be a hero! If it's okay with you, I'd love to be a hero!” Ryu agreed with a twinkle in his eye. Shuhei also shook his head.

 As if in response, Shogo also opens his mouth.

“Are you sure about this, both of you? You can't go back to the way you were, and you're going to become something completely different.”

“I'll do anything if you make me a member of Masaki's group!”

“Me, too! I'm sick of living like this!”

 As soon as Shogo muttered, 'I see……' a drop of water fell on their cheeks. Could it be a leak? But it is not raining today. The moment they looked up in wonder, a huge glob of mucus that had been clinging to the ceiling stuck to their faces in a sticky mess.


“What the……, mgggg!!"

 The two reflexively tried to wipe the mucus that clung to their faces with their hands, but without giving them the chance, the slime aimed for the back of their throats and burrowed into their mouths. The slime's unique fishy smell and bitterness spread through their mouths, as well as the agony of not being able to breathe. Both Ryu and Shuhei desperately tried to resist, but the slime invaded their mouths without mercy. Ryu stood still, moving his fingertips busily, while Shuhei continued to writhe in agony, holding his head in a crouching position.

“Swallow it!!” Masaki shouted, and it was already too late. The two swallowed the slime with a gulping sound.

““……Oh♥ Ah aaaah……♥♥””

 The two, who have bodies that are not high school students, collapse to the floor with their whole bodies convulsing. The dampness can be seen between their legs. And puddles of water had formed here and there on the floor, and the smell of ammonia rising from the puddles tickled the nostrils of Masaki and Shogo.


 It was only a short while before they were bleary eyed and shaking. With life in their eyes again, they knelt down in front of Masaki, looked up at him with an ecstatic expression, and murmured in flirtatious voices, ““Masaki-sensei……♥♥♥””

“……Okay! You're all our fine fellows now!!”

 They replied cheerfully, “Yes♥”

“I'm Ryu Sekimoto, 6 feet tall and weighs 103 kilograms. I have a circumcised cock and a girlfriend one year younger than me!”

“I'm Shuhei Hodaka, 189 centimeters tall and weighs 110 kilograms. I have a pseudo foreskin and am a virgin with no girlfriend!”

“Well, both of you have superb bodies. And our mission from now on is to coexist with humans. The beings with such attractive rods and holes are worthy of being our slime vessels. We will do our utmost to destroy the monsters that threaten humans!”

 The four looked at each other and nodded to each other. Thus, both Ryu and Shuhei handed over their strong bodies to another beings. Two beings that had been elite units of slime. Having shared their knowledge of the human body with Gamma and Legro in advance, it was no longer a problem for them to take over the bodies of high school students. The two high school students' cocks, both of whom had a voracious sexual appetite, were erect and throbbing, and their pre-cum were overflowing from the tips of their glans.

“Oh! Both of you are ready to get fucked right away!! Well then, We're going to have to give you guys a special lesson in masturbation and male sex today♥”

 Both Ryu and Shuhei's faces flushed even redder at Masaki's words, smiling happily and smiling wryly. The four of them formed a circle and hugged each other's shoulders, then rubbed their four hard, warped cocks together in the center of the circle.





That was really good. Hope to see more stories with slimes like this. Love your art, as well