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“Have a good day, Darling.”

“See you, Daddy!”

 Sosuke Shirasaki, who was sent off by his loving wife and daughter, arrived at a place in a thickly forested area. It was not far from the city, but once he stepped into the trees, he felt as if he was in a different world, cut off from the human world. Despite the ominous feeling of foreboding, Sosuke headed toward his destination without stopping. After walking along an increasingly darkened road, he came upon a huge facility covered with high stone walls in the shape of a circle.


 The only special prison in Japan built in H Prefecture, and it is Sosuke's new place of work. Thanks to the recognition of his diligent five years of service as a prison guard, the warden of the prison directly asked Sosuke for his advice and decided to transfer him to this new post. His salary more than doubled, and although he should have been overjoyed, his feelings were mixed.

“Ugh, I'm so nervous……”

 He chokes up as he leans back on the sofa in the warden's office. It is somewhat uncomfortable. It is natural to feel this way since it is a prison, but the atmosphere here is somehow different from that of his previous place of work, and it gives off a sense of eeriness. Unsure of the reason for that, he tried to calm himself down by drinking a cup of coffee that was placed in front of him. At that moment, a huge man entered the room with a big sound.

“Gahahahaha, you've come a long way, Mr. Shirasaki. I am lucky to have a prison guard of your caliber!”

 The warden, Tokichi Kurono, sat down on the sofa across from Sosuke with a hearty laugh. Sosuke rushed to his feet and saluted him.

“Thank you very much for treating an inexperienced person like me so well!”

“No, no, no, don't be so formal. I hear you've been working very hard, but too much work is not good. You must also learn to rest properly?”

 His stern face softly relaxed as he said this jokingly. To say the least, Sosuke is a big guy. He himself is proud of his physique, having been a member of the American football team since junior high school.

 However, even compared to Sosuke, Kurono's physique was out of the norm. His huge body, which is almost one size bigger than Sosuke's, would make anyone feel intimidated and want to bow down before him. A graduate of a difficult national university, and having won the top prize in Japan in judo during his university days, Kurono was selected for the post of warden of this special prison at an unusually early date. He no longer competes in matches, but if he were to do so again, he may well be crowned the best in Japan once again. His strong body radiates such an aura that everyone thinks so.

“It's so kind of you……”

 Kurono looked at Sosuke, who shrank back as if frightened, and smiled serenely, then cleared his throat with a cough.

“Now, there is a reason I asked you to come here today.”

 He suddenly turned serious as he said so. The atmosphere was so different from the one he had just experienced that Sosuke's nervousness increased dramatically. When he asked Sosuke to get up from his seat, Kurono was scrutinized and stroked all over Sosuke's body with his big hands. Sosuke made his eyes black and white as Kurono looked at him as if he was being evaluated.

“Sosuke. Have you ever been seriously ill or injured?”

“No, I have not.”

“In addition to being healthy, that fine body of yours. It's good, a person like you is very valuable.”

 Kurono gave a satisfied smile to Sosuke, who looked puzzled as to why he had been summoned.

“I want you to take on a special mission for us.”

 He then took out a body suit that looked like the color of human skin. At first glance, it looked like a full-body tights. Holding it in his hand, Kurono continued his story.

“This is a product developed by the scientific research institute of H Prefecture. This suit──, or rather, this skin is Shohei Aonuma, a special criminal imprisoned in this prison.

“Shohei Aonuma……?”

 Sosuke nodded his head. The name sounded familiar. After pondering for a moment, he suddenly realized the suspect and he looked up.

“Is that the criminal who committed that 'series of robberies' ?!”

“That's right.”

 Sosuke could not hide his surprise. He was referring to a series of robberies that had been reported frequently in the news recently. He knew that Aonuma had been arrested for the incident that occurred just a month ago, but he had no idea that Aonuma was being held in this prison…… And when Sosuke heard that this skin is Aonuma's, he had no idea what it meant.

“Look, Sosuke. This has not been announced to the public, but the police organization is now working on a project to correct the minds of evil criminals by transforming them into skins using special technology and putting the skins on people of good conduct. Wahaha, I know what you're thinking. What you want to know is why you were chosen to be part of such a bad taste project?”

 Sosuke nodded his head, breaking out in a cold sweat. The fact that he would have to wear a human skin is even creepy, especially if the skin belongs to a heinous criminal.

“Sosuke, listen to me.”

 Kurono stood up and stood beside Sosuke, stroking the surface of the skinsuit in his hand somewhat affectionately and whispering in his ear.

“They say there are two kinds of vicious criminals today. One is the criminal by nature, and the other is the innocent youths who were seduced or tricked into committing crimes by bad people. If we can find a way to rehabilitate them and guide them to the right path, we can dramatically reduce the number of incidents and the number of victims…… This poor Aonuma, who has turned into a skin, will surely be rehabilitated under the influence of a young, respectable, and righteous person like you. You, the brilliant one, would understand, wouldn't you?”

 Sosuke felt like fainting as he inhaled at close range the intoxicatingly heavy perfume emanating from Kurono, who was staring at him with a serious expression on his face. As if hypnotized, each of Kurono's words seeped into his brain. Then, half brainwashed, he nodded.

“Nuhaha, I'm glad you understand.”

 Smiling happily, Kurono slowly began to remove Sosuke's clothes. Sosuke did not resist, but simply watched in silence as his thick fingers removed his clothes. Then, in no time at all, he was clothed without a stitch of clothing.

“Oh, you have a wonderful body, I can't complain……♥ I feel like I'm going to drool♥♥ Hmm……, then, Sosuke, please try on this skin.”

 Sosuke took the eerie skin-colored skin handed to him by Kurono, and without hesitation pushed himself into the open crevice. He put his legs through it as if he were putting on tights, and then his arms as well. Aonuma was shorter and heavier than Sosuke, so he was able to wear Aonuma's skin, albeit somewhat drawn out.


 The feeling of being wrapped in human skin made Sosuke let out an involuntary sigh of lustful exhalation. After being snugly wrapped around his entire body like a pair of tights, the zipper on his back closed by itself to his neck without warning. Then, as if it had always been like that, it became one with his skin.

“Oh……, it's Shohei's body!”

 Sosuke's body under the skinsuit, which had been puffed out as if he had been wearing a small size dress, deflated so that it fit perfectly with the size of the skinsuit. Kurono's eyes lit up like a boy's when he saw this scene, and he exclaimed in admiration. Finally, when Sosuke put the headpiece on, the skinsuit automatically began to contract, wrapping around Sosuke's head and kneading his skull as it changed shape.


 Sosuke, his entire body wrapped in a skinsuit, twists his body while emitting a low voice. He felt as if the suit was taking over control of his brain. It kept changing, and each time it tightened with a creaking sound, pleasure ran through his entire body like an electric current.

 His height shrank, fat clung to his steel-like body, and Sosuke's body was enveloped in soft blubber. His muscles, which had been tight and firm, began to shrink, and his chest, abdomen, and buttocks were covered with plump flesh. His huge cock, now constricted by the skinsuit, had shrunk to the size of a child's phimosis.


 Sosuke writhed in agony under the power of the skinsuit, which stimulated all the erogenous zones in his body. Before he knew it, a large amount of sweat was floating on his skin, moistening the covered surface of the skin. After a few minutes──, Kurono opened his mouth again.

“How are you feeling, Aonuma?”

“Haah……♥ Good……, it feels so good♥♥♥”

 Sosuke answered breathlessly, and Kurono nodded in satisfaction before touching his skinsuit. He rubbed his crotch through his slacks while stroking Sosuke’s buttocks and chest area. His mousy caresses made Sosuke's body writhe.

“You are a prisoner working in this prison from today. You will work hard to serve Shohei Aonuma in that form in order to lead him to become a decent human being. Do you understand?”

“Yes, sir……♥”

 Sosuke, who had almost forgotten who he was due to the pleasure of the skinsuit, simply nodded obediently at Kurono's words. The thick tongue of Kurono slipped into Sosuke's mouth, which was now completely engulfed in pleasure and sloppily opened. The act of an attractive male's tongue violating the inside of his mouth was nothing short of a dream come true for Sosuke.

“HMM! Mmmmmm……♥♥♥”

 Sosuke's fat little body trembled as the pleasure spread from his mouth. Moreover, Kurono's big burly hands crawled all over his body through his skinsuit, stimulating his soft body with fat on top of muscle. 【Shohei Aonuma】 gradually became more and more aroused by this pleasure he felt for the first time in his life──.

 A short time after Sosuke, dressed in 【Shohei Aonuma】's skin, left the warden's office. The door leading to the next room opened and a man appeared. He had a shaved head, thin eyebrows, sharp eyes, and a plump body with a scar on his cheek──, Shohei Aonuma himself. He entered the warden's office and sat down on the leather sofa in an imposing manner.

“Good job. Your acting ability is as impressive as ever, Warden Kurono.”

 Kurono, who had leaned with a thud against the sofa opposite the grinning Aonuma, smiled his stern face in a coaxing voice.

“Hey, it's hard to act as the warden!? You said you like 【this old guy】's body, so I have no choice but to keep this form, but this face is scary, this body smells of strong perfume and sweat, and too macho to move lightly!”

 Kurono put his nose to his armpit through his suit and frowned. The dignified 【Warden】 of a few minutes ago was no longer in the picture.

“Please fix your mood. You're such a great guy right now, you're making my cock tingle.”

 Aonuma smiled a sly smile, stood up, and kissed Kurono on the lip. His tongue was far more passionate than the one Kurono had used on Sosuke earlier, and he licked Kurono's thick lips and then fucked him in the oral cavity. After a few dozen seconds of thickly entwining their tongues in this way, their lips finally parted with a string of saliva between them.

“I'm fed up with your kisses, they're always so sticky. See, from today on, this is your new body.”

 Kurono, his tanned face flushed, took a skinsuit out of his desk drawer and held it out to Aonuma.

“Oh! This is my……!!”

 Aonuma took it with a twinkle in his eye, took a deep breath, and began to smell the skin. Then, fully satisfied with the smell, he quickly removed the prison uniform he was wearing and slid his body through a crack in the back of the skinsuit.

 The moment he passed his arms and legs through the skinsuit and covered his head with the skin, the tear in the back closed at once, and Aonuma's body inside swelled up to match the skin. And within a minute, there was the figure of 【Sosuke Shirasaki】, who had been in front of Kurono's eyes earlier. He has a fearless, righteous look, a toned body without a single flab, and a huge, circumcised cock that had impregnated his wife. That became the body he was to use from now on.

 The skinsuit is a perfect copy not only of the human 【Sosuke Shirasaki】's appearance, but also of his memories. Not only that, but it is extremely elaborate, reflecting his preferences and the gestures he would make at a moment's notice. And the skinsuit that Sosuke wore was likewise a complete copy of 【Shohei Aonuma】.

“Wow! This is amazing…… What a great fit♥ It's as if it's been my own from the beginning! It's great……, Boss!!”

 Aonuma experienced the perversion of being transformed into a completely different person, and felt a sense of euphoria welling up from the bottom of his heart. At the same time, his sexual desire increased. It is as if 【Sosuke Shirasaki】's testicles, which are accumulating a large amount of sperm, are screaming for him to release their contents.

 Naked and touching every inch of his new body, 【Sosuke Shirasaki】 embraced Kurono's huge body with vigor. As if doing so to his lover, 【Sosuke】 reached for Kurono's crotch, kissing him repeatedly──, and after a few minutes, the charming sounds of 【Sosuke Shirasaki】 and 【Tokichi Kurono】 began to leak out from inside the room.

 It has been a week since I put on 【Shohei Aonuma】's skin. When I was summoned by Warden Kurono, I went to his room, excited to finally be able to take off this skinsuit.

 I was supposed to wear his skin in order to rehabilitate a heinous criminal named 【Shohei Aonuma】, but instead of having my influence on him, I became more crazy from the moment I put on the skinsuit. I became easily offended by trivial things and could not control my anger. I would lash out at those around me, even at people I had nothing to do with, without question.

 And whereas before I had only had sexual desires for women, now when I saw the strong men in the prison, I couldn't stand the sight of them, so I would jerk off to release the sexual desires.

 Finally, I had sex with men in prison. Whenever I saw strong-looking men, I would force myself to have physical intercourse with them, regardless of whether they were heinous criminals or not. Even the strongest of men were helplessly dominated by pleasure when they had sex with me, and if I fucked them in the ass with a hard shake of my hips, they would shoot cum out of their cocks within a few minutes, screaming. They made me feel irresistible.

 But I sometimes came to my senses and wished I could take off this skinsuit as soon as possible. As my existence overlaps with that of 【Shohei Aonuma】, I fear that my memories are becoming fuzzy. I even felt that at this rate, everything about me would be completely replaced by 【Shohei Aonuma】.

 But today, that inexpressible fear will be wiped off──.

 While I was sitting on the sofa in the warden's office waiting for Warden Kurono, the door to the next room opened and a man entered. And as I was getting ready to leave my seat and salute him, he appeared in front of me──, it was 【me】.

“Hmmm, from head to toe, it's 【me】. Both this body and this face……”

 【Sosuke Shirasaki】 put his nose close to my neck and sniffed it, then started stroking my face and buttocks.

“Swoo……♥ Oh……, I feel great♥♥ When I smell you, I realize I'm not 【me】 anymore♥♥”

 Warden Kurono appeared from behind and embraced 【me】, who raised a voice as if overcome with joy.

“Oh, Boss……♥ The inmate are looking at us, you know? You shouldn't show him how much we love each other in a place like this♥”

 Boss shook his hips while pressing his own cock against 【my】 crotch through his slacks. In response, I put 【my】 arms around the neck of Boss in front of 【me】 and began kissing him, and soon 【our】 tongues began to entwine with each other.

(Stop it! That body is mine!! I have a wife and a child! Don't have sex with a man with my body!!)

 I wanted to shout that, but when I saw 【me】 intertwining with Boss in front of me, I couldn't come up with any words.

 I was at a loss for words, and I felt like I was going crazy! Who the hell is 【I】 over there? In front of me, handcuffed and bewildered, the two of them kissed even more intensely──.

“Oh……♥ I can't take it anymore! Suck my cock, Sosuke♥♥”

 Boss, snorting, slid down his slacks and underwear at once, and his black, extra-thick cock vigorously popped out in front of 【my】 nose.

(No!! Stop it! Please, stop it!!!)

 Even though I desperately wished so, 【my】 eyes were glued to Boss's cock as if 【I】 was fascinated by it. As the smell of the sweltering men invaded my nostrils from a distance, my lower body became hot from the smell alone, and a large amount of pre-cum began to spill from the tip of my cock. The desire to take the very thick cock in front of me in my mouth and serve it with a careful blowjob overflows, and I can no longer control my feelings──.

“Boss……, I can't take it anymore!”

【I】 brought Boss's cock to my mouth and extended my vermilion tongue and began licking his glans. Boss smiles with satisfaction as he watches 【my】 tongue get wet with his pre-cum.

“Ohhhhhh……♥ Good, Sosuke♥♥ Keep it up and make me feel even better……”

 With that said, he put his hand on 【my】 head and slowly moved it back and forth, and soon a hot cock entered 【my】 mouth. Taking care not to set my teeth on it, 【I】 started vacuum sucking it. Boss, who had an ecstatic expression on his face, was receiving 【my】 sucking for a while, but then he grabbed 【my】 head with both hands and began to move his hips violently.

“Huhhh♥♥♥ I'm going to cum……, drink all of my thick cum, Sosuke!!!”

 The moment he thrust his cock deep into my throat with those words, I felt 【my】 larynx rise and fall as fast as it could. Like a baby being nursed by its mother, 【I】 was happily swallowing the man's cum. Tears were pooling in the corners of 【my】 eyes, and in spite of not touching, semen was overflowing from the tip of 【my】 cock which had been erected to the point of warping.

“Nmmm……, phew♥♥”

 【I】 squeeze every last drop of sperm out of the Boss's urethra and slowly pull his cock out of 【my】 mouth. Then, opening 【my】 mouth to prove that nothing was left inside, 【I】 smiled at him as if 【I】 was flattering him.

“Hahhh……., that was delicious, Boss♥♥ Then next time, let me taste it in this, my lower mouth♥”

 Leaning back on the sofa, not even controlling 【my】 breathing, 【I】 spread 【my】 legs and showed 【my】 asshole to Boss. I guess 【I】 had already prepared it before coming to this room. A sticky, clear liquid was dripping from it, and the twitching of 【my】 anus showed that 【I】 was already ready to go.

“Geez……, you really like my cock……♥”

 With a big smile on his face, Boss smeared lube on his own cock and slowly inserted it into 【my】 asshole. One hand starts squeezing 【my】 cock while the other hand is roughly playing with his own asshole. 【I】 was moaning high pitched screams with 【my】 face turned up, as if 【I】 was feeling good.

(Ohhhh……, I can't believe that big cock is being inserted into 【my】 ass! Nooooooooooo!!!)

 Even from a distance, the friction sound of the cock going in and out of the anus can be heard vividly. The sound of the sofa creaking so much that I thought it might break because of the two heavyweight men going wild. Along with such sounds, 【my】 wild panting and Boss's rough snorting can be heard mixed together.

“Aaaahhh♥♥ This is amazing……, this tightness……♥ It feels too good! How do you like the taste of my cock in your lower mouth, Sosuke?!”

 Boss asked as he was moving his hips back and forth, and 【I】 smiled shyly at such a question.

“Oh……♥♥ It's amazing!! Your cock is so thick and hard……♥♥ Every time you insert your cock deep inside my ass, my── 【Sosuke Shirasaki】's ass changes into the shape of Boss's cock……♥♥♥ Before I had this body, I never let men's cock fuck my ass, but now all I can think about is having you fuck me with your cock……♥♥”

 Eyes moistening, 【I】 hugged Boss's neck with 【my】 strong arms. Then, 【I】 put 【my】 legs around his waist and clung to him, shaking 【my】 own hips to swallow his cock more deeply. As if in response, Boss slammed his hips down even harder, and his expression changed to one of ecstasy as he fell completely into pleasure.

“I'm the same way, Sosuke!! Before I had this body, I would have loved nothing more than to have my ass fucked by a cock. Every time I got my ass fucked by men's cocks, it felt so good that it drove me crazy…… But now this 【Tokichi Kurono】 body of mine can't be satisfied without a cock in your asshole!!”

 Boss put his own lips on 【my】 lips with a debauched expression on his face, and their tongues became violently entwined. Perhaps further stimulated by such a deep kiss, 【I】 was making a stain on the sofa with a large amount of pre-cum flying from 【my】 cock. The upper mouth was violated by Boss's tongue, and the lower mouth was fucked by a very thick cock. Finally reaching the limit of 【my】 endurance, 【I】 spewed sticky semen between 【our】 bellies, 【my】 whole body convulsing at the same time 【I】 was creampied by Boss.

 【I】 am happily swallowing a man's semen in 【my】 ass. Just thinking about it, I was jealous of 【me】 and had a boner. I want to taste cum like that and suck a man's cock with this tongue……

 But at the same time, I felt angry at the man who showed a shameful behavior in the form of 【me】. Whether or not he knew my feelings, Boss brought his erect cock to my mouth.

 These guys are crazy. Sexual intercourse between men, and even creampied a man's asshole──.

 I'm going crazy with anger. But the smell of Boss's steaming cock tickles my nose. His glans, sticky with semen, forcefully pries open my teeth and enters my oral cavity. Instantly, my thoughts are dominated by the desire to suck the cock, and I swallow it deep into my throat to the root. His cock was much longer and thicker than 【my】 own, and the ugly male smell emanating from it assaulted my nostrils. I was so engrossed in the cock in front of me that I was sucking on it and moving my head madly.

“Great use of the tongue! It feels so good, Aonuma♥♥”

(No, I don't want to suck it! But the taste of cum is so good, I can't stop my tongue and mouth!!)


 I can feel the salty and bitter taste spreading in my mouth. I was moving my head back and forth with all my might, reveling in the first sensation of sucking a man's cock in my mouth, and soon the cock in my mouth began to twitch and twitch. The next thing I knew, I was being sprayed with hot liquid down the back of my throat, and I swallowed the thick cum of the middle-aged man while choking on it with surprise.

“Haa……♥ Warden's cum tastes so good♥♥”

 My dear, dear Warden. I love him in every way, from his stern face to his muscular body. I want him to fuck up everything about me.

 My asshole has been tingling from a while ago. Until the other day, I had no choice but to fuck my wife's pussy with 【my】 cock. But now I want to have my asshole poked by Warden's very thick cock and moan.

“Now, here's your reward……♥”

 Warden looked at my crotch, which was already erect from sucking his cock, and put a capsule pill in my mouth with a satisfied smile on his face. Immediately my whole body became hot and I writhed in agony. My nipples became erect and my cock began to drip with pre-cum.

“Sir! What is this……?”

“It's a drug that fuses the skinsuit you're wearing with your body. The next time you cum, you will live forever as 【Shohei Aonuma】.”


 Just hearing his wild and enraptured voice makes me almost ejaculate. I will live as 【Shohei Aonuma】……? I didn't know what was going on, but Warden's words fell into my heart.

──Yes……, I will become 【Shohei Aonuma】.

 Instead of the fading memories of 【Sosuke Shirasaki】, the memories of 【Shohei Aonuma】 kept coming up. No! 【I】 have a wife and children! I don't want to live as such a criminal!!

“No!! Help me!!!”

 In spite of my cries, Warden Kurono took hold of my hardened penis and began rubbing it up and down. My body, made sensitive by the drug, was about to climax just from the stimulation. But I will definitely hold back. I will not let a criminal take away 【my】 life and 【my】 beloved family!!

 Seeing my desperate resistance, Warden smirked, threw one more pill into my mouth, and then mercilessly inserted his cock, which was now erecting to the limit, into my asshole in one fell swoop──.


 Warden's thick cock fucks my ass with making obscene sounds. My ass is now greedily sucking the unbelievably big cock and won't let go. The intestinal wall moves as if tasting the cock, and the pleasure penetrates to my brain in time with thrusting.

“Phew…… Hey, you! How does my big cock taste, Aonuma?”

 I bit my lip and held on desperately to Warden's question. I clenched my teeth, put all my strength into my lower abdomen, and refused the pleasure with all my might. I'm going to return to my original body, no matter what it takes……!!

“Nmmmmm♥♥♥ Hahhh……, no!! I'm never going to cum……!! Mbbbbb?!!”

 I made up my mind to do so, and a familiar object entered my mouth. A cock I had seen every day. When 【Sosuke Shirasaki】's cock was forced into my mouth, Warden began to move his hips back and forth even more violently.

“Ohhhhh♥ Oh♥ Ohh♥♥ Ohhhhh♥♥♥”

 The smell of the steaming male penetrated my nose and seemed to fuck me to the back of my mind…… It feels so good!! The moment I took 【Sosuke Shirasaki】's cock in my mouth, something popped inside me like a puzzle piece fitting together. My asshole, tongue, and entire body are being consumed by the pleasure that is assaulting me, and I have no way of doing anything about it……

(Nmm♥ It feels so good to suck a man's cock♥♥ I want to suck it more!! I want to cum while being fucked in the ass!!!)

 The desire to live as 【Shohei Aonuma】 takes over my consciousness. My brain is soaked in pleasure, it seems to be boiling and melting.

 I look up at my former self, saliva dripping from the corners of my mouth. The face that my friends had told me so many times that I was manly, was now the most debauched I had ever seen. I felt as if the threads of reason that I had been resisting in a corner of my mind were snapped off as I was repeatedly fucked in the mouth with a thick, rigid cock by a male with such a glamorous face.


 I kept moaning and groaning, drooling at the sensation of my anus being pushed to its limits. Every time Warden's hips slammed into my ass, my buttocks and thighs made a dry sound, and my soggy, wet intestinal walls tightened around his erect cock. It feels so good to be fucked while licking a man's cock all over……!!

(No! I'm cumming♥ I'm gonna cum♥♥)

“Oh, oh, oh……! I'm gonna cum~~~~~♥♥”

 I ejaculated profusely while my ass was being dug hard. I convulsed and spasmed so hard that I made a big pool of semen on the floor. Warden must have reached his limit with the tightness of the intestinal wall as if I was squeezing everything out of him, and he folded his huge body and started pouring a lot of cum inside me──.

“Nmm……♥♥ Nice cumming, Aonuma♥♥”

 I was almost drowning in cum as it ejaculated into both my mouth and asshole. I breathed in air through my nose desperately as I was crushed by the strong body of Warden Kurono. I couldn't help but feel the stench of his sweltering male body seeping into my entire body……

“Nm♥♥ Hmm♥♥♥”

(It's so good, hot cum is going inside me♥♥♥)

 My asshole is burning hot. I was completely captivated by the pleasure that penetrated my brain. Once I got to know this taste, there was no going back. Despite this certainty, my body was shaking its hips in an irresistible way, begging for more and more cock.

 My face is covered in sticky semen that contains plenty of the seed of the former 【me】──, 【Sosuke Shirasaki】, and the smell makes my head spin. The pervert who tasted the cum that had been own until just a few days ago, and the pervert who took pleasure in being fucked while having the ass penetrated by a thick cock. That's who I am now…… The man who took 【my】 body is also having an orgasm right in front of my eyes and nose, and has a look of intoxication on his face.


 When Warden's flaccid penis was pulled out of my ass, I let out a sad, regretful moan. My asshole, which had accepted a very thick cock, twitched and twitched while dripping a disgusting liquid. It's not enough. Next, I want you to fuck me with 【my】 cock……! I took my cum-soaked former 【my】 cock in my mouth and served it to him, making my nipples painfully erect, even though I had not touched them.


 The adhesive part of Sosuke's back, which had been faintly visible like an old wound, made a sound and vanished without a trace. On the table in the warden's office, he was able to taste the sensation of his own body fusing with the skin of 【Shohei Aonuma】. His own body was being reborn in someone else's skin. In proportion to his deepening despair, an irresistible pleasure ran up and down his spine. The male odor emanating from his own body that pierced his nose with every breath excited him, causing him to feel a terrible sense of disgust and at the same time an unusual euphoria.

 The sweat pouring from his skin, the sperm produced in his testicles, and everything else are all replaced by 【Shohei Aonuma】's. At some point, he began to erect his flaccid cock in the face of this unusual situation. Transforming into someone he is not──, by that distorted pleasure.

(No……, I am not …… 【Shohei Aonuma】……?)

 The little reason that remained in him tried desperately to resist, but in vain, his spirit was consumed by the body of a man named 【Shohei Aonuma】.

 The burning sensation was not subsiding, and if he tried to move his body even a little, he would feel a hair-raising sensation all over, but he wanted more stimulation, so he thrust his huge ass toward the lower half of the prison guard, 【Sosuke Shirasaki】. His asshole, which had just discovered pleasure, was aching to suck his former cock into its mouth. 【Sosuke Shirasaki】 smiled at the sight of that rutting sight, and his hips slammed hard against the plump ass, breathing hard like a beast.


(This cock is so good♥ It feels so good to have my ass fucked♥♥)

 His memory is muddled. In his mind, his life and another person's life flashback, and they get mixed up and muddled up. It's hard to tell which one is the real his life anymore──.

“More, please♥♥ Dig my asshole♥♥”

 With his tongue hanging out sloppily and tears streaming down his cheeks, he was lost in his own former cock. His legs spread wide apart, his buttocks trembling, he was begging for the lewd torture, and there was not the slightest hint that he had been a former prison guard. He has loved only his wife and cherished his family more than anyone else. But now he has changed into a man who is unusually aroused by the immoral act of being humiliated by a cock of the man──, who has taken over his own body.

 The stimulation of his prostate through the intestinal wall made his cock, which was now his own, twitch. His body, awakened by the pleasure of being a female, shuddered with pleasure, and the prostate orgasm caused him to repeatedly spurt clear fluid. His asshole, which was beginning to unravel, continued to contract and contract pleadingly, as if he was enjoying being fucked by the thickest cock. He kept cumming with each hard thrust.

“Your pussy is the best, Aonuma!! I got your blood, your body, the sweat pouring from your skin, and the hot sperm in your balls──, 【Sosuke Shirasaki】!!”

 【Sosuke Shirasaki】 inserted his extra-thick cock into the deepest part of 【Shohei Aonuma】's asshole and spewed out thick semen from the glans. The sensation of magma-like hot seed hitting the walls of his intestines and filling his stomach. At the same time, 【Shohei Aonuma】 also ejaculated due to the unbearable pleasure. The vigorous cum dropped in an arc onto the table, filling the room with a muffled male smell. His mind could only think of cocks, and his body was still burning hot.

 In his hazy consciousness, when 【Sosuke Shirasaki】 told him that his wife was pregnant, he no longer felt any emotion. What he needs from now on is neither a wife nor a child, but men's cocks──.

“Wahaha, nmm♥ This body is the best……♥♥♥ Big body, thick dick, and the smell of manly sweat……♥♥ I'll use you for sex in this prison for a long time to come, Aonuma. I'll be responsible for your wife and children, so you can serve your term here in peace♥♥”

 【Shohei Aonuma】 gasped with pleasure at the sensation of his ass digging by Sosuke's ever-hardening cock, rather than flaccid by the ejaculation. Sticky white cum dribbled down his thighs from the valley of his buttocks in a sloppy stream. His mouth was filled with the fully erected cock of Warden, and he shallowly devoured the smell and taste of it.

──I couldn't think of anything else.

 His body has been swapped with the heinous criminal, his family has been taken from him, his asshole has been raped, his entire life has been violated, he stopped thinking and continued to shake his hips in the direction of his desire. The man who has given up his life as 【Sosuke Shirasaki】, his tongue twisting around the raging cock deep in his throat, and his intestinal walls twisting around the cock fucked into his anus, made dirty sounds as he climaxed with a cry of pleasure.





Just saw the thumbnail picture and I quickly pressed like before I even read the story! SO HOT!

Super hot! Always love the identity change, what I look forward to most every month now is your update XDDD